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Soon better Mexican weed? >>> Mexico marijuana growers learn new tricks from U.S.


Tropical Outcast
Soon better Mexican weed? >>> Mexico marijuana growers learn new tricks from U.S.


Interesting article.

As usual one or the other mix-up such as "the army recently busted a marijuana lab with potted plants heated day and night by lamps" :wallbash:

.....and some REALLY STUPID STATEMENTS such as:

"Lanier questions the medical value of such strong marijuana and said legitimate crops can be diverted to the black market. "They say its used for pain management, but drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels would have the same effect," he said."

Anyway read the whole article HERE or below in case the story gets taken off the news site.

<cite class="vcard"> By Mica Rosenberg Mica Rosenberg </cite> – <abbr title="2010-12-14T17:48:42-0800" class="timedate">Tue Dec 14, 8:48 pm ET

AMATA, Mexico (Reuters) – Farmers growing marijuana in remote Mexican mountains are adopting techniques pioneered in the United States to produce more potent pot and boost profits from the cash crop that is fueling a deadly drug war.
In the fertile valleys of Sinaloa in northwestern Mexico, soldiers this year found 60 acres of covered greenhouses equipped with sophisticated irrigation and fertilization systems growing seemingly endless rows of marijuana.

In another part of Sinaloa, the cradle of Mexican drug trafficking, the army recently busted a marijuana lab with potted plants heated day and night by lamps, a change from traditional outdoor cultivation of the crop and a sign drug cartels are using more savvy production methods.
"This is new. They now have technology so the plant will grow faster; we think the techniques are coming from (the United States)," said a soldier commanding a battalion ripping up 5-foot (1.5-meter)-high marijuana plants growing along a river bank near the dusty town of Amata, Sinaloa.

While estimates vary, law enforcement officials on both sides of the border say Mexican drug gangs earn the bulk of their cash from cheap-to-produce marijuana, using revenues to sustain wars against rivals and the government that have killed more than 33,000 people across Mexico in the past four years.

Even as hundreds of troops fan out across Sinaloa ripping up marijuana fields by hand, cartels are one step ahead of the government's efforts, helping to stifle President Felipe Calderon's army-led battle against the cartels.

"It's a cycle," said another soldier in Amata as he stood by 20,000 pungent marijuana plants doused with diesel and set on fire in a billowing cloud of white smoke. "We come and destroy the fields and move onto another area and they come back and start preparing the land to plant again."
The new greenhouses are harder for the army to detect with fly-overs since they resemble tomato plots common in Sinaloa.


If drug gangs in Mexico are successful enhancing the quality of their product, they can sell the improved marijuana for up to five times the normal price. The going rate for top quality U.S. pot is around $2,500 per pound, while Mexican types sell for under $500, U.S. law enforcement officials say.

New cultivation tactics may be a sign Mexico is being forced to compete with growers north of the border, especially in California where business is booming, spurred on in part by marijuana for medical use, now legal in 15 states and the District of Colombia.
"I've been in drug law enforcement since 1970 and I never in my wildest dreams thought I would say California is producing more marijuana than Mexico," said Bill Ruzzamenti, a police officer specializing in the marijuana in California's Central Valley. "But there are people willing to spend the money on what they perceive to be primo bud as opposed to the Mexican crud," he added.

Seizures of marijuana plants in California soared nearly 300 percent over the past four years. Output increased south of the border as well between 2006 and 2008, but not by so much.
Clandestine marijuana fields are cropping up with more frequency in the United States, often in national parks. U.S. law enforcement officials say many of the outdoor marijuana fields in the United States are tended by Mexican growers from the traditional pot growing state of Michoacan, home to the notorious La Familia drug cartel.

Ruzzamenti speculated that Mexican growers working in the United States are taking knowledge learned from experienced marijuana botanists cultivating strong new strains with names like "train wreck" and "California dream" back home to Mexico.

Indoor operations are increasing in the United States, in part because THC content, the drug's active ingredient, shoots up when marijuana is tended in greenhouses. THC in marijuana seized in the United States increased nearly 250 percent in the past two decades, according to the U.S. State Department.

Some U.S. varieties reach upwards of 30 percent THC, while Mexican pot averages between 3 and 4 percent, said Tommy Lanier, who directs the National Marijuana Initiative, funded by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Lanier questions the medical value of such strong marijuana and said legitimate crops can be diverted to the black market.

"They say its used for pain management, but drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels would have the same effect,"
he said.


Active member
It's about time they took a little pride in the end product. No but really, some of the best weed that I have ever smoked was grown just outside of Cancun. Something else to keep in mind is that they may have been doing this for years, but the police just didn't figure it out(Well holy shit, you can grow weed in a greenhouse made for tomatoes). It's almost like when they found a group growing auto plants down there(It's a new super weed, grows any time of the year) and they made a big deal out of that.


Active member
Here comes the BS thc numbers, like 30% thc. So the DEA wants to scare americans about the evil mj. We don't need their dirt weed anyway.:bandit:


the quote at the end is too funny. i cant believe they even printed that lol


Well-known member
Funny, the article blames the problems there on "cash crop that is fueling a deadly drug war".
Couldn't have anything to do with all the fucking corruption in there country, ....naaa has to be this new scourge, so potent and so new that the violence has exploded in the momentary laps between it's discovery and the Mexican governments sound and well thought out response.

Damn, I should write revisionist material for "Minitrue".....Just call me Winston.


Ridiculous- the % of THC has increased 250% in the past three decades??? Jesus, if that were true, smoking a joint nowadays would kill you. I think its just the opposite, which is why its necessary to keep some old school seedlines and 'elites' pure. (and another debate ensues)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
"While estimates vary, law enforcement officials on both sides of the border say Mexican drug gangs earn the bulk of their cash from cheap-to-produce marijuana, using revenues to sustain wars against rivals and the government that have killed more than 33,000 people across Mexico in the past four years."

Yeah, that's it.
They just ship Tar, Coke and Meth up here because they are good samaritans.


Active member
not all mexicans are poor dumb farmers. they were growing weed way before it was popular in the usa. not all mexicans grow shit weed either. the great weed never makes it out of mexico very often. some smart mexicans are adapting their strains and methods. the seeds i occasionally grow now from mexico are definately hybrids with shorter flowering times than the old strains


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
One particular night me and the wife were trimming till the wee hours of the morning and the next day I realized she had stepped on a large cola. Because of unusual circumstances we were trimming wet and this cola looked exactly like brick weed. Through it in a jar with leaves and all, cured for a week, smoked it- tasted so shitty I threw it away. This was the SSSDH btw and the trimmed nugs of that run were the best I've ever done with that strain. My point is smashing wet weed w/ leaves will make almost anything become dirt shwag.


Active member
"Tommy Lanier, who directs the National Marijuana Initiative, funded by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Lanier questions the medical value of such strong marijuana and said legitimate crops can be diverted to the black market.

"They say its used for pain management, but drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels would have the same effect," he said.

Obviously the Govt. pulled this genius out of a policy think tank for his vast knowledge of MJ pain management and therapeutic insight.

This should be alarming to those who are not quite convinced that the Govt. employees at the highest levels reflect the best and brightest of the available talent pool.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If anybody here has a handle on these 30% strains, hook a brotha up, please!



Active member
not all mexicans are poor dumb farmers. they were growing weed way before it was popular in the usa. not all mexicans grow shit weed either. the great weed never makes it out of mexico very often. some smart mexicans are adapting their strains and methods. the seeds i occasionally grow now from mexico are definately hybrids with shorter flowering times than the old strains
True, when we were in Acapulco we bought some beautiful unpressed, light green weed that was outstanding, like no mex I have ever seen in the states.

Funny though, the guy I got it from first brought me some complete shwag that I refused, it was only then that he broke out the good stuff.


Ridiculous- the % of THC has increased 250% in the past three decades??? Jesus, if that were true, smoking a joint nowadays would kill you. I think its just the opposite, which is why its necessary to keep some old school seedlines and 'elites' pure. (and another debate ensues)

36 years ago I lived in Imperial Beach Calif 5 miles from the Mexican border and the only Pot we had was Mexican $10.00 a Lid as we called it back then they weighed out at least an OZ. That Pot would F* you up.
Bricks or Kilos cost from $150.00 to $225.00 but they weighed out at 2.2 to 2.5 pounds.

There where rumors of Acapulco Gold And Colombian and Panama Red but I never saw anything like it till many years later.

I guess the point I'm trying to make except for the seeds and stems Mexican Weed was pretty damn good back then and I'm hopeful and glad there are working on bettering there export..

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