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Original Afghan Kush - Fast Buds


Well-known member
Hello all.

This is my first indoor grow.

To get my room dialled in I thought I'd start with some autos with which I have previous experience.

I have a 500w LED full spectrum light

Seedlings currently under a homemade ballast.
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Well-known member
@Creeperpark thank you for your interest 😊 it's one of those tricky ones where I either leave the autos to get potbound under the mini ballast or take a chance with the big lights for better root system. I'm reading the autos do a lot better when the taproot goes right down to the bottom of the pot. (Id like to beat my 22g per plant outdoor best 🤞)
I went with the second option, popped them in the pots this morning ( they are 6 days from seed) and raised the light up as high as it would go the edges are 370 ppfd and the middle 430, quite hot, but it's done now so I'll hope for the best



Well-known member
Hello all. I'm counting today as the END OF WEEK 1, because the first plant broke soil a Week ago today.

Plants seem to be doing ok, they are definitely growing so that's a great start. 👍

My biggest problem has been humidity, my light seems very strong / hot it keeps the room heated alone. and as there is very little transpiration from the plants as they are seedlings the RH started dropping down to l
25% I've been running my fan on a speed control about 20% of capacity, that seems to be the sweet spot. So twice a day I am soaking towels and hanging them and hosing down the floor and walls to try to maintain some decent humidity. It's been working and I have been staying between 40% and 60% most of the time with temps between 23c and 30c

The pics:


is the colouring normal on this seedling anyone, I feel like I can see a little chlorosis?

Or is it getting a hard time from the strong light? We're at around 400 ppfd and I cant get the light any higher.

Tune in next week for END OF WEEK 2!


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Active member
looks good. it could be the light causing the funkiness on the leaves but i wouldnt stress about it. also i wouldnt worry that much about the humidity. they will grow anyway. they just wont be as happy as they could be if the environment was perfect. i kind of keep a priority list of whats most important to least important. you could just spray them a couple times of day with the light off instead of the towel thing.


Active member
also you dont want them to get rootbound because autos flower when they get rootbound. if you want bigger plants you dont want them to get rootbound so they veg longer. as soon as they get rootbound they will start flowering. i haven't done many autos but i always get 3/4 oz to an oz with them and i'm new to autos.


Well-known member
Hey there I’m subbed for the ride. What strains are you running. I’ve grown some that just seem to have that crinkled edge. Also would you share your soil mix?
I’ll be starting up some auto’s inside soon waiting on a little warmer time since I’m in an out building


Well-known member
Hi @Rodehazrd thanks for being interested

I'm running Original Afghan Kush Auto by Fast Buds, all of them.

My soil mix is 50% Jacks magic (mix of peat and non peat based compost) 30% medium grade vermiculite 20% natural soil and 3 tablespoons of Fish Blood and Bone organic (5-5-6) fertiliser plus a little of of microrhyzial fungi but not enough to make a difference.

i will be adding non organic fertiliser will start soon with a half dose of Growth technology Formulex with every watering plus some magnesium Sulfate



Well-known member
Welcome to my END OF WEEK 2 update.

As far as i can see these plants are going great guns. Still haven't watered the pots since it had it's first soak about 12 days ago. Plants are growing fast. They are all getting on for 150mm wide, have axial buds and some are already are giving my a funky hash smell when i rub the stems. I have LST trained them all now
Going to give them a weak feed when i next water them, plus the silicone again one last time.



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Well-known member
Hello and welcome to my END OF WEEK 3 update

Some ups and downs this week. I gave one plant a half strength GT formulex feed. Luckily it was a half feed as when i measured the run off it was 1500ppm.!!! I didn't take into account the compost was already fed and i had put three table spoons of fish blood and bone in each pot. DOH. Anyway i just watered the rest with rain water. 0ppm ph 6.5

Also LST left a few causalities, two snaps. One plant left with two axials. one plant left with six axials - not the end of the world

They are still looking OK though, and the are Axials are heading for the sky so i would imagine we are into pre flower in the next week or so.



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Well-known member

I mean these plants are going at light speed. Today I tidied up the plants, removed lowest shoots and inside leaves for airflow, did some training and fed.

The quickest plant looks a lanky to me, like 6 inches between each bud, so be interested to see how they fill out.




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Well-known member
Well, here we both are, at the end of week 6. Doesn't time fly. I'm middle aged now. Started a second career recently. Children growing up. I remember the first time I smoked weed, well hash. Summer 1994. Feels like yesterday. Man I was so high.






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Well-known member
I love your grow friend. You are kicking ass on this one. It looks like you are going to get plenty of weed to put in your jars. Thanks for posting friend.


Well-known member
It's the end of week 7, would you like some more insight?

In the late 80's as a child i would sit up at night thinking my parents were going to die from AIDS. I never told anyone. In the mid 90's i thought i was going to die from Creutzfeldt-jakob disease. I never told anyone. Through the 00's and 10's I believed i was going to die from numerous cancers, heart attacks, brain diseases. I never told anyone. My wife started to get some idea, but i never really told her. I didn't tell her about the drug addiction either. Probably should have. Currently i believe i have Frontal Temporal Dementia - a diagnosis my mother actually received last year, i mean these things run in the family right?

But i mean, what do i have to complain about? One of my best friends was paralysed from the waist down in November, he wont be using his penis again, and he's wearing a nappy.

In other news, i accidentally turned the extractor fan off last night. Wow. Went in the room this morning and i thought it was on fire. Steam was billowing out of door it was 40c and everything was covered in water, like a sauna.

Plants seemed to be ok tho' i guess i was lucky it was only for a few hours.

Don't forget to let loved ones know how you feel people.


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Well-known member
End of week 8. Welcome to my world. My wife goes through my phone continually. Found a private discussion with my friend where I said ' got to keep my wife sweet or she'll ask for a divorce and I'll have to leave the house' now everything that I do to try and build bridges is an empty selfish action by me, according to her just so I don't have to leave my family. How do I work with that?

Anyway END OF WEEK 8

Some of these plants are starting to struggle. Some of them seem fine. Others are going a sort of yellowy green colour overall at the leaves at the top. It's an overall colour change not like lower leaf chlorosis.


This plant below is really struggling any thoughts anybody ? I know there is some N deficiency but it's come in very quick and I am feeding it fairly heavily.


Some of the plants are looking pretty good though




Keep it real all. ✌️

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