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Oaxacan hybrids


Well-known member
Both Oaxaca x Panama and Oaxaca x A5 were feminized.
Oh but you dont have to be sorry : I had read that it was indeed a gift from Dubi 😎

I guess that if he feels like reacting to my post, he will just do it 🤭

But are you allowed to tell me if it was a feminized seed that you got as a gift or you got lucky and had a female ?



Active member
Both feminized ? Great !

Why ? well .... I can only assume that creating feminized versions means that a lot of works has been put in the selection/breeding ... and if seeds are shared, it means they have reached something worth ... and thus, probably it's a matter of time & patience before it's either released officially, or before I'll also ask dubi for few seeds on my next order. 😊

For PTSD, Haze genetics are the best imho ....


Well-known member
There was no plan to release Oaxaca x Panama commercially. Actually, I asked dubi that same question last year and to my surprise, he gifted me 3 seeds instead of 3 Panama freebies I was supposed to get with an order. As for Oaxaca x A5, well I dared to ask him if a seed couldn't get lost in another order coming my way and it did, so yeah, another happy surprise :)

Guess I'll dare again when he has some Oaxaca x Thai, Oaxaca x OTH, seems to be working fine so far :D
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Well-known member
Sorry for the lack of updates, have been busy looking for another job. I'm working part-time in a growshop now. Thinking about going full time or going self employed at the same time for that organic farming thingy... One thing for sure, if I ever start working in the field again, it won't be for a company or someone else...

Anyway, 33 days after flip.. Stretch could have been worse for the first 2 weeks at 12/12 with a 3 years old HPS bulb.

Kinda hard to center each plant as branches for said one strain stretched through another one... Happy jungle in there and smelling crazy nice :)

The plants


Oaxaca x A5



Oaxaca x Panama



Mountain Gold



Zacateca Tribute




Well-known member
Good looking plants, I got a crush on that Oaxaca x A5 , looking forward to more updates and pictures.

Saludos Mexicani-ar


Well-known member
Exciting indeed! I have the feeling the Oaxaca x A5 has the potential to yield massive. She is the one with the widest colas at the moment, even feel wider that my Killer A5 Haze/Malawi pheno at 47 days here. Can’t wait to see them swell and fatten! Still have a little less than 100g of weed, should be enough for the next month and a half. Lost my Orient Express mother though, something weird is happening in the mother room, fungus kind of attacks on the stems. I will have to clone everything, clean the room and start fresh next descending moon coming in a couple days...


Well-known member
Fuck me, looks like fusarium... Green Haze x Malawi is dying, hoping I can save from cuts. Panama x Malawi, Zacateca Tribute and Snow Moon are affected as well. I made a cut of the later a week or so ago for a friend, so I made a new mother with her instead. I will make cuts of the 3 other affected tonight after lunar node, hope it's not too late and the whole lots aren't fucked up :(

Edit: Well, I'm lucky. A friend whom I gave Orient Express cuts still has a plant growing in his garden :)
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Well-known member
Purple Satellite tree in progress, transplanted for a few weeks in soil now with bat guano, blood meal and bovid horns/hooves pellets. Plan is to train her and make a freakin bush out of her :). She is 2 months or so to start flowering here at 55N so I'm pretty confident she will be big as fuck by then...



I'll make pictures of the indoor ladies later tonight.


Well-known member
So, indoor ladies here we are :). They got PK compost tea twice already (once a week since last week) and they don't seem to mind. The A5 cross is a hungry one. I gave her some 5-1-5 Orgatrex, probably should have done that before....

Mountain Gold and Zacateca Tribute are starting to swell and reflower while the A5 and Panama crosses are still stacking up pistils.

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Oaxacan's.jpg Views:	1 Size:	127.4 KB ID:	17879841

Oaxaca x A5

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Oaxaca-A5.jpg Views:	1 Size:	126.1 KB ID:	17879843

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Oaxaca-A5_flower.jpg Views:	1 Size:	80.3 KB ID:	17879844

Oaxaca x Panama

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Oaxaca-Panama.jpg Views:	1 Size:	115.2 KB ID:	17879845

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Oaxaca-A5.jpg Views:	1 Size:	126.1 KB ID:	17879843

Mountain Gold

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Oaxacan's.jpg Views:	1 Size:	127.4 KB ID:	17879841

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Mountain_Gold_flower.jpg Views:	1 Size:	96.0 KB ID:	17879847

Zacateca Tribute

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Mountain_Gold_flower.jpg Views:	1 Size:	96.0 KB ID:	17879847

Click image for larger version  Name:	S25_Oaxacan's.jpg Views:	1 Size:	127.4 KB ID:	17879841

Mother room side, 13 strains have been affected by whatever that shit is... Green Haze x Malawi and Zacateca Tribute are dead. Cuts of the Haze won't probably make it. Lets hope last 2 seeds are female worst case scenario...

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Well-known member
Those are Scale. It's a kind of bug that doesn't move much. They concentrate on stems. This is helpful in getting rid of them, you can apply organic controls with Qtips or a paintbrush instead of trying to spray while in flower. You can also gently crush them by hand or with a toothpick/chopstick. Fun to take a dried stem and weaponize it.


oh sh1t. yes wipe them off... they are eating your plants precious bodily liquids


ACE Seeds Breeder
I'm very sorry to know about the infection in your mother room BenoitV1984. Hopefully it's not too late to save the precious plants you have selected.

Scales (not sure whether is the correct name in English, we call it cochinilla in Spanish) usually are a more common plague in wet outdoor locations, not so much indoors, but once it enters the indoors and proliferates then it's time to renew all the mothers and fathers with new clean clones from the tops and fully clean again the indoor room, tools, fans, lamps, etc ....

Scales start from the base of the trunk and they proliferate upwards, they suck vital fluids of the plants and at the same time they can produce other fungal illnesses. You can remove them carefully with a soft cloth with water and hydrogen peroxide. There are also effective insecticides in classic agriculture that work great against them.


New member
Cochineal according to wordreference. I have 2 cuts of every plant affected except Tikal which had not enough for two. I just sprayed everything with a systemic foliar spray insecticide anyway. Nothing organic but as far as mothers are concerned, I don’t really mind... It’s not like I have bees or so in there. I’ll clean everything again, machine wash the smartpots and start with fresh soil/bacteria’s/mycorrhiza... Hopefully that will deal with those suckers.


Well-known member
So looks like I was logged in with an old account on my iPad... I asked for it to be removed from the old forum forms, guess that didn’t work.


Well-known member
Yepeee, Green Haze x Malawi, Zacateca Tribute and Orient Express cuts rooted :)

10 strains to go and the dead mothers are back so that's a relieve! I can still make cuts from the not dead yet mothers if the remaining cuts would not root but I guess I'll be fine :)


Well-known member
Well that was freaking close... I took the picture with a SD card box you send your seeds with so you have an idea of the size of that mini cut... That was one of the two last surviving branches on the dead mother.

Click image for larger version  Name:	P1010991.JPG Views:	0 Size:	103.0 KB ID:	17887411

Only 4 to go now (Panama x Malawi, Killer A5, Kali China and Tikal), but they're taking ages to root. Don't know what's happening lately, but cuts take literally weeks to root these days... I had to make new cuts of Panama x Malawi and Killer A5 yesterday because the first ones are yellowing super fast now.. Tikal mom died in the meantime so I hope my single cut make it sooner rather than later.


Well-known member
Tikal rooted and all mothers back in action. Zero loss, that's some relieve!

I managed to clean Panama x Malawi, Killer A5 and Kali China instead of waiting on the cuts. It was mostly corpses, looks like that systemic insecticide managed to kill the suckers after all. As Panama x Malawi was the most covered (other were just a couple leaves here in there), I uprooted her completely, cleaned the root naked (even the jiffy pad) and transplant her back in fresh soil with an Aptus Regulator/Startbooster - Biotabs bactrex/mycotrex/orgatrex/tabs cocktail.

Hope those suckers don't come anytime soon. Kinda was my fault anyway, I had like 17 on a 110x60 tray, no room for the smartpots to breeze. That really was a retarded move...

Click image for larger version  Name:	mothers.jpg Views:	0 Size:	78.4 KB ID:	17889212