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Oakland Tax Revenue Might Not Meet Expectations


Everything around this bill seems to be about the benefits of growing and smoking pot. Nothing gets said about the benefits from hemp. The money that can be donated to research deeper into the medicinal value. The loss of money for cartels, etc, etc. It's all about how much you gotta pay for your bud.


Active member
is there anything in the new legalization bill for the hemp industry?

i dont think the cities are gonna wanna see the prices drop if they want tax money. they would rather make 20 dollars off every OZ then just 5 bucks. so in order to do that..they need richard lee and the big growers bottleneck the local market to keep ounces at around 200.

fuck it all...fuck california to be honest. if they want to kill the counterculture im moving to the tri-state and getting my boston george on.


Active member
Don't forget who started this movement for everybody. Now we are doing it again. Give it time, all the nay Sayers will be shut up. Cali may not be perfect, but once the road is plowed, it is easier for others to follow. First Cali, then other states, then USA, then the world. That is how I see it.


Active member
fuck all this bull shit. if it ever legalizes im starting a huge organic hemp clothing line :p


Well-known member
10% - that's on the high side - but compared to some of the talk around here, that's nothing, especially when that's the extreme case and the others are more like a regular sales tax


Wake up people. Now do you realize what they mean when they say "don't count your eggs before they hatch?" You can not guarantee the amount of money that will get generated from taxing a product or service. Then they set it as a percentage. So if we use the $50 per ounce number then the ounce would have to be $500 bucks and when tax at a rate of 10% = $50.

on a side note:
Once again Barry O. does his dirt on the weekend when nobody is watching. Kagan is offically on SCOTUS. Now the anti-2nd admendment bills will start coming to the surface.


New member
From what i heard from a sunsystems rep is Richard Lee just put in a order for 250 magnum xxxls....Watch out that fucker is going to be flooding some shit.....Fuck him and his backers.....

VOTE NO ON PROP 19!!!!!!!!

Carl Carlson

; said:
"Once again Barry O. does his dirt on the weekend when nobody is watching. Kagan is offically on SCOTUS. Now the anti-2nd admendment bills will start coming to the surface."

There is just no basis in reality for this scenario and it sounds like a Republican electoral fantasy. You might not be one, but you are repeating their nonsense. There is not enough support in the House or the Senate to pass any anti-2nd amendment legislation. Dems would be committing career suicide if they tried to pass anti-gun legislation before November and after November, they'll have even fewer votes. GOP propagandists have been warning about this since before Obama took office. Remember the uptick in ammo and gun sales in 2008 and 2009? So much for the new laws that still don't exist, that drove those sales....


There is just no basis in reality for this scenario and it sounds like a Republican electoral fantasy. You might not be one, but you are repeating their nonsense. There is not enough support in the House or the Senate to pass any anti-2nd amendment legislation. Dems would be committing career suicide if they tried to pass anti-gun legislation before November and after November, they'll have even fewer votes. GOP propagandists have been warning about this since before Obama took office. Remember the uptick in ammo and gun sales in 2008 and 2009? So much for the new laws that still don't exist, that drove those sales....

First off I like how you say I lie, spoken like a true progressive guess host on MSNBC. Oh you uninformed person who I'll take a guess does not own a firearm because they are dangerous but will his car like an 80 mph 2 ton weapon. In the Cali or the PRK those of us who exercise our 2nd admendment rights unlike most, we have been slowly watching ours 2nd admendment rights be regulated away. The new set of regulations are to take place Jan 1ST 2011. In the state of Cali we will no longer be able to buy ammo, magazines, speed clips, primers, projectiles( the actual bullet part) through mail order. This law is compared to the so-called $5000 bullet (Chris Rock maybe that joke). So Cali residents can own a firearm ( the legal list is getting smaller every year) but is going to be limited on using it for target practice and training because lack of ammo. So now all Cali residents will have to buy in-state causing a shortage that has been going on for 3 years now. Other parts of that new law require that anybody who sells ammo take a training course and be registered with the DOJ. So only thosestore employees who have this training can actually make the sell to the buyer so if that person is not working then no ammo for anybody but I can buy a car and raod rage on people but thats okay. It's not already to open-carry but go ahead and drive like an a$$ in your car it's cool cuz its a car right? Get ready people cuz the next bill they are trying to pass is no more mail order firearms.

Next you truly do not get "it" forget congress they are irrelevant in the big picture. The anti-gun groups will file laws suits to challenge the 2nd admendments in various states. The cases will run there course through the usual courts and appeal processes and then end up in front of the SCOTUS were Kagen will help to tip the balance of power in favor of the anti-gun groups. So you might be looking at one angle of "Dems would be committing career suicide if they tried to pass anti-gun legislation before or after the 2010 midterm election" but you fail to look at the other angle but why should you? Becuase what we say is a lie , what the progressives, democrats, leftist , treehugger al gore types, etc.... say is ture and I bet I'm a racist also and I hate kids and fire fighters and I also want people to loss their homes too. Did I miss anything?


Eugene Oregon
The estimated value of California's pot crop is $13.8 billion, according to an analysis for California NORML, a nonprofit organization devoted to marijuana reform. About 3 million people in the state use marijuana, medical and recreational, and consume an estimated 1 million pounds a year.?!?!?!?!?!

On average each cannabis smoker in california smokes three pounds a year?
That would mean that each person who smokes would smoke 3.7 grams DAILY!
We smoke an 1/8th a day.


Well-known member
The estimated value of California's pot crop is $13.8 billion, according to an analysis for California NORML, a nonprofit organization devoted to marijuana reform. About 3 million people in the state use marijuana, medical and recreational, and consume an estimated 1 million pounds a year.?!?!?!?!?!

On average each cannabis smoker in california smokes three pounds a year?
That would mean that each person who smokes would smoke 3.7 grams DAILY!
We smoke an 1/8th a day.

you may have flipped a ratio there, that should 1/3 lb per person per year
that should be be about 0.5g a day(bit less actually), but i find that rate more believable


i agree if this passes im getting the fuck out of this state. any one on this board that votes yes to this bullshit is selling out to the govt. the only people that will benefit from this is the CA govt who cant figure their shit out. so now the bail out solution is to comercialize marijuana. so lame. its already legal under 215 get your card and vot eno to this insanity. weed is a counter culture movement and always has been. keep it that way. voting yes to this will destroy families and put many peoples livelyhoods in jeapordy, all to bail out the dumb fucks in sactown. VOTE no.


I would rather pay taxes on it than loose my house, cars, kids... Then pay a fucking lawyer $30k for shit all.. Then rot in jail while the now ex meets some one new..

Fuck that, you people who say vote no have no clue, go through the system and loose everything a few times. Then you tell me where you stand. Period.

You can move out and i will move right on it. Hello feedom! I have no issues paying my taxes. Come on cali..

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