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Should I start over or continue?


New member
Hey guys, I was recently brought to this community by a fellow grower who has a lot of experience and has taught me some things in the short time I spoke with them and I plan to learn from them but they specialize in photos which is what brings me to ask here to get further opinions.

So, I have two autos growing in 5 gal smart pots outside in my balcony which has plenty of light but there are spots of shade I can move my plant to when/if I have to and if it is raining hard, it doesn't affect my plants due to the top of my balcony having a roof.

That being said, my plants have been stressed due to my dog (Darn German Shepherds! lol)

2 maybe 3 days after my seed popped out of my coco medium, he dug out the entire seedling with some coco medium and tossed it on the floor on top of the medium. Luckily he did this when I was nearby so I was able to put it back in with fresh coco medium (From Canna) and adjust the perlite ratio to make up for what was lost. He did something similar to my other plant but he didn't take it out, he just slightly shifted the medium and my plant went from being in the middle of the smart pot, to being near the edge. I quickly adjusted it as well.

Some background information: Germination began May 28. on May 31 they went into CoCo Medium, June 2nd they popped out of soil and a couple days later my dog disturbed them, they have not been disturbed since thankfully.

That being said, today marks 8 days from when they broke soil and I feel they are just extremely small for their age and I am at a point where I am not sure if I am wasting my time with these plants or if I should buy different seeds.

As for watering, I am using Seed to Stoned feeding schedule which is the Lucas Formula. I don't know if I am overwatering or not but I am just keeping my coco medium wet/moist for the most part and the most runoff I get when I feed is 10-20% no more.

Currently I am growing AKxCritical Mass and Cheese which I ordered from True North Seed Bank, genetics are from Canuk.

My next plants will be 3 Pineapple Express autos from Barneys Farm since I read great reviews for it so once these plants are finished, the next set of seeds will be those.

I will attach some photos of both plants that I took earlier today. The one that was uprooted and thrown to the floor is actually growing the best of the two, double the size of leaves actually.


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New member
Forgot to ask, am I okay growing these still or are they way too small for their age and I am better off starting over and trying out new genetics on top of that which interest me.


In my empire of dirt
if its been a few days since you repotted the seedling the plants should recover from the shock of being uprooted and grow out just fine
at this point i would not be feeding the babies anything but plain water for now


Active member
They look fine to me. I wouldn't worry about their size. Stick with them and see what happens. Good Luck! :tiphat:


New member
if its been a few days since you repotted the seedling the plants should recover from the shock of being uprooted and grow out just fine
at this point i would not be feeding the babies anything but plain water for now

Yes it has been more than a few days since repotting them and they have grown since, they are just growing super slow but growing nontheless.

Okay so no nutes at all? the last feeding I gave them nutes according to week 1 of feeding from Lucas Formula which was Calmag, micro, gro and bloom.

I will continue to just feed PH bal water then, how long until you recommend starting to add nutes then?


In my empire of dirt
if they have grown since the accident they should be just fine; the roots are reestablishing themselves and doing their thing which is great
yeah, for now i would just keep feed them plain water
what else is in your mix?you mentions coco, but it looks like there is perlite in there as well
it should be good till they at least start showing their first true leafs


New member
if they have grown since the accident they should be just fine; the roots are reestablishing themselves and doing their thing which is great
yeah, for now i would just keep feed them plain water
what else is in your mix?you mentions coco, but it looks like there is perlite in there as well
it should be good till they at least start showing their first true leafs

Oh! I was under the impression they both have formed true leaves already since each seedling has 6 leaves on it each :O

Yep, they have grown, the leaves have double in sized since the accident pretty much.

Yes, I am using Canna CoCo and I put in 40% perlite so its a 60/40 mix.

I forgot to ask! How much water should I be giving each seedling at this stage?


In my empire of dirt
when you push on the medium it should be a little wet,kind of like soft and damp, but dont over water
i dont really count the cotyledon leaf but we are looking for the first real like leafs, like three and five fingered leafs grown out a bit


New member
when you push on the medium it should be a little wet,kind of like soft and damp, but dont over water
i dont really count the cotyledon leaf but we are looking for the first real like leafs, like three and five fingered leafs grown out a bit

Oh okay! sounds like anywhere from 200-500ml should get the job done per plant then.

ahhh okay I get what you are saying now, I fed nutes yesterday, is it fine to go back to just water until it grows a bit more? I just dont wanna damage it or stress it more than it has been.


In my empire of dirt
yeah, like .5l a day at most; if you can maybe add half early and then the rest later in the day
just put the water at the base of the plants for now but as she grows start soaking the rst of the container
i would hold off on the nutes for now until she is ready to handle them


New member
yeah, like .5l a day at most; if you can maybe add half early and then the rest later in the day
just put the water at the base of the plants for now but as she grows start soaking the rst of the container
i would hold off on the nutes for now until she is ready to handle them

okay thanks for the detailed advice, super easy to understand and I greatly appreciate it.

As of tomorrow, I will feed them since they will be due by afternoon for a watering. I will just use PH bal water only, soak the roots up enough and I'll let it get bigger.

Perhaps I will PM you if you dont mind when they get bigger and ask your further opinion on how I should go with it.

My grow is in your hands! haha.

I was following this schedule:

Week 1: No nutes, just PH balanced water. >> Recipe per gal <<
Week 2-4 (veg stage): CAL-MAG 2ML, MICRO 2.5ML, GRO 2.5ML, BLOOM 1ML.
Week 5-6 (early flowering): CAL-MAG 2ML, MICRO 2ML, GRO 1ML, BLOOM 2ML
Week 7-8 (Mid-flowering stage): CAL-MAG 2ML, MICRO 2ML, GRO 0.5ML, BLOOM 2ML
Week 9-10 (Late flower): CAL-MAG 0ML, MICRO 2ML, GRO 0ML, BLOOM 4ML.

I was pretty much copying a YouTuber who has great product and he layed out his feed schedule he follows for all his auto grows. My only concern now is if I stop feeding nutes and go back to water, I feel that I have no structure in my feeding schedule because now I don't know what to do and what nutes to add when and for how long since I don't have a schedule to follow nor the knowledge to make a new one up to adjust to my plant.

It's my first ever grow, feeding is the most confusing for me by far lol.


New member
forgot to ask 1 last question (doh!)

If I am growing in CoCo/perlite medium which I am, and I just feed water as you suggested, what is the science behind it growing since coco has no nutrition for plants to feed off of?


Active member
forgot to ask 1 last question (doh!)

If I am growing in CoCo/perlite medium which I am, and I just feed water as you suggested, what is the science behind it growing since coco has no nutrition for plants to feed off of?

Initially the seedling has everything it needs from their endosperm which is contained in the seed. So you don't need to feed them initially. By growing in coco once they have matured you'll have greater control over the nutrients your plants consume. :tiphat:


In my empire of dirt
Initially the seedling has everything it needs from their endosperm which is contained in the seed. So you don't need to feed them initially. By growing in coco once they have matured you'll have greater control over the nutrients your plants consume. :tiphat:

pretty much this
the coco is a good draining medium and hold nutrients pretty well, but its up to you to adjust the feedings to the plant


New member
pretty much this
the coco is a good draining medium and hold nutrients pretty well, but its up to you to adjust the feedings to the plant

Just fed about 280-300ml of PH bal water with no nutes in it to each plant today, over night 1 of my plants grew a decent amount. The stem got longer and the second set of leaves are getting bigger slowly but surely.

A part of me wants to start adding nutes but you said to just feed PH bal water until the first 3 finger leaves starting showing so im just waiting on the plant to grow a bit more.

So far just keeping the feedings light, only had to feed once today and tomorrow it should be due for another in the afternoon.

Guess all I can do is wait now :)

Thanks so much for the help guys, I honestly feel like you guys are part of any success im having. I will have tons of questions along the way and I can get super annoying but I have good intentions and I just want my plants to have opportunity to live up to its potential is all.


In my empire of dirt
right on man!
sounds like your girl is doing great and once the roots get more established you will start to see some explosive growth
yeah just stick to plain water for now
i cant touch the soil so you will have to be our eyes and hands here; if you feel like the soil is moist enough you dont have to give her all the water at once
/over watering is a very common problem
you are totally on the right track with your wait and let the plant do her thing approach
/sometimes inactvity is the best course of action
hey brother, we are here to talk about growing and learn form each other so dont feel like any of your questions are annoying
keep up the good work msi'


New member
right on man!
sounds like your girl is doing great and once the roots get more established you will start to see some explosive growth
yeah just stick to plain water for now
i cant touch the soil so you will have to be our eyes and hands here; if you feel like the soil is moist enough you dont have to give her all the water at once
/over watering is a very common problem
you are totally on the right track with your wait and let the plant do her thing approach
/sometimes inactvity is the best course of action
hey brother, we are here to talk about growing and learn form each other so dont feel like any of your questions are annoying
keep up the good work msi'

Thanks so much for making me feel welcome here, I was referred here by a fellow grower I met on a different community and I am grateful.

That being said, here is a picture I took a few hours ago of my two autos. Looking good so far?


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  • CheeseToday.jpg
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In my empire of dirt
nice healthy plants
you are in the right place friend, icmag is the big leagues and we can all learn a lot from the people here


New member
nice healthy plants
you are in the right place friend, icmag is the big leagues and we can all learn a lot from the people here

Awesome!!! I'm so glad to hear and have your input. Do me a favor and don't forget about this thread haha I will be updating it with questions and pics as my plants progress and I could sure use someone with proper knowledge who can guide me to giving my plants an opportunity to live to their quality/yield potential.

A part of me wants to just give these babies some nutes but I learned that less is more and in time I will be able to make their nute mixes which I do enjoy hehe.


In my empire of dirt
right on man!
i know its fun to mess with ph and ec/ppm levels but for now the plant just needs to grow a little more