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Oakland Tax Revenue Might Not Meet Expectations



california is not going to be saved by allowing a few out of state individuals to lock up the market hello richard lee. To the people who live out of state shut up you have no idea what is going on. This is a step backward that is why the people that really know what is going on and are not in it for the money are against it it gives control over to government. And if you know anything about taxalifornia the movement was never about giving unlimited tax dollars it was about legalizing hemp and marijuana period.


New member
Vote no, it pisses me off to no end that the same people who called it an evil weed now say it's OK because they can suck more taxes from you guys. Open your eyes


I would rather pay taxes on it than loose my house, cars, kids... Then pay a fucking lawyer $30k for shit all.. Then rot in jail while the now ex meets some one new..

Fuck that, you people who say vote no have no clue, go through the system and loose everything a few times. Then you tell me where you stand. Period.

You can move out and i will move right on it. Hello feedom! I have no issues paying my taxes. Come on cali..

This right here!

california is not going to be saved by allowing a few out of state individuals to lock up the market hello richard lee. To the people who live out of state shut up you have no idea what is going on. This is a step backward that is why the people that really know what is going on and are not in it for the money are against it it gives control over to government. And if you know anything about taxalifornia the movement was never about giving unlimited tax dollars it was about legalizing hemp and marijuana period.

I live in Cali, and I still think it should be legalized. It might not save the state, but it most certainly will help things out a lot.

To those who think it shouldn't be legalized... Go through the system. Lose your ability to get a good job, or a loan for college... All because you got caught with a little weed.

This isn't about control over the government. It's about personal freedoms. People shouldn't be thrown in jail for weed. And if legalizing it can help fix some of the state's money issues, while giving people more freedom - then seriously - who the fuck cares?

In my experience, the majority of those who don't want it legal, are the growers who stand to lose a lot of money (because they wouldn't be able to sell their shit for as high a cost).
From what i heard from a sunsystems rep is Richard Lee just put in a order for 250 magnum xxxls....Watch out that fucker is going to be flooding some shit.....Fuck him and his backers.....

VOTE NO ON PROP 19!!!!!!!!

Your position on prop 19 is appalling. But I did send a little email over to sunlight supply asking why the number of hoods Richard is buying is public fodder.


Well-known member
Your position on prop 19 is appalling. But I did send a little email over to sunlight supply asking why the number of hoods Richard is buying is public fodder.

i would be curious on the response, i'd suspect a polite reply that says nothing
this probably would be considered highly confidential information, typically the terms of sale of such a large order would not be made public, at least not for a while
after a facility was in operation, that would seem more likely


sorry to disagree with you but the facts are this is not legalization but decriminalization and who it protects is not the users but the really big growers where do you think richard lee gets his money why does he get a factory while everyone else dosn't the scene in oakland used to be alot different but the money corrupted it before he bought clones from vendors 6 bucks a pop now he has his clone factories going and they are 20 did you know richard lee has a marketing degree if want to see what his ass is about youtube the interview with jack herer you can see the distain on his face he is all about the money prop 19 protects richard lee (thats why he spent a million dollars) and everyone like him I think if it passes it will never be legal and that is what the whole thing was about
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Fat J

Its a tough issue... we all wanna see the laws changed, but i fear this bill is not the right way to do it, it really does appear to be geared toward big commercial growers rights, little guys have a very hard time the way this bill is written. Too bad the CCI didnt get on the ballot. But god damn, we finally have the chance to decrim, im really really torn. We've never been this close... however if we pass this then it can only be modified by voter-sponsored initiative, whis is hard as hell to pull of. If we pass this we'll be stuck with it for a while. And what, the feds just gonna sit on the sidelines and let us have legal recreational pot? Fat chance... This law would make it illegal to smoke pot in public, and if an 18 year old even sees you smoking a joint, thats another crime... i fear this bill creates new criminals by creating new crimes... god damn i just don't know!!


New member
Your position on prop 19 is appalling. But I did send a little email over to sunlight supply asking why the number of hoods Richard is buying is public fodder.
You know man when you put you ass out there in the open like richard does people have a tendency to find out your business....but you should know that by now???right milton? Then again it could all just be rumors you let us know on that milton...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
The estimated value of California's pot crop is $13.8 billion, according to an analysis for California NORML, a nonprofit organization devoted to marijuana reform. About 3 million people in the state use marijuana, medical and recreational, and consume an estimated 1 million pounds a year.?!?!?!?!?!

On average each cannabis smoker in california smokes three pounds a year?
That would mean that each person who smokes would smoke 3.7 grams DAILY!
We smoke an 1/8th a day.
13.8 billion dyammn
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