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Raw Cannabis...


Registered Med User
I heard a lot of good things about eating cannabis raw. Anyone have experience with this? has it been benneficial?


Active member

im also very interested in this field. The thing is that cannabis is not psychoactive until we alter it with heat. There is a doc from California, google his name "William Courney", there is videos on youtube about juicing raw cannabis. Check it out, its defenetly worth to give it a try.





senior member
I heard a lot of good things about eating cannabis raw. Anyone have experience with this? has it been benneficial?

There has been a lot of chatter lately about juicing young plants. You might want to google juicing marijuana or enter that in utube. There's is tons on it. I have no direct experience myself, but I'll keep an open mind. I doubt there is much get high effect, but there may be a medical benefit.......scrappy

Amber Trich

Active member
I doubt there is much get high effect, but there may be a medical benefit.......scrappy

^yeah, that...

from what ive read juicing keeps the cannabinoids in their acid form so you get the extreme anti-inflammatory benefits without the head (unless your juicer creates enough heat to decarb)


I use a juicer to juice surplus leaf. You need allot! I mix it with wheatgrass juice

Eating the leaves in a salad is also good and looks cool

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yes I do this all the time.. I have done this in many different ways .. i.e. making juices such as smothies ,just eating it from the plant right away .It has a very preppery taste. Or just making a kinda of cake lol.. Then I pour this into oils ,chocolates and anything else I can think of. Eating /drinking fresh cannabis is very different then carbox cannabis. It has a different effect and obviously I'm going to assume this was how they first got high on the bud way back when.
Cannabis does not do well in the stomach so let this be my warning.. I personally do not seem to have a problem but I have heard others do have a problem with this.
Next time you see a beautiful trichome filled bud eat it lol . Chew out all the juice from it then spit out the plant material ..headband 707


Active member
It takes some getting used to and I recommend building up slowly to avoid any mild negatives such as upset stomach or irritation of the throat. After all, your animal self has been deprived of this staple food for it's entire life if not multiple generations. Start with a few leaves or a fresh bud here and there. The taste varies on strain. I found it easier to palate the blueberry strain than some of the others.

I have not done the juicing thing yet. From what I have read and watched juicing in general seems to have alot of benefits and by adding the fresh cannibinoids to the mix a person is kicking it to the next level.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=245080 check out vid number 2 if you have not seen it it applies to your question.


Active member
any thoughts on the trichomes irritating your throat/stomach?
I don't know if it is the trichomes so much as the acids within the fresh plant matter. Some are more "bitter" than others. Usually for myself it is fresh picked fan leaves I'm nibbling on anymore. I found that new growth leaves and shoots are more appealing to my body. Based mainly off of taste and the fact that alot of pests in the outdoors seem to go for these first as well.


No one's experienced the same? Granted I don't try to make salads with it or anything but I do eat a nug per crop, and a nice juicy Ice Cream nug I ate gave me gas that no one complained about. "Who's got the weed?" :D:laughing:


Active member
Gunna grab a cannatonic clone and veg it out organically and give it a try...I need to go back and watch the videos...seems legit tho


New member
There has been a lot of chatter lately about juicing young plants. You might want to google juicing marijuana or enter that in utube. There's is tons on it. I have no direct experience myself, but I'll keep an open mind. I doubt there is much get high effect, but there may be a medical benefit.......scrappy
You want to juice the leaves and flowers which are in flowering period not during veg or when they r young.


I have discovered "RAW Cannabis" Leaves. Not so bad taste, and kind of spicy. I was about to get rid of a couple male plants, then I noticed how healthy the leaves looked. Read up on RAW Cannabis, and now I'm eating leaves from male plants. I just chopped off all the pollen sacks and put them back in veg. My Plan is to keep a few males just for the leaves!!.

The leaves have a "PEACH" kind of texture when eaten raw. Mixed greens will definitely mask the taste. I also put a few cannabis leaves in my water.....sort of like when you see cucumbers in water.....

I believe I will have to go a few weeks before I'm saturated. Since I've been eating the leaves, my "MEETINGS" in the bathroom have been extremely productive....if you know what I mean... Whenever I eat the leaves, I feel like my body just got a little charge.

-- Hopefully more people will report back their RAW Cannabis experience...

I love to just take about 8 leaves and roll them in a bunch and just chow down on the bunch.....yum yum...........or maybe I'm just HIGH!!!


ICMag Donor
I blend in fresh leaf/pop corn buds into smoothie add fruit, vanilla flavored pea protein w/ daily vitamins/minerals. Calms my inflammation down!


Hello ICMAG Fam,

Has anyone else experienced consuming RAW Cannabis or RAW Cannabis Juice DAILY for longer than a Month or so?

I think I have been eating or juicing raw cannabis almost every day this year.....or longer......

I have become a garbage disposal for fan leaves, and fresh buds. The main thing that I have noticed is the different tastes of the leaves from different strains. Most of my bitches are sativa dominant. Some have peppery / spicy tasting leaves, some have basil tasting leaves, some taste sweet, some taste bitter. I notice that the more SKUNKY/ FUNKY Wide leaf plants are quite bitter. Almost like mustard greens or.....some bitter green.
I also notice that those skunky/funky wide leaves seem to be quite hardy when you eat it. Almost like eating raw Kale....

Next time you defoil and get ready to throw away those leaves, make a SALAD instead....with olive oil, roasted garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, and garlic-bread croutons.......with a lemon twist........