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Osmocote, my favorite plant food - easy peasy, complete

Captain Red Eye

Active member
I'm sorry, thought this thread was still about osmocote... please continue with your total fuckin derailment.


Darby Stash

New member
Thanks for this thread. Long time listener, first time caller.

Been growing in ProMix / Jack's for decades and am getting lazier by the day.

I'm going to give Osmocote a try on my next run with ProMix. I'll try a small handful of Osmocote and a bit of dolomite lime for good measure (I use a mix of RO and tap since my city water isn't the greatest).

I like the idea of just watering, suits my style well.


Well-known member
To me, this ratio looks fantastic for flowering and enough nitrogen to see it through for veg. The great thing about this, is if the osmocote does happen to get consumed you can ad liquid fertz to supplement but I think the 5 to 6 month release will be sufficient for a 4 month life cycle


Active member
I have taken the plunge. 1x Strawberry Cough and 1x Panama x Malawi seedlings were put in 2 gallon pots of promix hp. 3 scoops in the top bit of each pot.

I waited a bit too long, so they are a bit worse for the wear. But they are bouncing back nicely. Fading has stopped and they are growing again. So far, it's working out. Really hoping this goes without issues. Couldn't ask for it to be easier... except if I had blumats. That will come eventually.

I am a bit nervous about it not having calcium, but the promix does, and my tapwater is basically calmag 😅