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Large Cannabis Farms Permitted in Oakland


That is true for small farmers....but they can still do what they can--
The Oakland thing is saying that ONLY those 4 will be able to supply the Dispensaries, and that any other grow, except personal only...will be illegal-- At least that is how I am understanding it--
If I am wrong, will someone pls clarify??

So... let me get this streight... they are going to violate the mmj movement by only allowing the big 4 to supply the locals dispensaries??? Yes please someone confirm this as this is worse and backs up my statements on violation of mmj cultivation and collective laws!


Active member
the central valley will become the new marijuana capitol of the world. I know lots of farmers who grow veg & fruits who will one day switch to Marijuana those are the guys you need to worry about. They are just like you & me. All this talk about tobac companies getting in is nothing to worry about, they will throw lots of money at it and loose because they are international companies. Those farmers in the central valley have the abilitity to grow as good if not better than mendo guys but on a scale the world hase never seen.



Active member
I'm not sure I am either, but was Jack Herer a lobbyist? Is Dennis Peron.. do i need to continue.

Those people are activists. Lobbyists are contracted, sometimes by activists, sometimes by industry trade groups- basically anybody with a political agenda- to act as a conduit between those interests and the politicians who write laws. The goal of the lobbyist is to get legislation passed in the interest of his/her clients.

Last time I heard it quantified, there were at least six $500/hr (and much much more) lobbyists for EACH AND EVERY US Senator and member of congress working for the health care and pharmaceutical industry during the recent work on the joke legislation known by its detractors as Obamacare.

They wine, dine and make political deals all day long in service of the agenda for which they lobby. They are possibly the most full-of-shit people on the planet. Dead lawyer jokes are soon to be replaced by dead lobbyist jokes. I'll start. What do you call 1000 lobbyists, dead in a mass grave? Progress. Cue laughter.

I think you want to be an activist.

And as an activist, you will have to have an agenda. And if you want your agenda heard in the halls of government, you're going to need a lobbyist or perhaps more than one. Probably depends on how many the opposition is fielding. This is not a simple game.
So... let me get this streight... they are going to violate the mmj movement by only allowing the big 4 to supply the locals dispensaries??? Yes please someone confirm this as this is worse and backs up my statements on violation of mmj cultivation and collective laws!

dude can you please do your part and read. look at the quotes in post 20. read a link maybe.

Those people are activists. Lobbyists are contracted, sometimes by activists, sometimes by industry trade groups- basically anybody with a political agenda- to act as a conduit between those interests and the politicians who write laws. The goal of the lobbyist is to get legislation passed in the interest of his/her clients.

Last time I heard it quantified, there were at least six $500/hr (and much much more) lobbyists for EACH AND EVERY US Senator and member of congress working for the health care and pharmaceutical industry during the recent work on the joke legislation known by its detractors as Obamacare.

They wine, dine and make political deals all day long in service of the agenda for which they lobby. They are possibly the most full-of-shit people on the planet. Dead lawyer jokes are soon to be replaced by dead lobbyist jokes. I'll start. What do you call 1000 lobbyists, dead in a mass grave? Progress. Cue laughter.

I think you want to be an activist.

And as an activist, you will have to have an agenda. And if you want your agenda heard in the halls of government, you're going to need a lobbyist or perhaps more than one. Probably depends on how many the opposition is fielding. This is not a simple game.

Ok I got it. you think lobbyists are evil. I"m an activist your an activist we can all be activists.

I appreciate you cynicism but back to the point. Can i count on you personally to take this to your local community and chat about it? Smoke a doobie with some friends and report back?

This is what we need to lay the ground work. We need activists and cynics and liberals and conservatives and everyone to talk and converse and find out what we as a community can benefit from.

To me terrior is idiotic to run from if you care about the Norcal economy. Same with equitably hand trimmed. Can we talk about this instead of you stepping on my balls? :) Please? Give me some feedback on the ideas. Not just on how hard my journey will be.

I'm not ignorant or naive. I understand this is difficult but it starts small. Person to person. Email to email. Handshake to handshake.

Talk to your friends!!!


Active member
I'm not trying to step on your balls. sorry you took it that way. I'm not even being a cynic. I also don;t think that lobbyists are evil persay.

I talk to my community about this on the daily... talk is cheap. If you are saying you want to be a player, start playing. Tell me again what it is that I am taking to my local community. All you have so far is some idealistic patter. And I have heard it all before. And really, counting on me or anybody to carry your word to my community is a recipe for inaction.

So far, you have said nothing except a repetition of the same old, same old. In the meantime, Oakstermart has fielded a world class team of lawyers, lobbyists, interns and volunteers. You're going to need a developed agenda and lawyers to flesh it out on paper... etc. etc. etc. If you were to come to this forum with something resembling a plan of action, I would be able to say "hey, this guy has a point." or ""this guy is full of shit"... but so far, you're just another person who thinks something needs to happen. Valid point, but you're not inspiring a movement, because you're not even moving.

I am not trying to break you down. just letting you know that you need to DO SOMETHING that can be quantifies, agreed with, opposed. The only way anything ever gets done is when one person with a vision starts the ball rolling and sticks with it to the bitter end. Most people are only equipped to jump on a bandwagon.
Man, no one is going to give a shit about small and local. How many fools shop at walmart? The comment earlier is quite apt, something like "Small farmers will survive just like small farmers in America" - fool, in case you haven't noticed small farmers are GONE in America. They can't stand up against agribiz. The few small organic farmers that are left or have started recently are struggling on the edge of bankruptcy, most are losing money to the farm and only doing it because they love it so much.

That is the "SURVIVAL" prop 19 offers small farmers. FucK that with a broken broom stick.


Well put GWG, Once again one word MONSANTO, This company has killed many farmers, put them in bankruptcy, and the american farmer has been left with nothing. A MONSANTO type companycould do exactly what MONSANTO did with corn. Bio engineer their strain and anything it pollenates to becomes theirs. In turn they sue the humble farmer for everything he has. These companies are bad and run with pure greed. And yet all you ignorant people have been once again fooled by Prop 19. Big Pharma MONSANTO type companywill control it all. They will make you pay for something you were once able to grow for yourself. Prop 19 is BAD, period...


Well-known member
Man, no one is going to give a shit about small and local. How many fools shop at walmart? The comment earlier is quite apt, something like "Small farmers will survive just like small farmers in America" - fool, in case you haven't noticed small farmers are GONE in America. They can't stand up against agribiz. The few small organic farmers that are left or have started recently are struggling on the edge of bankruptcy, most are losing money to the farm and only doing it because they love it so much.

That is the "SURVIVAL" prop 19 offers small farmers. FucK that with a broken broom stick.

the price of MJ from prop 19 passing is one of the more contentious issues
some yell 'rise', other yell 'fall'
i guess it depends on what the 'risk premium' for MJ growing/sale is
as many are fond of pointing out, it's already legal for all practical purposes under prop 215
so if that is true, there probably a low risk priced into current MJ prices
and current Cali prices seem to bear this out, prices are plunging already without prop 19, too much supply
so prop 19 may well have little effect, MJ is already too damn legal in California


Active member
There will always be room in the marketplace for microbrews. Even microbrew collectives. High quality, local grown, locally certified as healthful. The price of a normal bottle of wine ranges between $5 and $25. I think its likely that ganja will follow a similar trend.


Active member
So, you know people advocating Equitably Hand Trimmed Marijuana? by name?

Not by name. But the hordes of trimmers that will descend on these counties in another month would all jump on that bandwagon. Its a losing battle.

Trim machines are gaining widespread acceptance as highly efficient and producing a high quality trim. How are you going to argue with that? Especially with the price of marijuana dropping, and possibly dropping fast, hand trimming is only efficient for a very small scale grow.

As long as those handling the flowers and running the machine trim are treated fairly and paid properly for their time, I would support it.

I fully intend on having a Special Reserve of the finest tops, specially selected and hand trimmed (possibly by virgins dressed in organic cotton white lingerie.) It will cost more to the consumer because it cost more to produce.


New member
This is for all you idiots who keep on trying to push the pot movement down everyones throats and not really thinking about whats its really going to do..............YEAH PUT YOU OUT OF BUSINESS....yeah "lets vote yes on Prop 19" all you fools are digging your own graves....Richard Lee is out to take the whole pie for himself and everyone else is *ucked.........FOR THE LAST TIME......................VOTE NO ON PROP 19!!!!!
Not by name. But the hordes of trimmers that will descend on these counties in another month would all jump on that bandwagon. Its a losing battle.

Trim machines are gaining widespread acceptance as highly efficient and producing a high quality trim. How are you going to argue with that? Especially with the price of marijuana dropping, and possibly dropping fast, hand trimming is only efficient for a very small scale grow.

As long as those handling the flowers and running the machine trim are treated fairly and paid properly for their time, I would support it.

I fully intend on having a Special Reserve of the finest tops, specially selected and hand trimmed (possibly by virgins dressed in organic cotton white lingerie.) It will cost more to the consumer because it cost more to produce.

But who buys the pot?

Our Friends or R. Lees's?

You can't convince your friends to not buy machine trimmed pot?

to the growers: You guys can't see that you will never be able to compete with R. Lee on his terms? Those being industrialization and an assembly line. NO small grower or mid size grower can compete with the number of "machines" he will incorporate in his grows; the sheer automation.

SO..... why not find a way to eliminate his advantage? We need to keep our prices stable and teach folks why they shouldn't buy inferior product. Equitably hand trimmed pot is a possibility.

I think we can do this.

We are this market. Not R. Lee or any big business. We should be able to influence our peers for the communities benefit.


Eugene Oregon
Mom and Pops operations are no longer possible, whats going to happen to the elderly hippies that grow there medicine and sell it so they don't have to work because there pains?


Active member
You can't convince your friends to not buy machine trimmed pot?

I could. But I won't try. I don't see any huge upside to hand-trimmed herb other than the way it looks. I will produce some since there is a certain demand for it, but i will not shun the other. That would just be plain silly.

And I don't see it as the key in a far-reaching strategy to overthrow Oakstermart.


i wonder if a type of "red army faction", baader-meinhof group emerges from the ashes of mom and pop growers when they get overran by, "progress"? green army faction anyone???

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
These huge farms are the second craziest idea I've ever heard. All it will take is one crusading DA or cop who wants to prove a point or make a name for themselves to call in the DEA. Yes, that sort of thing still happens. Then all of a sudden a big chunk of the supply (these farms are supposed to supply one fifth of the state's medical supply) is gone and people are facing federal charges for over 100 plants. Might be a good idea for the future (or not), but not today.


New member
Yeah I just heard of this I believe it's b.s. Like a growers "Wal-mart" pushing all of the mom and pop stores outta the water!!! Man what a sham.

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