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Liquid Karma information


Seed Killer No More
ICMag Donor
I've been using LK for about 2 years now w/ GH 3part in dwc buckets. I only use half the recommended amount in clone and veg and not at all in flowering. It seems to aid in the foliage growth to much in flower so I cut it out after 2 cycles. But I have no complaints and think its a great product. I did a side by side with it and the LK plants were healthier looking and grew like crazy compared to non LK plants.


bio bizz makes a bloom stimulator (topmax) that is 30% humic acid and 15% kelp, it omri listed too. i used to use the pbp bloom but phazed into the bio bizz line. their bloom is the only thing not omri listed but its only derived from kelp and molases, i was also useing primal harvest guano in the last cycle. i had the bigest granddady purple buds soo far and this new romulan plant i have from a seed has got the biger bids ive grown indoors in the 3 years i have under the belt, i used the whole bio bizz line on it besides the top max and i didnt need the bio-fish or heaven. -i used liquid karma i had from a while back and root juice i was useing as a bloom/root enhance when transplanting and for clones. i figure if its best for clones great but if it can enhance the root zone that means beter nutrint exchang ethrought the bloom cycle. root juice makes for kicken clones and i use liquid karma mostly for mixign soil, transplanting and throught bloom and vegg but mostly in bloom. i dont think ill use it again, it'll go outdoor building that area for spring production. http://rosemania.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/product57.html

now i keep the root juice for the clones and have a bottle of topmax lightly for transplants and during the first half or so of the bloom cycle. it was spandy(40 bucks per liter) and is experimantal for me but i think humic acid is important in the organic process. i add dr earths strarter fertilizer at a cup and a half per bag of ocianforest and i also use kelp meal and light amounts of blood, bone and some more alfalfa meal then what the dr earth supplied, i also get some compost when avalible eather vermicrop or organics alive but i substitute the dr earths starter fertilizer as a make shift compost -its a compost activator and can be made into a tea aswell. i also have been useing dr earths starter fertilizer for the first time and the garden loves it.

bio bizz (top max) are distributed through general hydroponics in sobastipol CA -im useing earth juice bloom to subtitute primal harvest guano ive been top-dressing. its made with the same guano i think, from hydro-organics. its a no nitrogen phosphorus booster like the primal harvest but with a touch of K and its a liquid food wich i like plus its cheep at 12 bucks a quort. comparable to the bio bizz grow and bloom and i think they compliment each other, the bio biz haveing molasses and kelp in their bloom. and the earth juice haveing all ther other needed goodies, add 'em together you got bio-juice lol ~all omri listed, exept bio-bloom :nanana:


You guys, try Floralicious Plus. It's more concentrated, cheaper by the dose, and has beneficial bacteria!
I use LK in my aero system. Works great! Here are the roots a few weeks back.



Long haired country boy
love this stuff, seems to speed up the rooting of clones, helps the plants be more vigorous, the only thing about it is I wish it was organic.
I'm intrested as well in the foliar applications. I currently use it with every watering along with superthrive and it works great. But if I can expand my horizons here a bit more I'd like to, thanks ahead of thime.

I really like the l/k not the s/t,,,but do instead like hormex!
Foliar LK is basically just a expensive sea kelp spray w/ a little nutrients. The yucca extract acts as a wetting agent.

But humic acids aid in nutrient uptake in the roots. I don't believe it does much as a foliar, but I could be wrong.

I use it with GH, and EJ Catalyst in veg and have noticed great root growth, and overall improved vigor. Humics aid in nutrient uptake, kelp with hormones, and the Catalyst feeds the bene's. I use only about 5ml or so per gallon. I am in coco ebb and flow for veg, so I think it really helps round out the synthetic nutrients.

I haven't used it in my flowering yet: I move them into a top feed run to waste with Pura Vida. I might try it for the first couple weeks of bloom to see if it helps uptake and rooting. Pura Vida claims it has humics in it, so there is no need to add more. But, we'll see this time round how it goes. It gets really expensive to run to the waste the stuff. I might only use it every 2nd or 3rd day.
If your looking for a good foliar for rooting I use Canna Rhizotonic. It is organic, bascially kelp and bacteria if I understand it correctly. They now make small bottles. It's expensive, but very concentrated. It will last forever as a foliar. You can also add it into your cloning solution.

It is really rockin stuff. I hear great things about HG Roots Excelerator as well. It too is expensive, and many folks I know swear by it. I have yet to try it.

rooring husky

New member
I have a clean DWC setup in which I am adding nutrients...

There is no plants in the setup yet because I am doing some testing with ppm and fluctuations with different nutrients..

Anyways...my question was that does Liquid Karma create a brown froth on the sides on anyone's DWC buckets?

I added RO Water, Aquashield, SM90, CalMag+, and then Liquid Karma. Everything was relatively clear with no froth or foam/build up until the LK was added. Anyone who runs LK in a air stone/DWC setup please help and chime in. Thanks in advance..

-rooring husky


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I added RO Water, Aquashield, SM90, CalMag+, and then Liquid Karma. Everything was relatively clear with no froth or foam/build up until the LK was added. Anyone who runs LK in a air stone/DWC setup please help and chime in. Thanks in advance..

aquashield i believe is organic chicking poo... which can cause alge and goo on your hydro..

please let me know if this is bad to use in DWC buckets as i was about to add it to my nute regiment .

the gnome

Active member
LK is great stuff, bought a qt initialy to try it out, now I need a gallon.
philly posted earlier that LK with hygrozyme gave excellent results,
what is hygrozyme and whats its do?? benefits?
btw I'm a soil grower


please let me know if this is bad to use in DWC buckets as i was about to add it to my nute regiment .

Its fine. The Aquashield is beneficial bacteria. Its just derived from chicken poop. A ton of nutrients come from odd ball places. The only reason he even mentioned it is because its on the bottle. Ignore what Texassaint said.

The LK makes things look like crap in general though. Thats the only thing I hate about it.. Does it look like you have root burn or does the plant look fine?


I have a clean DWC setup in which I am adding nutrients...

There is no plants in the setup yet because I am doing some testing with ppm and fluctuations with different nutrients..

Anyways...my question was that does Liquid Karma create a brown froth on the sides on anyone's DWC buckets?

I added RO Water, Aquashield, SM90, CalMag+, and then Liquid Karma. Everything was relatively clear with no froth or foam/build up until the LK was added. Anyone who runs LK in a air stone/DWC setup please help and chime in. Thanks in advance..

-rooring husky

The SM-90 is killing the beneficial bacteria in your Aquashield. Use either/or.


aquashield i believe is organic chicking poo... which can cause alge and goo on your hydro..

The benificial bacteria in the Aquashield should set up and fight off the slime/goo (brown algae), unless you add it after the algae has already set up in your tank. In that situation, the already dominant algae will feed on the organic material. If you already have the algae, flush your system with 1 ml/10 gal. of Physan 20...it's about the only thing that will wipe it out. After changing out the res. water, add back nutrients and Aquashield. The beneficial bacteria in the Aquashield should prevent the return of the slime.


Active member
According to the faq in a botanicare brochure, you don't need to add humic or fulvic if you use LK. In 2 states, they don't allow fulvic on the label because they don't recognize fulvic as something apart from humic acid. Some mfgrs. don't want to print separate labels. -granger


i love liquid karama but iv seen ppl mistake the dye for rootrot many times...some people sware by LK i know i do!


I have Liquid Karma and use it..

I also add some Super Thrive in the mix too.

I refer to these products as 'snake oil' and won't be buying them again when the bottles run out.