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Multibillionaire George Soros Backs Prop 19


Active member
Hopefully, he is putting his money where his mouth is. We could use a few billion in TV spots:George Soros, the multibillionaire investor who helped bankroll three initiatives to change drug laws in California, endorsed the marijuana legalization initiative Monday and plans to make a major financial contribution to the campaign.

Soros, who invested $3 million in the medical marijuana initiative and two other measures, made his announcement in an opinion piece published online by the Wall Street Journal. "Proposition 19 already is a winner no matter what happens on election day. The mere fact of its being on the ballot has elevated and legitimized public discourse about marijuana and marijuana policy in ways I could not have imagined a year ago," Soros wrote. The article is scheduled to appear in Tuesday’s print edition.

Soros, who runs a hedge fund and founded the Open Society Foundations, has not yet donated to the campaign. But Michael Vachon, an advisor to Soros, said that "he plans to make a significant contribution."

Related: L.A. Sheriff will enforce pot laws even if Prop. 19 passes.

The initiative was the brainchild of Richard Lee, an Oakland medical marijuana entrepreneur who has spent at least $1.5 million to draft the measure, collect signatures to qualify it for the ballot and pay for a campaign. The wealthy donors who have helped to pay for past efforts to change California’s drug laws had largely stayed out of the campaign until the last few weeks.

Peter B. Lewis, a retired insurance company executive, recently donated $209,005 to the campaign, and George Zimmer, the founder and CEO of Men’s Wearhouse, recently gave $50,000. Both businessmen
supported past initiatives to change the state’s drug laws.

In his opinion piece, Soros said that the nation’s marijuana laws "are clearly doing more harm than good" at a cost of billions of dollars a year "to enforce this unenforceable prohibition."

Soros wrote that regulating and taxing marijuana would reduce the crime and violence linked to criminal drug gangs and violations of civil liberties "that occur when large numbers of otherwise law-abiding citizens are subject to arrest." He also noted that minorities are arrested at higher rates for marijuana crimes, creating arrest records that may follow them through life.

Although he endorsed Proposition 19, noting that it would allow recreational use and small-scale cultivation, Soros also suggested "its deficiencies can be corrected on the basis of experience." Besides allowing adults 21 and older to grow and possess marijuana, the initiative would allow cities and counties to authorize commercial cultivation, sales and taxation.

"Just as the process of repealing national alcohol prohibition began with individual states repealing their own prohibition laws, so individual states must now take the initiative with respect to repealing marijuana prohibition laws," Soros wrote.

[Updated: He donate $1 million to help pass Proposition 19, the marijuana legalization measure, which he endorsed Monday as "a major step forward."

The donation makes Soros, who is the chairman of a hedge fund and who founded the Open Society Foundations, the largest donor to the campaign after Richard Lee, an Oakland medical marijuana entrepreneur, who has spent at least $1.5 million on the measure.]"



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Good job RetroGrow in getting this current breaking news story up! One I found at Seer Press

George Soros advocates for legalization of marijuana

Well-known financier and philanthropist George Soros has called on the U.S. government to legalize marijuana, reports BBC.
In an article published in Wall Street Journal, George Soros argues that if the U.S. government imposes a tax on the sale of marijuana and controls its use; they could save billions of dollars. He emphasized the costs of keeping the cannabis offenders under detention and said that California spends billions of dollars per year to arrest 750,000 these people.
“The mere fact of its being on the ballot has elevated and legitimized public discourse about marijuana policy in ways I could not have imagined,” Mr Soros said.
He called the government’s attempts to ban marijuana smoking as useless.
In November, California will vote on the legalization of marijuana use and produce it in small quantities.
At the same time, leaders of three Latin American countries urged Californians to vote against the legalization of marijuana. The presidents of Colombia, Mexico and Costa Rica said that legalizing marijuana would be a wrong signal.
Personal use of this drug is allowed in many U.S. states, but voting in California is the litmus test whether marijuana can be accepted more favorably and legally in the society.


Active member
Soros has always been a man off reason and supporting legal cannabis

Sure hope the pepol off california votes YESSSSSSSSS
Thank you for posting those articles. I don't live in California, so I don't know the local politics. It's good that Mr. Soros has an optimistic and active outlook about cannabis. It sounds like he is prepared to move forward with more action if 19 does not pass. The issue that I have with alot of people who vote no is that they are not offering any other alternatives that would have a chance of passing on a ballot.


Active member
Not living in California I only know what I read. I am hoping some of this money is being used for TV spots, as that seems to be the preferred method of influencing people. Amazing what cathode rays do to the human brain. They use them to sell us stuff, they use them to get people elected, so, hopefully they are bombarding the airwaves with creative and educational pro cannabis ads, and debunking the lies and propaganda proffered by the government and the forces of evil. We now have a Russian official(s) in our country propagandizing against cannabis, and equating it with the heroin plague in his country. He obviously doesn't know what cannabis is, but he is staunchly against it regardless. We need to fight tooth and nail against this, as the world, rather than becoming more enlightened, is actually going the other way. More conservatives are about to take power both in the U.S., and also Canada, the Netherlands, and the rest of Europe. We need to make a stand now. We need to make a statement to the rest of the world. It just might be our last chance. It goes beyond the politics of cannabis. It's about our freedom, and that's why everyone here needs to vote "yes!". "Yes" for freedom. Screw the politics of it.


New member
Isn't prop 19 just a reboot of the 1937 stamp act? where the government promised to tax & regulate cannabis with a stamp which they never produced? furthermore prop 215 & sb420 has been in effect since 1996 making marijuana use legal in all of California (aside from "non smoking areas") doesn't prop 19 give individual cities authority to overrule this? plus many have said that they don't care about tax revenue. also local police(are supposed to)enforce local laws not federal ones. I don't want to sound like I'm against MJ legalization...heavens NO I just don't want to duped into believing I'm "helping" a cause and instead crippling it. for lack of information/knowledge (which "they" keep away and use against us)...How many times do we have to vote YES?
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What was public opinion about weed in like 1937?

In 2010, the public opinion about weed is so much more reasonable and founded in truth instead of propaganda.

Why do people think that only the government change things? We all change the world.

vote yes on prop 19, or be a huge tool, or it's your choice.

edit: prop 215 and sb420 are medical laws, which require you to take advantage of a medical system by complaining to a doctor about some bullshit, prop 19 is the law the way it should be, the way people abuse the medicinal laws should be nullified by saying if you're over 21, you can buy pot.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
i was wondering how long it'd take before the conspiracy showed up.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sacrifices are always made when there is change. I am undecided. It has its pros and cons like anything. I will celebrate in the streets if it is legalized. I have waited all my life but I'm just not sure this is the right one.. If we could only see the future.. lol


Ease up on aTmos, he is asking a very important question, crtical thinking people! It may help if you add some details to what your fears are here. What does proposition 19 state?


The short answer is: NO, not at all.

The short answer is: NO, not at all.

The longer answer is: (also) NO.
Before 1916 (California) or 1937 (Federal), cannabis/hemp was legal, like sweet basil -- no prescription was needed. You could grow it in your garden, next to your tomato plants. No one cared. A bottle of tincture of cannabis was available over-the-counter from any dry goods store, druggist, or many traveling salesmen. There was no regulation, no control, and no tax unless your locality had a sales tax.
Medical marijuana isn't legal marijuana, it is legal for prescribed medical use ONLY -- no medical recommendation = NOT legal. And not legal whatsoever, according to Federal statutes and LEOs. 14 years after Prop 215 passed, the DEA and other Federal LEOs are still raiding & arresting MMJ-legal individuals & organizations, as are State LEOs.
Gov. Schwarzenegger just signed a CA bill that decriminalized cannabis, so now less that 1 ounce of cannabis is no longer a misdemeanor (criminal offense) and is a civil offense (like a parking ticket). This still is NOT legal, just not CRIMINAL, so more than an ounce of cannabis is STILL criminal.
CA Prop 19 is a game-changer. It makes small quantities of cannabis LEGAL, including growing it, or selling it. If Prop 19 passes, there are still constraints that limit its' legality, so local or state LEOs can still make CRIMINAL raids & arrests.
IMHO, Prop 19 still doesn't go far enough -- limited legality is not fully legal like it was before the 1937 Harrison Act became law. We must not give up the struggle until cannabis/hemp is legal like it was before Prohibition 2.0 began, legal like sweet basil.

Isn't prop 19 just a reboot of the 1937 stamp act? where the government promised to tax & regulate cannabis with a stamp which they never produced? furthermore prop 215 & sb420 has been in effect since 1996 making marijuana use legal in all of California (aside from "non smoking areas") doesn't prop 19 give individual cities authority to overrule this? plus many have said that they don't care about tax revenue. also local police(are supposed to)enforce local laws not federal ones. I don't want to sound like I'm against MJ legalization...heavens NO I just don't want to duped into believing I'm "helping" a cause and instead crippling it. for lack of information/knowledge (which "they" keep away and use against us)...How many times do we have to vote YES?

mdk ktm

Not living in California I only know what I read. I am hoping some of this money is being used for TV spots, as that seems to be the preferred method of influencing people. Amazing what cathode rays do to the human brain. They use them to sell us stuff, they use them to get people elected, so, hopefully they are bombarding the airwaves with creative and educational pro cannabis ads, and debunking the lies and propaganda proffered by the government and the forces of evil. We now have a Russian official(s) in our country propagandizing against cannabis, and equating it with the heroin plague in his country. He obviously doesn't know what cannabis is, but he is staunchly against it regardless. We need to fight tooth and nail against this, as the world, rather than becoming more enlightened, is actually going the other way. More conservatives are about to take power both in the U.S., and also Canada, the Netherlands, and the rest of Europe. We need to make a stand now. We need to make a statement to the rest of the world. It just might be our last chance. It goes beyond the politics of cannabis. It's about our freedom, and that's why everyone here needs to vote "yes!". "Yes" for freedom. Screw the politics of it.

Soooo, if democrats get elected marijuana will be legalized? But if republicans get elected there will be no chance?

Is there any conservative that supports prop 19? Or any decriminalization anywhere?

Is that the understanding here?

Democrats will take all your damn money in taxes.... But republicans wont legalize the devil weed? I have kind have this idea in my head that they are all garbage, what the hell is the difference?

I just don't see how anybody can support any party, what the hell have they done for me? Besides take a shit load out of my check every week? :wave:


Active member
This is the only one.
It might not be perfect, but it's our only chance.
Some of you guys don't seem to get that part.
There might not be another chance.
More conservative governments are about to come into power the world over.
We need to make a statement now.
Forget the fine print.
Headlines around the world will say, "cannabis legalized!".
That's all that matters.
It's about freedom.
We need to do this now, before they get the opportunity to squelch it.
You can bet they will try.
Vote yes for freedom.
We can fight about the fine print later.
When you go to vote, think about Jack Herer.
Think about all the people rotting in prison for using a plant.


Active member
Soooo, if democrats get elected marijuana will be legalized? But if republicans get elected there will be no chance?

Is there any conservative that supports prop 19? Or any decriminalization anywhere?

Is that the understanding here?

Democrats will take all your damn money in taxes.... But republicans wont legalize the devil weed? I have kind have this idea in my head that they are all garbage, what the hell is the difference?

I just don't see how anybody can support any party, what the hell have they done for me? Besides take a shit load out of my check every week? :wave:

I said nothing about Democrats or Republicans. I think we can all agree they are all scum.
I'm talking about a resurgence of "conservatism" around the world.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but conservatives are coming to power in the Netherlands, where they are trying to shut down coffee shops.
They have already come to power in Canada, where anti cannabis laws are becoming more draconian.
The Muslim world, the fastest growing segment of the population, would like to execute you for cannabis.
This is not about politics.
It's about freedom.
And California just may be the last bastion of hope.
We need to stand up for freedom there, now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Its not our only chance. We will have something on the ballot in 2012 and a few years to make it better. With 19 if you have children under 18 living at home you can't have your medicine. You would have to leave home to medicate and be legal if your child is there.. and keep your meds elsewhere or you are committing a felony. And you sho aint gonna be able to grow it at home if you have children under 18. You can have booze and prescription meds and tobacco that can all kill but you can't have God's natural medicine??? I don't have kids at home anymore but come on.. that's just the beginning.. very restrictive and industry motivated. Read 19 over and over and all the little restrictions become bigger. It "frees" you to have a legal ounce?? That's not freedom.
Its not our only chance. We will have something on the ballot in 2012 and a few years to make it better.

Are you sure about that? And if so, can you provide a link to where you got that information that there will be another vote on cannabis in 2012? You see that Soros and Lee are donating millions of dollars of their own money, time and energy to put this to a vote. People have been working for years and years to get this movement to this point right now. You speak as though it is very easy to get the general public vote on cannabis, people who are already apathetic to voting already.

With 19 if you have children under 18 living at home you can't have your medicine. You would have to leave home to medicate and be legal if your child is there.. and keep your meds elsewhere or you are committing a felony. And you sho aint gonna be able to grow it at home if you have children under 18. You can have booze and prescription meds and tobacco that can all kill but you can't have God's natural medicine??? I don't have kids at home anymore but come on.. that's just the beginning.. very restrictive and industry motivated. Read 19 over and over and all the little restrictions become bigger. It "frees" you to have a legal ounce?? That's not freedom.
No one, not the general voting public, not a Republican, not a Democrat or anyone interesting in public office, liberal or conservative would ever completely legalize cannabis. What you are speaking of is the ideal scenario, but realistically, it will never happen. It will never, ever happen. If you are waiting for the local, state and federal government to suddenly realize they are wrong about cannabis and they will just legalize it, you will be waiting forever.

As other people have said, time and time again, over and over, no one said this initative is not perfect, but it's a start. It's a foundation to build on for better cannabis laws. You have to start somewhere and you have to start small or else cannabis will always be illegal in this country and any other initiative will always been striken down by the general public. We are fighting against decades of Reefer Madness-type of propaganda, so it will take time to tear down those stereotypes to be able to reach the ideal of cannabis being completely free and legal.
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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor


Having lived on both coasts growing up I feel it's important to understand the influence California has on the rest of the United States.

What happens in Cali spreads East. In my life I have grown to see the normal time line to be 5 years. What I'm saying is what I have always said,California needs this to pass. It's broke has got bills to pay and the idea of raising taxes to get a few penny's from peoples unemployment checks simply would not be enough to cover the costs of a ski trip to Aspen for the good Governor.

When this passes I say with in 5 years you will see the normal sway of the Cali Trend. On the east we also need to ponder the FACT that Kentucky is the 1/3 largest tobacco producing state and estimated numbers on MJ triple those numbers so YES the dollars are there. A few years back a man even ran for State Governor on the platform of legalizing MJ telling the Federal Government to keep there pocket change in state funds and PROVED they would be the richest state in the US in under 3 years.

It's coming folks it's coming fast. For you experienced folks (my word for old)think of what you might have seen as commonplace in Cali that was by far and large taboo on the east and years later it somehow someway became to cool thing because thats the way they do it out west?.

Sad But True


Freedom Fighter
Its not our only chance. We will have something on the ballot in 2012 and a few years to make it better. With 19 if you have children under 18 living at home you can't have your medicine. You would have to leave home to medicate and be legal if your child is there.. and keep your meds elsewhere or you are committing a felony. And you sho aint gonna be able to grow it at home if you have children under 18. You can have booze and prescription meds and tobacco that can all kill but you can't have God's natural medicine??? I don't have kids at home anymore but come on.. that's just the beginning.. very restrictive and industry motivated. Read 19 over and over and all the little restrictions become bigger. It "frees" you to have a legal ounce?? That's not freedom.

Bro, that is simply not true--
First, it says NOTHING about growing with children around-- As a matter of fact, I have had CPS at my house because of weed...and after seeing my Rec, and looking at my garden (Outdoors)...they were fine with it-- I know 19 is not 215, but that is the attitude of CPS on Cultivation...they don't see it as a danger--
As far as smoking...19 says that you cannot smoke in the same "Space"...not "Dwelling-- Once you shut your bedroom door...they are not in the same "Space"-- When CPS was at my house...that was the only thing they were concerned about...was if I was smoking, while my child was in the room--
It frees you to have a legal ounce, IN PUBLIC!! You can keep everything you grow, in your house tho--
Very weak arguments bro....

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