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NFL 2017


In my empire of dirt
dogs are like people in some ways and i think at best they have the intelligence of a young child (say 2-3y)
we have had dogs that were "outside" dogs so i know what you mean about them being " not people"
but ive also had some pretty smart dogs over the years, but i spent time teaching them how to behave and treated them with loving care
just like some people are not really "stupid", they just were never taught better, dogs are the same way
/i think a lot of animals are smarter that we can imagine, its just that we use human metrics to gauge their intelligence ( dolphins, monkeys,elephants for example)
but yeah, a lot of cultures see dogs as being dirty animals and i can understand why
this whole mccoy thing sounds fishy to me bruh, i saw some police reports from previous incidents and there is something seriously weird about this chick
got any plans for the weekend baba'?
the grunion are running this weekend, plus i have a couple racks of st louis style pork ribs to get at
i might not make it to the beach to see the fish but i am definitely going to be chiefin'


Well-known member
I've met cats and dogs smarter than Corey and Trevor! But seriously.i had a skipperkey that was just so damn smart.best dogs ever.

LMAO at grunion! If you haven't seen that Beverly Hillbilly episode you need too! Fucking hilarious!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Who's corey and trevor, hawk?
Ah, the beverly hillbillies. A classic 70's sitcom, along with three's company. Wouldnt mind catching some of those old episodes on tv again. It's a wonder that some network hasnt tried remaking those shows...

No one deserves to get pistol whipped and robbed, but delicia cordon doesnt seem like a wholly innocent party. She apparently makes a habit out of staying in homes without paying rent, which is scumbaggy at best. She's an instagram 'model' and 'fashion designer', which means she likes to show off her surgically enhanced figure online, and she apparently likes relationships with athletes - she has 2 kids with marcus vick, michael's younger brother, plus i think an older kid she had when she was 18. Which is like, whatever, maybe she's a good mom, and what woman wouldnt like to have a professional athlete for a boyfriend? But at best she seems like a gold digger who's desperate to leach off her rich boyfriends when she can. I guess she had nowhere to live so that's why she stayed at lesean's house - if my choice was living in a homeless shelter or staying in a mansion, id probably do the same.
She'll probably end up suing mccoy over this attack, maybe she'll get a nice chunk of change from him, and then she can settle down and try to make her own way in life without trying to attach herself to whatever pro athlete stares at her boobies too long...

Dogs might be a bit different than other domesticated animals in that they have a natural affinity for humans. But supposedly pigs are just as smart or smarter than dogs, and the way we raise pigs (and cows and chickens) in this country for meat is inhumane at best. When you use industrial, mass production methods to the raising of meat animals, the feelings and emotions of the animals in question are not even a concern. And the 'blame' for that lies squarely with people like me, who love to buy the cheapest, most high quality meat they can...

No plans this weekend, although smoking out at the beach sounds wonderful. Just be lazy i guess...


Invertebrata Inebriata
They already revived the Beverly Hillbillies- they called it Roseanne. Trevor and Cory were two boneheads on Trailer Park Boys.


In my empire of dirt
/demands smokes
trailer park boys is a hilarious show if you haevnt seen it,baba'
its on netflicks and the early episodes are classic, start there and be ready to laugh your ass off
i love the beverly hillbillies and have the whole set on dvd, there were only three seasons made, but that was in the age of television where they would make like 18 shows in a season (im just guessing at the number but its a lot of episodes)
/its also funny you mention threes company, the mrs is crazy for that program
i think the chick is after the settlement tooand im sure they will reach an out of court deal
shady still has some years to make serious money in the nfl and dosent want this to get any worse
/im still keeping an eye out for gloria allred to get involved at some point
pigs are smart animals, but man are they tasty!
i agree that some of the farming/ranching practices in this country need to be modified and the trend is for more spacious enclosures
but to the farmers the animals are just livestock
they have a financial interest in keeping the animals safe and healthy, but not much more than that
i know when i was a kid visiting my grandparents, there were some animals you did not bond with because they were food animals
lazy sounds good brother and i hope you guys are having a great weekend


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ah, ive definitely heard of TPB but never got around to watching them. But it's a show made in canada, and a lot of their early episodes revolved around making money by growing and selling weed, which is why it's such a favorite with stoners (?). It's one of those shows that ill have to binge watch later on, like with mad men, sopranos, westworld, etc.

I think the standard # of tv episodes in a season was 22, but it's crazy that bev hillbillies only lasted 3 seasons; maybe it wasnt a very popular show at the time? But i guess the 70's were full of good quality shows (magnum pi, odd couple, three's company, etc) and there were less channels so more competition.
Three's company was like the 'friends' of its day, but i think when suzanne somers left the show it took a turn for the worse. I remember that much at least. No one does dumb blonde better than somers.

I liked the original roseanne back in the day, you didnt often see sitcoms about working class folks. Didnt watch any of the new roseanne episodes, and of course it got canceled after barr's infamous tweets. But i hear it's coming back now, with barr off the show? Sad. Whatever you think of her politics, she was at least pretty funny, although i heard she can be hard to work with.

Now delicia cordon is saying well maybe her attack didnt have anything to do with lesean. Maybe lesean's people privately offered her a large settlement if she makes this go away. It's kind of disgusting that people with money dont have to face consequences for violent crimes (if he was truly involved in setting her up) but that's the real world for you. Hopefully she takes this money and buys a small business and takes care of her kids and doesnt have to rely on any man to support her in the future.

Training camps open for rookies in the next 2 weeks, and the vets report a few days later. Preseason games should start soon after, where you might get a glimpse of the starters, although it's mostly 3rd and 4th stringers playing.

Someone mentioned kellen winslow having CTE; he's currently facing multiple charges of kidnapping and rape. The two female victims were 54 and 58, he's 34. At first i thought, ah kellen, you dirty dog you, you like them older women huh? Then i realized, ah shit, he allegedly raped and sodomized these women, that's not good.
He's also facing a count of rape from years ago, when he was 19 and the victim was 17. Not sure if he had brain damage when he was 19, although it's possible, but regardless it seems like he has an issue with utilizing his johnson at inappropriate times. No means no kellen!


In my empire of dirt
" It's kind of disgusting that people with money dont have to face consequences for violent crimes (if he was truly involved in setting her up) but that's the real world for you. Hopefully she takes this money and buys a small business and takes care of her kids and doesnt have to rely on any man to support her in the future. "
this is one hot taek but i can also see the flip side and maybe he is the one being hosed
if lesean was guilty of this, she is getting what she wanted ($$$), but what about if he is not involved at all
it sucks that people who are successful have to guard against gold diggers and "friends" trying to black mail them
(laramy tunsil?)
i doubt she will do anything as smart as invest in her or her kids futures if she does see a dime
i imagine boob jobs and new handbags, a fresh new whip (car) shopping sprees and vacations will eat up anything she makes
/much like the lottery winner who is soon broke
i dont know this chick from eve, but something just dosent ring true with her story
lesean isnt the only one called shady in this story
/but who knows i could be all wrong
camp opens soon and it looks like le'veon bell is going to be franchised tagged again in pit
while i dont think he should get the money he is asking for, he is being underpaid (by market value)
i wonder if this will effect negotiations going forward and if he will be in the black and yellow next season


In my empire of dirt
just passing time in the offseason, bruh, i like talking about football and stuff
plus like baba' said, it could effect his eligibility to play in 2019
/fwiw i like mccoy and think he is a great football player


Horse-toothed Jackass
She's already got the boob job, it looks like, but yeah you hope if she gets a mill or so from lesean she won't blow it on cars and clothes, she does have kids she needs to support, heck her oldest is almost college age.
It's sad when athletes get in conflict with family and friends over money. I think drew brees has gotten into it with his mom over money, same with kobe bryant. Elvis presley back in his day was generous to a fault, buying homes and cars for everybody close to him, which is why he had to keep working even when his health wasnt great.

I'm going to stay away from lesean in my fantasy drafts this year, unless he's still available in like the 4th rd or something. He could still get suspended if any breaking news comes out (the assailant gets arrested and fingers mccoy) plus that bills offense doesnt look great, he'll be facing a lot of 8 man boxes.

leveon bell is going to be paid almost a mill a game this year under the franchise tag, next highest paid RB is actually lesean at 6mill for the season. maybe bell will sign with the bills next year, to replace mccoy? Although he's great, not sure any team wants to pay him twice what the next highest paid RB makes. You look at guys like kareem hunt and alvin kamara, you can get great play from RB's for very cheap. It's sad that RB pay is lagging so far behind QB and WR pay, but times are a-changing.

The Boltman unofficial mascot for the former san diego chargers is auctioning his costume on ebay. The current bid is almost 70K, but hasnt yet met the reserve price. I guess some people have more money than sense, but half the proceeds will go to charity, so that's something...


In my empire of dirt
i was never a fan of boltman, even when they were here in san diego
there was also some beef between him and the team (actually stub hub arena staff) last season where he was refused admission to a game
looks like the unoffical mascot of the chargers wasnt welcome at their new home and was told he had to remove the mask
/anyone buying his silly costume would be a fool
it sounds like bell wanted to get closer to wr1 money but was tagged for the second year straight(?)
i think the steelers have to work out a deal next season if they want to keep him, can you tag a player three years in a row?
you bet mccoy will be facing stacked defenses, at least until the rest of the bills offense can move the ball
it is sad what money can do to people who are supposed to be your friends; when your own mom comes at you with a hand out who can you really trust?

i think the colts are in a position to turn the corner, but until i see some preseason action, im not too ready to make any predictions for the up coming season
i think they will play better if luck is back, i will say that, but it looks like the south could be red hot this season so its going to be a tough road ahead

which division is goign to be the hottest this year, or at least the most improved?
i think the afc west will be tough if the raiders can get back on track, mahomes pans out and the denver d returns
also the nfc west could be tough, johnson will be back in az, the 9rs will have garappalo for the whole season

whos ready for some football!?


Invertebrata Inebriata
Indianapolis is the underdog and wild card in their division this year. New coach, (kind of) new quarterback. But we know if Luck can play like we all saw before the injury, and the rest of the Colts can rise to the occasion, they will be in the mix.


In my empire of dirt
let just pencil luck back in; hes looking jacked and it sounds like he is ready to play
the real test if going to be on the other side of the ball this season; can the indy D hold its own against the other up and coming afc south teams?
/hooker has some swagger but what about the rest of the D


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think leveon's position was that he produces like a WR1 and a RB1, because of his receiving skills. Which, he has a point, but when he's asking for almost 3x the next highest paid RB (and almost twice as much as what adrian peterson used to make) it's unrealistic for him to expect that. Can you imagine what ladainian tomlinson would have made under that logic? Dude had a 31 TD season, that's like twice what the top scorer usually gets in a season.
Bell is playing under his 2nd consecutive franchise tag, and is making 120% of what he made under his first tag. If the steelers tag him for a 3rd year, he'll be due 144% of his 2nd year's salary, which would be like 21mill. This is why the redskins couldnt tag cousins for a 3rd year and let him go to the vikings, cause he'd be due over 35mill just for one year. It's a way to discourage teams from just continually franchising a player to keep from signing them to a long term deal, which i think is what the seahawks did to walter jones a decade ago, back before the current collective bargaining agreement was made.

I wonder if any teams have an official mascot? I dont recall the bears having one, although it would be easy for them to have, just get a guy in a cute bear suit. Maybe nfl teams dont really have mascots, not like college teams, or nba or mlb teams...

Maybe dean spanos is bidding on the boltman costume, because allegedly it comes with the IP rights to the name. Lol, fuck dean spanos...

Bills offense might be serviceable if they get decent QB play, but supposedly nathan peterman (threw 5 ints in a half) was the best in minicamps, which doesnt bode well. Still, aj mccarron showed he's decent when he was with the bengals, and josh allen is, um, tall and strong and can throw really far. Kelvin benjamin is a pretty good WR, zay jones too, if they get a decent passer maybe they'll be better than anyone thought, like the jets last year.
But mccoy's play had a bit of a down year last year, he's more like a top 10 back instead of a top 5 RB.

Luck's healthy and throwing right now, so i dont expect any limitations with him once the season starts. They drafted two new OL, one of whom, quenton nelson, is already being considered one of the league's best before he's played a snap. So probably luck wont take as many hits, although he's sure to take some.

Defense will probably be an issue, pagano was a defensive guy but never really fixed that side of the ball when he was head coach (maybe not entirely his fault because of poor drafting). Reich is an offensive guy so maybe he's not the answer, but their new defensive coordinator, matt eberflus, besides having a great last name, worked under rob marinelli on the cowboys. Marinelli has for the past few seasons got average or better defenses out of not that much talent (1 or 2 stars like sean lee and demarcus lawrence but no other big names) so maybe eberflus can do the same.

This year i think most every team, or at least half the league, has their franchise qb or qb of the future. Not that all of those guys will work out, most probably wont, but as a whole it might make the league more competitive than ever. Even if most every team has a decent qb, someone's gotta lose, right?


In my empire of dirt
i wonder how LT's dollars stack against todays money
i know he bough some property here in san diego while he was playing, so if we use that as a measure of inflation he was doing pretty well while he played (2001-2011)
but yeah we are getting to where athletes are being paid unbelievable amounts of money again and you wonder how hgih can it go
/most of which they will never see; a lot of it is contract hype
this is why we are hearing more about guaranteed money in the deal
remember when nolan ryan became the first million dollar man in baseball? i wonder who will be the first athlete to sign a 100m dollar a year contract
/it will be a ten tear deal for...
wait for it...

"ONE BILLION DOLLARS" ~laughs like dr Evil
thanks for running down how the franchise tag works,brother
its one of those things i just glanced over, how in the first year they make an average of the tops salaries for their position but never went much deeper than that
your explanation was very clear
also, good run down on the colts, baba'
i think they will improve on last season, but a lot has changed in the south
when the texans (???) are the weakest team you will be face twice a year, you are fighting an uphill battle man
but like they say, steel sharpens steel and the afc south could see a couple teams make it into the playoffs

F-dean spanos


Horse-toothed Jackass
LT had about 55M in career earnings, a good chunk of that in signing bonuses, as is typical with NFL contracts. He got a 6M bonus as the #5 overall pick in the draft in 2001, and a 12M bonus on his extension in 2004, but otherwise his yearly salaries were not more than 5M or so and usually much less than that.

With the rule changes protecting qb's and receivers, and the fact you can get elite RB production for cheap, all the money on offense is going to everyone but rb's. Brandin cooks signed a 5yr 80M extension with the rams. The average value is 16M a year, broken up into an 8M salary and an 8M roster bonus every March. Only 20M is guaranteed though, so i think the rams can get out of it after a year or two if he gets hurt or doesnt produce or they need the money elsewhere.

Supposedly bryce harper of the nationals in MLB will sign a 10yr, 400M contract when he becomes a free agent after the season. Might be with the yankees or red sox (of course) or even the cubs.
I hope an athlete doesnt get paid 100M a year anytime soon, cause that will mean the dollar isnt worth much at that point. Like our grandparents used to say, they could buy a loaf of bread for a nickel, an ice cream float for a dime, etc

I actually think the titans will be the worst team in the afc south this year, not the texans, so long as watson and watt are healthy and play the whole year. But no one in that division will probably go worse than 8-8, assuming all qb's are healthy and start the whole year. Theyre much like the nfc south, all 4 qb's in that division are at a minimum above average.


In my empire of dirt
i dont remember buying bread for a nickle, but you could get cheap candy for 5c
i do remember when a can of soda cost you 25c out of a vending machine
when i started driving gas cost about a buck
what are prices like in your area baba'? you live near chicago
san diego is crazy expensive for everything if you are paying full retail, but are deals on most stuff (except for gasoline), if you are willing to look for them
for comparison, i checked some numbers and lt was doing all right for the time he played
in 2001 the median household income in san diego was $47,944, for 2016 it was $70,693
almost 150% more (source: fed reserve bank of st louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MHICA06073A052NCEN)
isnt lebron making close to like 60m a year under his new deal?
/i can see baseball players and b'ballers making more because they play a longer season
but the money these guys are making is going through the roof
the titans could very well be the worst team in the afc south, but like you said the texans need to have watt and deshaun come back healthy


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think gas prices around chicago are some of the highest in the country, topped only by hawaii, which incurs extra cost to ship the gas there cause i dont think there are any refineries there. Cook county and chicago add their gas taxes on top of the state taxes, but when gas prices get really bad, like over 4.00/gallon, i think the county and city cut their take so it doesnt get too crazy.

There's a brief scene in the first Die Hard movie, which came out in '88, where you see on a gas station sign that prices in LA were 77 cents a gallon. So yeah, gas is at least 4x more expensive than 30 years ago. I remember during the iraq invasion after 9/11 that gas prices were 4-5 bucks a gallon, just insane prices, but i guess still less than that time in the 70's when OPEC formed and gas here jumped up to like $7-8/gallon, and back then minimum wage was probably like $2/hr.

Lebron i think signed for 35M a year, he would have made more if he resigned with cleveland, maybe 40M a year, because their contract rules give an advantage to the current team retaining their players. I think steph curry and chris paul are getting 40M/yr under their new deals.
NBA plays 82 games/yr vs 16 for the NFL, but the nfl salary cap is like 180M vs 100M for NBA, but the real kicker is that an nfl team has to split that between 55 guys whereas the nba team splits it between 15 guys. Also, the nfl is a hard cap, can't to over the limit but in the nba you can go over the limit just have to pay a monetary penalty called a luxury tax.

I think LT is working for the nfl network, he might make 1M a year there, plus if he was careful with his money (he's pretty religious so i dont think he blew it all on gambling and partying) he should be straight. He doesnt have peyton manning money but im sure his family is well taken care of.

Brent musberger was named radio announcer for the raiders, i always liked hearing him doing college football. Not sure if ill ever listen to a raiders game on the radio though but good to see he's still around.

James harrison gave an interview yesterday where he said belichick was a much better coach than steelers coach mike tomlin. Which, duh, even tomlin might agree with that, but that comment also smacks of sour grapes from harrison, who left the steelers on bad terms last year. Have some class, james, and put the steroids down, theyre affecting your thinking.


In my empire of dirt
it sounds like we are looking at pretty simular gas prices, except california is not going to lower taxes any time soon
in fact they recently raised the tax, another goverment money grab
/gas prices are a regressive expense because they hurt the poor people more than the better off; plus public transit sucks here
i remember the opec embargo and how you could only get gas on certain days
my dad would be fuming because we had two cars with different license plates
(i tihnk odd numbers on one day and even on the enxt)
im glad LT is still involved with the game
he looks good on tv and can speak well, i have nothing but love for him and wish him thebest
they also own snugs pet resort, a sort of doggy day care
he and his wife did the commercials when he was here in san diego
harrison is a beast but im surprised that he is bad mouthing his former coach like that
he might be juicing, but he also works out like a fiend
/check out some of his workout videos and you will see, the guy put a lot into his training