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My friends dog noshed on a shit ton of canna-muffins


So a friend of mine came over, I cooked some dinner up and while that was on the grill I started a batch of blueberry muffins from some supper stony cannabutter. Muffins are real easy by the way and only take about 30 mins start to end.

By the time we were done eating, smoking and enjoying the fresh muffins, both of us crashed out on the couch with a movie on. The muffins were killer. We split a muffin and within 30 mins I was baked out of my gourd.

Now, I had left the tin of 12 muffins on the counter to cool off before I put them in the fridge. My friend and I split ONE muffin. I wake up the next morning to find muffin paper all over the floor and only 2 muffins left in the tin. This 60 pound dog who is normally bouncing off the walls was laying on the floor completely zoned, barely able to lift his fat head.

I was like... ohhh shit. That poor bastard. I've since eaten the last two in two different sittings and each time I was out of my head so I know they're dank muffins. The poor dog finally was able to get up and go outside but his frickin legs wouldn't work correctly. If he was just standing there he'd wobble, but if he tried to walk around it was like he was a cat with plastic bags over each paw. I couldn't help but burst out laughing and the now-retarded animal.

I thought I'd share! He's fine now but it took over three days to get right. I guess at home he slept the whole three days and didn't eat much.

I in no way condone getting pets high and did initially feel bad about his predicament. I was worried about him being permanently fucked up but he's better now and we can all laugh about it.

Cheers !


cant stop wont stop
LMAO!! dude thats funny as Hell!
i know exactly what you mean about there legs wobbling and cant walk worth a shit..
when my friends dog was a pretty young pup she ate a half oz of my bud.. i was pissed man but didnt think it would affect her since it wasnt cook3d..
i dont know maybe dogs are different?? and there stomach can process the thc??

she got back from the vet and was still fucked up well into the next day..
shit was hillarious watching her try to get a drink outta her bowl!
One of my mates dogs - a lab called Isla - used to sit in the kitchen while we blazed in his house. The dog would get severe red eye and loll about.

We all thought it was hilarious - until one day the dog died suddenly...then we all felt a bit guilty... :joint:


livin my way the high way
man thats a sad post DB but for Toad how much butter did you use and what was the ratio of Bud/butter when you made it.


On the road to clone only...
HOLY SHIT!!!....that's some funny ass shit right there...great story my man


The cannabutter had about an ounce of bud (which wasn't dried properly) and about a half ounce of leaf. All of it was dried and put through a coffee grinder. I used four sticks of butter (1lb I think) but ended up with maybe 3/4lb of cannabutter. I think some of the regular butter boiled off before I added the herbs.

When I made the blueberry muffins, I just followed the recipe I found and I think the muffins had close to a cup of butter and the topping (cinamon, flour and butter to make it clumpy) had maybe four tablespoons.


Sorry to hear about Isla. Like I said, this was unintentional and I've only know a couple animals (both cats) who actually like the smell and/or effects of the herb or are at least cognizant enough to know what they like. Both would jump on the lap of whoever held the bowl !

I still laugh out loud thinking about the little fucker trying to walk around ! He got all squinty eyed too ! You'd go to pet his head and before you touched him he cower like you were about to unload on him. Not something he usually does since he's never had a hand laid upon him.

Perhaps he'll learn not to jump on the counter and grab shit he shouldn't.


Active member
not to be an ass but i don't see whats funny about a dog accidentally eating weed. i have a couple dogs and its imperative that they get no where near my stash. i keep it way out of sight from them. just like i would if i had any kids around. you can seriously fuck your dogs up this way and you could even kill them. you got lucky this time. nothing funny about that. sure marijuana is good for humans but its not good for everything. it can cause a dog to start vomiting and if the dog is lethargic enough from the marijuana it could choke on its vomit and die. it also lowers there heart rates considerably and i've even heard of dogs having seizures and going into a coma after eating a lot of marijuana. and it can also depress the nervous system.

FOLKS, keep your stashes away from your fucking dogs. more stories like this just make the rest of us look like irresponsible smokers who shouldn't have pets. more propaganda from them to use against us. i'm tired of hearing stories like 'my dog accidentally ate my stash..." or even worse "i willingly get my dog high...". no, your dog didn't accidentally do nothing. your the one who left the stash there for them to eat. its a dog what do you expect. i don't leave my socks around the house and not expect my dogs to eat them. same goes for bud. lets start being responsible.
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Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
steppinRazor said:
LMAO!! dude thats funny as Hell!
i know exactly what you mean about there legs wobbling and cant walk worth a shit..
when my friends dog was a pretty young pup she ate a half oz of my bud.. i was pissed man but didnt think it would affect her since it wasnt cook3d..
i dont know maybe dogs are different?? and there stomach can process the thc??

she got back from the vet and was still fucked up well into the next day..
shit was hillarious watching her try to get a drink outta her bowl!

yes, dogs can process thc in its raw form


Active member
I used to blow shotguns into a bread bag and put it over the face of my little brother's boxer dog, and he'd get all red eyed, and take a slow walk out to the road, lie down right in the middle of it, and look off way, far down the road for hours. Never went to sleep, never got hit by a car, but it was kinda funny because we lived out in the country and he could have chosen anywhere to lie down.


Active member
to the OP: you think its funny gettin animals high? i hope u dont have kids i bet ur that dad who leaves the gun without a lock on the counter by the food...fkn idiot hope someone laces your cookies with something worse than chronic queer-bait


Come on people. How many times do I have to say that I DO NOT CONDONE GETTING DOGS HIGH. This dog was a guest at my house who jumped up on to the stove to get a the muffins while I was sleeping. If you feel so strongly, bitch at my friend who owns the dog. It was an accident.

I don't have a kid so my house isn't kid proof. My dog doesnt jump on the counter so I don't think about putting food stuffs off the counter.

It was an accident. Take your high horse attitude elsewhere or focus it on the poster, Cannabis, who forced his dog to take shotguns. You guys prolly didn't even read my story since I said right there that I don't condone getting animals high.

If anything would have happened I would have felt beyond guilty and would not know how to deal with it.... but he's fine, that's why I can laugh about it.

Fuck you.


Active member
Come on people. How many times do I have to say that I DO NOT CONDONE GETTING DOGS HIGH.
yeah, yeah, fuck me or whatever... good one. anyway, i think you need to go back and re-read everything i said. i just said its not funny just because the dog appears to be okay now. if you don't condone it then whats funny about it now and what was funny about it when the dog was high? just curious?? because you did say you were laughing at the dog when it was high. you could have gotten the dog very sick or even killed it. there is nothing funny about that yet you got a kick out of it even though you 'felt bad'? Riiiighhhht...

secondly, no one said you need to kid proof your home. we're talking about dogs and pot and you need to keep your pot away from your dogs just like you would a child. its just an example. everyone needs to listen to that. you'd be surprised at how often this happens and it makes us all look irresponsible users in the eyes of non-smokers and anyone else.

p.s. i believe i called others out for willingly getting there dogs high.
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Yeah, I was more being harsh to the poster a couple below you who called me queer bait. You, on the other hand, were being civil, if not on a unneeded soap box.

Let me ask you this.... if you were to drive your car into a ditch at some point but managed to get out completely unscathed, would you be able to look back light heartedly on the situation and maybe even laugh at how lucky you got? Like I said in the story, initially I was worried about it but the dog is fine now and we manged to avoid anything catastrophic.

When your friend gets falling over drunk, after you help him up, don't you chuckle at how tossed he is.... ?

Secondly, my point about kids and kid proofing my house was this: My dog doesn't jump on counters so I don't think about dog proofing my counter. If I had a dog that did, it would be in my frontal lobe anytime I cooked. But its not, so this happened.... it was an accident.

I wasn't relaying this story to be "OMG I just feed my dog a metric ton of brownies and now he can't walk, isn't that awesome??? LOL" There IS a difference my friend.


Active member
fair enough i can see your point now.

I wasn't relaying this story to be "OMG I just feed my dog a metric ton of brownies and now he can't walk, isn't that awesome??? LOL" There IS a difference my friend.
you would be surprised by the amount of idiots who come to forums and do.


I see YOUR point. So let's share a joint on it.

I'd give you props but everytime I try it says I'm accessing some part of the site I'm not allowed to...


Active member
Did two people.... just ... disagree... then see each others' point.... then agree to drop it and share a joint?

WOW! That should happen more often! Too much beef on this forum these days :joint: