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krusty Help

hey Let's see if they can lose this thread twice!;) Krusty, Assuming there are people who want to learn how to be more proficient in thier growing and not take the let the chip fall where they may approach as sometimes prescibed on many forums, I'd like to start this thread as a newbie guide to correctness! I've been growing several years and wish to unlearn certian incorrect disciplines,i.e to start over! I believe you can Help bring this about. So, here are some questions to start. (1) Once your seeds have germinated what size of container should they be started in and when do you transplant to larger container? (2) When are ferts first introduced and what brand and dosage do you reccomend? (3) What wattages of light work best in each phase of growth if quality and yield are first priority, and not just wanting something to show for efforts given? (4) Height of light above plants and where to position it? (5) Setting up your grow rooms, what are the essential appliances needed to keep humidity and temp consistent to healthy plants and where should they be located? (6) For now this is my last question as I will ask for expoundment on your answers when I'm unsure of things. I hope others will join this thread with a attitude they may have something to learn as well. Question Where can I purchase the strain BCBB and what is it's actual name? Til later my friend!!! Samuryusan If you are banned or decide to leave this site P.M me an e-mail addy?
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1. germination of seeds...i aint the pro on this....i always use clones...i rarely play arround with seeds...but give it commone sense....anytime i grew from seeds i ussed pete pellets/jiffy cubes not sure what they are called....then i would put them in 1 gallon pots til they out grow them....with my style/system of growwing i pre grow and i liek to you ver/per mixture when i pre grow....it works the best form my experience

2. ferts shoudl be introduced as soon as you see roots....people who try and use only water truely are mixing there nutrients wrong or have a unhealthy enviroment

3. as for my type of system (KBS...er...is it KFB...tehe i forget what we called it) but ya ideally you want a min 1000 watts per plant...each plant takes 5'x5'by at least 7 feet tall but i like to see 8 feet in hieght....as far as pre grow (not veg or bud) i like to simply use a 600 watt or 1000 watt buld in a horizontal air cooled shade...the reason beeing is that they are small enough at this stage not to be stressed by the overhead lighting

4. well lights should never be above plants...they should be IN the plants....amongst the plants....however you wish to werd it...but never above...hence why i use vertical lighting not horizontal

5. well its kinda hrd to answer...every house is different.....and it depends on location inside the house...some houses you need to have ceetain appliance...some you need all the appliances...depends on yer current enviroment....that is why it is best you tell me yer enviroment and i guide yas thru it...but basically you want stress free enviroment....you should know yer temps of the air...temps of yer roots....co2 levels....humidty levels..ect....if you dont have good levels or they are not consistent then you will end up with stresss...and stress will end up with low quality and low production numbers

6. not banend yet...lmao

as far as purchasing my strains...cant...lmao ....well i give out clones to my buddies n stuff...but i am not a breeeder n that kinda stuff....i saw a few strains bog has that looked promising....i am even thinking of ordering some of his seeeds and crossing it with my strain so that i can give out seeds to some folks...but i am not a breeeder at all....in fact i dont even grow anymore...i jsut kinda help friends n such out with there systems:/




Thanks Krusty,

There was a thread on OG about some Dutch boyz that used intense lighting on single plants. Yeilds per sq. ft/watt were enormous.

Makes me think. Find that one killer mom and you'd be set.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master


Hey krusty ,sorry we lost the other thread,those plants blew my mind for indoors.After reading your response,I understand better what your doing with 1K per plant!You really have a special technique!So you grow in soil,I thought for sure it had to be hydro?Do you think you could post a pic of your planting containers and your medium?And maybe a pic or two of those massive buds,since the others got lost?Very much appreciated!!!Is the strain your growing a common strain or was it "found" among random seedlings.How many of your friends are growing her?
Would you happen to be near the east coast:( Hope you can take the time to answer some Q's,Thanks and take care........CC


tehee...i got alot of nos for you capt crip..

no i dont grow in soil....no this strain didnt come from random seed...no i iant in east coast:)


i got the strain form clone....most of the growers i know take clones...we dont screw arround with seeds

not sure where you got the idea i grew in soil....:/

i think i got pix somewhere...you want the set up in details??

well tonight it is late...tomorrow i iwll drag out the ole phto album and post some pix for yawl:)




Active member
soil??? too much toil n trouble...

soil??? too much toil n trouble...

..... whoa, that i would like to see: krusty as a "dirt farmer";)
..... peace
..... HGC
..... p.s. i mean like it's possible, hell's bells, ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE,....., but...
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yea hgc, I'd love to see krustys soil job too....then I'd love to see Michael Jackson playing Death Metal and David Beckham playin Ice hockey... zhihihhih...

naw...just kiddin...krusty may continue doin his buckets ...bwaahaa... look I've learnt how to laugh... bwhahaaa


Active member


..... yeppers, ya GOTTA have a sense of humor in this biz LL. hehehehe, i been having issues lately w/clogging drainlines in 1 my rooms. lol, but hgc 1 sneaky mo fo don' cha know. i snuck up on em whilst i was flushing my system during it's reg maintainence schedule. hahaha, i win, BABYLON gAwDz lose. i installed a quick release on each bucket where they meet the main drain. i watched the bucket start to overflow, and stopped the shit dead in it's tracks, made a snake outta rebar tie wire and snatched the lil goober ryte on OUTTA THERE!!!!! now all systems are go. all ahead full.
..... each individual system is lil different i've found. ya gotta ANTICIPATE your problemas b4 they happen and it's lot easier to deal w/them when they do.:rolleyes:
..... peace
..... HGC
..... p.s. can't ya see krusty w/paris hilton and whas her name down on the farm slopping the hawgz b4 they disk the back forty...
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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master


I misread your first response in this thread,at the top you were talking about vegging the plants,and I thought you meant soil.Do you use hydro rocks for a medium?I also grow hydro(3/4 of the garden)and soil for the other 1/4.I can't post my pics here as they take up too much of the alloted photo space,They are posted at OG and CW.I'm just really curious about your technique as you grow massive plants.Sorry to hear you have shut down for now,maybe we can give you the bug again:) .What do you call your high output lady?Thanks for responding and yes if you don't mind I would love to see the system in detail.I have a big flower room,but only 8 foot ceilings.I do have some vertical lights and I understand how you use them ,without the reflectors,yes?I've seen pics of others that grow without reflectors.What kind of nutes do you use?Thanks again..................CC


I believe that Krustys plants get sooo big that he uses lava rock in his system, or at least that's what serapis said!
Morning all!!

Morning all!!

I also am interested in your system in details krusty... and right now I grow strictly out doors,however I bought an older camper trailer that I'm gutting and reconstrusting into two rooms...one for veg and one for bloom. I have no temp or humidity levels to offer at this time but I want to be prepared to deal with any enviormental concerns that may arrive... The trailer is about 9 ft.x20ft with 7 ft. ceilings. My plan is for a 800 wattswitchable veg room of 8x9 ft. and a 2-3000watt flower area, so I want to do this thing correct. What size of exhausts do I need to put in? I have a twin blower exhaust lined up to start I'll have to check on the cfm rate, but it is a good size unit! Thanks Capt. for showing real interest also as you are asking the questions I need answer for too!! Yes krusty please do get some of Bogs strains to cross, maybe Capt and I could talk ya out of a few seeds for mother s!!! One can wish!!! I'll be back later!!!

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Hey Krusty

Hey Krusty

Krusty would you please post your mix with the flora series.How much Micro Grow and Bloom do you use per gallon for flowering????Thanks a million....................CC
Capt. what's up? I must have missed the threads on krusty KFB system altogher, I know his plants are swwweet lookin' and his knowledge is superior to mine...could some one fill me in on his style of growin'. I want to grow or at least make the honourable attempt at reaching his efficency!!! Again , thank you for contributing to this thread, you're asking the right kind of questions and taking this seriously!! :)


Active member
seems the klown can really get some peeps interested...

seems the klown can really get some peeps interested...

..... now, les see IF Y'ALL PAY ATTENTION.:D
..... hi fellas how are you doing today. hot damn brudda krusty gonna have a field day w/this crew. lol, EVERYONE CAME TO SKOOL TODAY!!!!!;)
..... hgc NOT wanna steal his thunder cuz i know just how much he enjoys the factthat lotta peep are STILL interested in how he perceives growing mj STRESS-FREE.
..... i hep him a bit today sorta like the substitute teacher that y'all got away w/murder with as young heathen high skoolers. please, no spit balls at the blkboard whilst me back is turned. hehehehehe...
..... yea, lava rox, mo betta than hydro store "moon rox" er whatever they calling the funky shit this month. i let him s'plain why, but i give ya hint as to one plain, simple, and obvious reason: $$$$$'S. LAVA 1/10TH THE PRICE THAT SILLY LIL SHIT THEY GOT FOR YA AT hydro store rip-offs r us. but hey, that salesperson got a wifey and 7 ignorant brats at home hknowing they not gonna be scholarship material. and wifey wants/really reallyneeds face-lift.
..... GH nutes flora series, READING THE DIRECTIONS ON THE LABEL LABEL LABEL, might be a good spot to use as yer reference point.
..... toobad we cant post pix directly tied to posts where ya can see as ya read. but these fine folks are werking on that as we speak. HIGH THERE SKIP!!!!!;)
..... now, THE BEST ADVICE AND THE LAST ADVICE I GIVE YA IN KRUSTY's tardiness today is: ##### YER QUESTUINS, makes so much easier for you, hje, me to dechiper and address w/out repeating same ol tired shit tyme after tyme, cuz it makes you think b4 you waste mo you brain cells and his time REPEATING himself.
..... hope that helps ya to get the class room be-in lil mo productive.
..... peace
..... HGC
..... p.s. i not try steal his thunder like i said b4. i glad he back online answering ?????'s again. i look round and see how many links i have at fingertips from OG, and CW that dealspecificlly w/kfb system. hehehe, hgc STILL likee name KRUSTY BUCKETS waaaaay mo betta than kfb's .:p


hgc - heyas dewd....i actually got a few plants in bud right now at this one place that are in soil...did it for fun....guess i will take a pix of one for a laugh:)

Capt Crip - the strain i ussaully use is called BCBB....but right now i have my sites set on this new strain....dont really knwo what it is called cause the guys i got it from aint 100% sure what it is....they gave me a anme but i forget it :/i use General Hydroponics...there is no other nutes...jsut a bunch of asswhipes who try and sell lame ass products .....they will make some bullshit calin that there stuff is more "organic" but all that means is that it stinks and is messy:)
no i dont use shades and yes i use them veritically...after this site gets pix owrking again maybe i iwll strat a thread with all the pix n diagrams to like go thru it all with yas

puppet i am big red machine/serapis/redpill productions and i even got a girl alias:) lmao (i get banned alot)...and it is funny how the mods dont hastle my girly alias at all...infact they try and cyber me....tooo funny


hhmmmm capt crip i go by what it says on the side of the bottle....and basically i think with my resivoir i use 3 cups of bloom ...2 cups of micro...and 1 cup of grow when i am in bud.....and this is for a system that has a 45 gallon passive resivoir...i dont fill it up all the way...and i also use a bud enhancer by i think gentek....i will have to look next time i am at the place for its name...i add one cup of this also to the mixture....again i dont have this stuff here (where i live) i leave all that crap at my friends house:)

hgc ya dewd thanx for mentioning....try and number your guys questions so i can just number it n stuff and not repeat questions....too much of a pain in da ass to re type out yer question n stuff





Hey ya guys...cool...alot of familiar names hehe

yeah, just finished my first kfb and was disappointed...only 3lb 13oz's under 5kw X 4 plants. Giving it another go w/ better hopes.

cool forum!


Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
we'll get it together

we'll get it together

Thanks for the comeback Krusty,sorry to hammer you so hard with the questions,but I think you understand the purpose.Samuryusan,yes I'm very interested also,I was blown away by the pics but that thread was lost on tues.,I think.Maybe Krusty will post some pics of his system for us.If I see how it works ,I will definitely give it a shot.I've been growing for nearly 18 years and I'm always willing to learn because I LOVE THIS PLANT!!!!!!Talk to you soon,Krusty just when you have time try to post some more pics for us please.And maybe a few of the system cause you got us hooked-------reel us in brother...........................CC


Active member
grow skool bi #'s

grow skool bi #'s

..... hey now, greenja, welcome to the meyhem, lol!!!!! good to see ya. ibeen meaning stop by yer newer thread OG, but i too buzzed to post each tyme i stopped by. 'sides, you had GOOD BRETHREN W/YA!!!!! :p
..... pull up a chair,breakout the popcorn and pepsi, and, ....., # yer ?????'s, te frickin hee!!!!!;)
..... HI KRUSTY HOW YA BE 2DAY. CLASS IS FULL UP!!!!! YEA, I HAVE SUME YER LAYOUT N LIGHT TO PLANT HRIGHTh stuuf to postin yer absence as soon as SKIP n company give us green light to resume posting pix DIRECTLY to thread. so much mo betta methinks...
..... see ya lil later dewd!!!!!:cool:
..... peace
..... HGC


greenja - dewd with 5,000 watts i would be very very suprized if you ussed my system/enviromental conditions and got only 3.5 lbs.....you musta had something different

if it was your first time i find most first timers tend to cheap out on the system....not have air to the roots or not use a resivoir chiller to keep the roots cool enough...

i would be curious to see what your enviromental conditions were...and what parts of my system you ussed....like what kinda medium you used n such

cause i have probably swapped a few hundred folks over in my years....and i have never seen anyone "disapointed" when they follow everything i say kinda thingy...

like no matter what strain it is...they always increase quality/yields by switching over to the KBS




Thx HGC!

Krusty, Yeah I was too surprised. Here's all the details of my setup, and the last grow/thread:http://www.overgrow.com/edge/showthread.php?s=&threadid=330188&pagenumber=1

But here's the main specs:(no I didn't cheap out either lol)
5kHPS in 'X' pattern in 11'x11'x12' sealed room, 25 gal ext. located and insulated rez, 5gal buckets, airated by Thomas pump, using 50/50 perlite/coir, mult. 15min. time feedings, 1/4hsp chiller (undersized in real high summer heat and not even needed this last run due to cold weather), 13kbtu split/type AC unit, 1200ppm CO2 levels,(maintained by Drobots software and spare computer) and blower to vent as needed.
temps: max85 min72
rez temp 68F
GH feedings per instructions

And here's some pics of my present grow:http://www.overgrow.com/edge/showthread.php?s=&threadid=394660&pagenumber=1

If you recall, we icq last yr and it was at your suggestion that I insulated and drywalled the setup.

Anyway, this last run my temps were real good exc. the buckets and lines werent insulated. Just finished trimming last week and the yield was low. the reasons I guessed on the last page of the first thread.
