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Pit Bull responsibility



I'm sick of hearing stories about how bad the bully breeds are. Most all of them have one common element, the owners let them be in a postion for something to go wrong. In a time when the media is beating the breed specific legislation drum,one would think people would straighten up, tie their dawgs up, socialize them.
Pits are a special breed that takes a bit more care. Before someone chooses
the breed, they must realize that it is potencialy dangerous.

1 Proper kennel if kept outside...Escape Proof
2 Walk in public on a leash from a young age.
3 Socialize, Socialize, Socialize...especially around children
4 Learn how to break up a dog fight safely....after all, they are agressive and you best know how to handle them.

enuff of my rant....Seed


New member

great video ^^

also check out http://www.badrap.org/rescue/

a great pro pitbull site.. I too am sick of the media bad mouthing bullybreeds.. Alot of states, ect are trying to pass legislation in which owners will have to pay higher home owner insurance rates some even trying to ban the breed! I own a APBT and consider it like a child. The breed is very loyal and Im confident when I say its the only breed I will ever own.. Mine is very well behavied around family and friends.. its all about the owner and how they are raised IMO.. :joint:


Alas TNT, I see that the media has poisoned your opinion already. Thats unfortunate. There has never been a more loyal breed.


Spreading Seed said:
Alas TNT, I see that the media has poisoned your opinion already. Thats unfortunate. There has never been a more loyal breed.
yea ok....boxer always on alert :joint:



New member
Regicide.. your boy looks just like my buddies.. same fawn color with white markings.. simliar face even.. 2 year old 75 lbs male named leroy brown "the badest dog in the whole damn town :)" I have love for the boxers too.. I was actually just dogg sitting by buddies for the past few days. hecktic in my house with all 4 dogs! I must say boxers are a gasy breed (farts ALOT!).. does your boy have gas alot too?


Active member
tonight me and my buddy were driving and we saw this small white thing run across the road, and we stopped and it was a pitbull pup, probably no older than 6 months, all white with blue eyes, sick ass dog, it would of been a) road kill or 2) killed by some creature in those hills, a big ass coyote maybe who knows but we saved it and my buddies got himself a future gaurd dog




I had my Rotti 14 yrs

You can train any dog to do just about anything you want it to do , a dog only wants to please it's owner , Alpha , they get away with something once it'll take 10 times to get them to not do it again , they are always testing you , always trying to be alpha

Mine , I didn't have to say a word , all hand signals , don't matter what word (or sound , i use pssst as come or snap of the fingers ) you use to say sit , Just as long as you use the same thing ( word sound or signal or all ) . So after they are trained to all three then a single sign will work

My G/F's aunt had a shep. that the Pro trainer couldn't get to attack him in 3 lessons . I was there 15 mins and had the dog not only bite'n on my arm but protecting her as well , My trick for that was , I smacked the dogs snout ,playing of coarse , while saying " i'm gunna hit you ' smack smack smack , then you go for the owner , " gunna hit 'MOM' " he was all over me , that was it 15 mins and she said after that she was safe , no one was able to get close without the dog in between . She never went back to the dog trainer again , just called me for training tips

My dog was very smart , you could actually ask her a question and she'd answer you , yes or no Q's , she'd stomp her front feet when you got the right one . She'd also speek when told to , back up three steps sit and wait , and you could go the wendy's and have burgers in the car and she would not even look at one , also walk threw NYC no leash no problem

Dogs are only as good as their owners , I even train'd my cat to fetch , funniest thing you ever saw , and my G/F train'd him to wash his paws in the bathroom sink , not that i aprove on that , since she left the electric razor on the counter


my av is our lil girl, shes 50% blue/brindle, razors edge lines..I couldnt ask for a more obediant/owner-pleasing loving animal. shes been with us for 3 years, and is treated like our children are (except she likes to sniff sticky colas)

in reality, there not bad dogs, just 10% of bad owners and 90% bad press.

thats all i want to add to this post, because pitbull posts on ANY forum turn into a BS argument, I love all dogs, its just that my parents chose to breed bullies, so thats naturally what I will always own.. 30+ years of living with pitbulls, heres to 50 more :wave:
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Pit bulls make excellent, gentle pets if they are raised by friendly, gentle people. The problem is that they appeal to not only friendly, gentle, intelligent people but also to aggressive, angry people who like to portray a tough image and raise the pits accordingly. I've known several wonderful pitbulls and their personalities mirrored those of their owners.


Nobody can deny that a pitbull bite is much worse than any other bites. When pitbulls attack, they FUCK people up. I think pitbull owners should be required to get a special license and go through special training.


I agree Shibby. I would rather not say "licence" tho. I prefer "certified". Just like hunters safety classes.
I also agree on SOME of the new legislation that requires a bully owner who lives in a metropolitan area to have the dog fixed. It seems that most of the bad press comes from the cities, not the rural country.


You know what sickens me. The damn gangsters who breed dogs and treat them like shit. Teach em how to fight, and make money. Especially pitbulls.


Overdoze said:
You know what sickens me. The damn gangsters who breed dogs and treat them like shit. Teach em how to fight, and make money. Especially pitbulls.

People who raise dogs to fight should be hung up by their testicles (or clitoris).


Active member
please dont say breed
This BREED uninformed reader is the most decorated dog in United State military history, if you don't own one but are a critic because of what you've seen on your local news...Kids have been killed by pomerainians. A person should be held accountable for they're pets. Not harassed by people who don't know shit about what they're talking about. read a book.


pits are ok, but theres this weird thing going around that makes no sence

They are in demand, so many people want to raise/sell them. people are stupid and fuck everything up. The dogs are the victims. Personally i dont like pits, just the way they look and all. They are too small. u can buy one of these in my area for like 300 or less no papers (if ther are any)

As i was growing up, we had a Kennal (an actaul Dog kennal, we bred and sold German Shepards) Geting into he market we learned that the majority of the shepards in circulation are inbred, really sad animals. (same goes with pits now) We raised and trained these dogs for the police/fire, and rescue
teams. Many of our dogs are all over the USA and o ur bloodline is all over the world (mostly germany, since our Males were direct imports) We have since gotten out of that, and moved to English Bull Mastiffs We had some rotties/pits/westies/malamutes
and even a wolf/dog hybrid

i dont suggest Pits tho. With what people have done to there bloodline..


Oh contrair Nepthaze. The inbreeding you speak of is only reality in the urban scene. PPL who dont give a fuk. PPL who only breed for the dogs fighting ability.

Now the pitbull culture that I have been raised around is near opposite. We take our breeding as serious as the seed companies do. We breed for stability, health and athletism.

It all boils down to dealing with reputible breeders...not street thugs.

PS---Europeon breeders are the way to go for any breed of dog if money isn't a problem--they breed for reputation, not money.


Sweet dude. Im glad to know that all these dogs arent like the ones i have had to deal with.

About how much would a pit be from a good breeder and with papers.

Of course it depends on what the market is for that breed.

But lets say, if you have seen harry potter the Mastiff in that movie (the one that that giant harry man has) is the same bloodline i have. Those puppys will go for as much as 1500-2500 $

that is a shitload.

We got less for our little female, because she has a small flaw (white toes/chest)
But that can be bred out since it seem to affect every 3rd generation. about 1200$ for her.