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Notre Dame football, lol...


Well-known member
is there anyone else out there as sick of them as i am? "we went undefeated, we deserve to be in the picture!": boys, you ARE in the picture. standing way the fuck in the background with the other old maids & pretenders. you want some respect? play someone real, join a fucking conference so we can see what you really have. you want in the BIG PICTURE? the huge New Year bowls? run the table in ANY good conference & we'll talk again. try your hand at a year in the SEC or ACC if you have the balls...HAHAHAHAHAHA!:laughing: i would put up any top level team from any of several conferences against those weasels & bet good money on it...i wouldn't vote you in as dogcatchers until you join a football conference.:tiphat:


Well-known member
That was a good vent, lol.

thanks! that one has been building for years, i'm afraid. every year or three, we get it from certain talking heads that ND should be considered because of their record. but, in a normal year, they play one, maybe two decent teams and expect to be rewarded for it. if it is a BAD year, some dimwit ex-jock can be counted on to say something bright like "yeah, but they're the best 5 and 7 team in the nation!" LOL!


Well-known member
A friend of mine told me that when he was in Catholic grade school they would get 30 minutes more recess when Notre Dame would win. Cultivating their fans at an early age weren’t they.


Well-known member
Georgia lost. Oklahoma lost. Now Alabama or Clemson will lose next. Stop being a hater. This whole year you have been a complaining hater. Relax! Stop the hate.

N.D. usually plays the hardest schedule in the nation year to year. Strength of schedule isn't an argument to join a conference. The SEC as a whole is weak. Look at the non conference games those teams play too. Some of the most obscure teams you can find.

The Big 10 overall is weak. Same with any conference you can name. Independents create the most difficult schedule.

GEORGIA LOST TO TEXAS! That is the team that had the biggest case to be in the CFP final four.

Now go to your safe place and knead some Play-Doh.


Well-known member
Georgia lost. Oklahoma lost. Now Alabama or Clemson will lose next. Stop being a hater. This whole year you have been a complaining hater. Relax! Stop the hate.

N.D. usually plays the hardest schedule in the nation year to year. Strength of schedule isn't an argument to join a conference. The SEC as a whole is weak. Look at the non conference games those teams play too. Some of the most obscure teams you can find.

The Big 10 overall is weak. Same with any conference you can name. Independents create the most difficult schedule.

GEORGIA LOST TO TEXAS! That is the team that had the biggest case to be in the CFP final four.

Now go to your safe place and knead some Play-Doh.

just tired of folks that act entitled when they deserve exactly not shit. no hate here, that is in your head. you must be Catholic, LOL! one team loses every time a game is played. WTF are you talking about? NDs strength of schedule is laughable every SINGLE FUCKING YEAR! who do they play that YOU think is top-level competition every year?there is a reason SEC teams are in it every year nearly. they beat each other senseless every season, year in & year out. you get through a season here without having your ass handed to you a few times, you have done something. every college has trouble scheduling out of conference games, they have to be agreed on years in advance. you have to play who is willing to play you. i'm sure ND could get some better teams on their schedule, but then they are not going to be undefeated come December, and would be unable to whine wanting in a big bowl, lol. like i said, join the SEC and play Auburn, Georgia, Alabama, Florida etc EVERY FUCKING YEAR! you run the table, THEN i'll listen to you. every where is safe for me. :laughing:


Horse-toothed Jackass
Living in chicago, you run into a lot of ND alums. I think most of them are not satisfied with their program, despite the occasional undefeated season (this year, 2012) that gives them hope, they realize that they arent a truly elite program like an AL, clemson, OSU.

It's not ND's fault that USC and florida state had down years this year when they beat them. I think Hippy does have a point, in that ND didnt have a win against a dominant team, and so they were exposed against clemson in the playoff semifinal. FWIW, i thought ND was competitive until their top DB (a probable high nfl draft pick) went down early in the game. Still, clemson was clearly the more talented team. I think ND's best WR would have been the #4 WR on clemson.

The SEC is no doubt the best football conference, but theyre rather top heavy, with the best being really good but the bottom of the conference being nothing special.

I think ND fans like to complain that a lot of hate directed toward their program is because of an anti-catholic bias. I didnt think that was true but people have been killed over such conflicts (ireland in the 80s and 90s) so maybe there is something there?


Well-known member
LOL! I am an atheist.

Baba is right. N.D. did have a very tough schedule on paper. Some teams just had off years. I am not going to debate the obvious, excepted by experts fact that EVERY year Notre Dame's schedule is considered one of the hardest schedules. There are no cream puff non FCS schools.

They lost against Clemson. Nobody else beat them. Not Michigan, Stanford, Florida State, USC, Northwestern, Syracuse or Virginia Tech.

Alabama played the Citadel and Georgia played Austin Peay! LOL! And they play teams like like every year.

You made a post immediately after a team lost. Like it was the most important injustice of your life and you had to post it. LOL!

Notre Dame turned down Randy Moss. That says it all. They could take less qualified athletes but they don't. They are always in the top graduation rate and top academic average. That makes their road up hill every year. I root for them because they are underdogs that rise enough to bring out the haters. Every year they make some noise in a few sports.

I have never hated on another college team. Why would you? It is a bunch of college kids playing a game and you think they are acting entitled. WTF??? Chill out guy!


Well-known member
LOL! I am an atheist.

I have never hated on another college team. Why would you? It is a bunch of college kids playing a game and you think they are acting entitled. WTF??? Chill out guy!

i'm not hating on the team. it is their FANS (LOL!) and athletic dept that bring out the "fuck you!" in me. only time in my life i root for Miami is when they are going to get to kick Notre Dames ass. the University sets their schedule. there are actually TWO reasons they will never join a conference. one is the $$$ they get with their private TV deal. they would have to share (how un-Christian a concept! sharing? can you believe it?) if they belonged to a conference. two is fear of being exposed as not-quite ready for prime time BEFORE prime time when they get (you guessed it!) MORE $$$ and exposure which equals...you guessed it-MORE $$$. which worries them most is not yet apparent. i am chill, i just despise money-grubbing damned weasels and hypocrites. always have, always will. defend them all you want...:moon:


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think Hippy has a point, in that the current leadership at ND is happy with the state of the football program so long as it brings in the dollars. High tv ratings from the occasional undefeated season, merchandise and ticket sales, etc help keep the athletic dept flush with money. But long time ND fans want a truly elite coach, one who will have them competing for championships, not just New years day bowl games and a top 10 ranking. They havent won a national championship in 30 years, and for a school that's synonymous with college football that's a pretty long drought.

Theyre a catholic university true but i also think the priests that run the place dont live in fantasy land, they realize that they need money for most things and make sure the school is in good financial shape. It costs a lot to go there, and im sure they use a lot of the football money to fund the non revenue generating sports, like tarzan said a lot of their women's teams are elite.

But they are a bit like Texas in their greed, they wanted to keep their own broadcast TV deal without sharing revenue with a conference. Texas wanting their own Longhorn network is one of the reasons why the Big 12 broke up a few years ago.

ND turned down moss because of his legal troubles in high school, where he got into a fight and was charged with a felony. But he already signed a letter of intent with the school, so i think grade and test wise he was ok there.

If you do play football at ND you do have to go to class, but their academic requirements arent as strong as Stanford's, and stanford has done well recently in football, maybe not this year so much...

I think with a better coach and better recruiting they can win a title, for sure, but they'll always draw a lot of attention in the college football world, whether it's from fans or haters. I guess even all the hate (whether you think it's from their greed, arrogance, or theyre overrated) shows they're still a relevant brand in CFB...


Well-known member
Roll Damn Tide

better than Florida. a friend of mine (now deceased) managed to visit every SEC stadium while following his beloved Vols. he told me he was welcomed at tailgates & treated like a family member at every school except when he went to Gainesville. he told me he would not go back to Florida even on vacation they were such assholes there. i've been to Alabama dozens of times turkey hunting & fishing. some of the friendliest folks you will ever meet.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Notre Dame doesn't need money. They have a 10 billion dollar endowment. They have enough money for life. They get more endowment money every year than from any sport. WTF???


They have a TV contract because they are the only team that has a national audience and a TV station makes money with them regardless of their record. Their fans are not bandwagon fans.

I didn't mean to imply Moss only got turned down for grades. He got turned down. His talent didn't get him a pass. Alabama or Clemson would have taken him.

Stanford, Notre Dame and Northwestern are routinely in the top 5 academic schools.

Only Notre Dame girls make noise in other sports? Notre Dame has had ranked wrestling teams, soccer teams, been to the college world series and often makes a mini run during march madness. They been to the championship game, the final 4, the great 8 and the sweet 16.

That being said.... I don't care what other schools do or don't do. I would never make a hater post about a school, a team or anything else for that matter.

Armedoldhippy has been all constipated because Notre Dame went undefeated. He has been waiting for 12 weeks to make his Notre Dame lost a game post. LOL! That is just sad.

I hate the Yankees. I would never make a gloat post because they lost. I might make a brag post if my team beat them but the type of post armedoldhippy made is pathetic.

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
What’s funny about ND, is that all of their other sports are in the ACC but their football program. Lmao. It’s kinda funny actually.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Do you have a favorite college team, Hippy?

It's interesting your friend is a Vols fan. I think TN, like Texas, is a victim of their own success. After a bunch of top 10 finishes, and a national championship, they started to feel entitled and after a couple of down years (relatively speaking) they fired the coach that got them there (phil fulmer, mack brown) and instead of getting better, things have mostly been worse since. Michigan is similar, although harbaugh is good, not great tho. LSU might be going through the same thing although theres hope for orgeron. USC didnt fire carroll, he left for the nfl, but theyve been flailing around since he left. Nebraska has been mostly crap since osbourne retired. Every big time program (Texas AM, FSU, Miami, penn state, oregon, too many to name) wants to be alabama, and thinks they have the capability to win 2-3 titles every 5 years, but i think that's very rare it actually works out like that.

Stanford is solidly a top 5 university, ND and Northwestern are very good, top 20, not sure they would be considered top 5 outside of some of their academic programs. Still, almost none of the top academic universities have elite sports teams, outside of some of stanford's teams and duke basketball.

I think ND keeps their football separate from the ACC for 2 reasons: they want to keep scheduling their traditional opponents every year (USC, michigan, michigan state, navy, maybe army and air force, FSU and/or miami) and they dont want to share tv money with a conference. In the big ten, illinois, indiana and minnesota get the same cut of tv revenue that OSU, michigan and PSU do, which isnt really fair cause who the hell is watching those crap teams play other than their die hard fans? The average fan is going to watch actual good teams play, not sorry ones.

I dont think you can equate ND with the yankees because the yankees have actually won a few titles in the past 30 years, whereas ND hasnt won one. It'd be nice if they get back to that level, but like any program, they'll need the right coach to get them there. Not sure if brian kelly is that guy, he's got them the opportunity twice but got blown out both times.


Well-known member
Baba I didn't equate that ND was like the Yankees. You can't buy players in college football so it isn't a fair comparison to begin with.

Top 5 football team academic scores. They are usually in the top 5 for graduation rates too.

But we regress. I didn't post in this thread to discuss actual football. I posted to point out how crappy this thread is. The first response was more kind. It was a holy shit you actually needed to vent that.

I am not that vested in Notre Dame to defend them in a thread. Especially when the history and players past and present prove that ND is far from overrated or insignificant. It is hard to win. Alabama went 20+ years between AP NCAA Championships. Who cares? Most teams never win or rarely win and nobody cares.

Notre Dame is loved or hated by the entire college football fanbase. That is why they have TV stations wanting to broadcast their games. That is why people like armedoldhippy make hater threads like this.

Notre Dame is actually the most relevant college football team there is. Deal with it armedoldhippy.

12-1 and in the CFP. They will most likely be back next year. And on NBC the Notre Dame Broadcasting station.


Well-known member
Notre Dame doesn't need money. They have a 10 billion dollar endowment. They have enough money for life. They get more endowment money every year than from any sport. WTF???


They have a TV contract because they are the only team that has a national audience and a TV station makes money with them regardless of their record. Their fans are not bandwagon fans.

I didn't mean to imply Moss only got turned down for grades. He got turned down. His talent didn't get him a pass. Alabama or Clemson would have taken him.

Stanford, Notre Dame and Northwestern are routinely in the top 5 academic schools.

Only Notre Dame girls make noise in other sports? Notre Dame has had ranked wrestling teams, soccer teams, been to the college world series and often makes a mini run during march madness. They been to the championship game, the final 4, the great 8 and the sweet 16.

That being said.... I don't care what other schools do or don't do. I would never make a hater post about a school, a team or anything else for that matter.

Armedoldhippy has been all constipated because Notre Dame went undefeated. He has been waiting for 12 weeks to make his Notre Dame lost a game post. LOL! That is just sad.

I hate the Yankees. I would never make a gloat post because they lost. I might make a brag post if my team beat them but the type of post armedoldhippy made is pathetic.

not sad, nor pathetic. i thought it quite timely given their exposure as overrated yet again. it was not a "Notre Dame lost a game" post. it was a "i'm fucking sick of overrated whiners" post. it must have hit quite close to home on you, lol. i could give not even a little shit for your opinion. i spoke my piece and believe it representative of many people. obviously, the ND fans that rose to the bait to twist what i said as if i was denigrating the kids that go there disagree. big whoop...i hate the Yankees too! maybe there is still hope for you.:biggrin:


Active member
Just skimmed the thread. But I saw someone say college players can't be bought. That's very naive, or you're choosing denial. They certainly are. Coaches get get fired and players caught taking bribes every year. And the ones that get admonished are only the tip of the iceberg too. It's very common and even sanctioned in some places. Sad to say it's become part of the game.


Elite Growers Club
Georgia lost. Oklahoma lost. Now Alabama or Clemson will lose next. Stop being a hater. This whole year you have been a complaining hater. Relax! Stop the hate.

N.D. usually plays the hardest schedule in the nation year to year. Strength of schedule isn't an argument to join a conference. The SEC as a whole is weak. Look at the non conference games those teams play too. Some of the most obscure teams you can find.

The Big 10 overall is weak. Same with any conference you can name. Independents create the most difficult schedule.

GEORGIA LOST TO TEXAS! That is the team that had the biggest case to be in the CFP final four.

Now go to your safe place and knead some Play-Doh.

Notre Dame does play the hardest schedule every year.....no they don't play the Sec schedule. ND doesn't play quite the schedule they used to but still I don't see ND playing The Citadel lol, but it's hands down been Clemson vs Bama the last half decade. All the other programs are a FEW steps behind 1 and 2.......I like your debate.

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