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JB's sativa hacking hub


Well-known member
The Hawaiian looks beautiful as well. Is it ffom seed stock or cuttings? Is the information regarding it's heritage from the Brotherhood or is that something your experience with traditional varietals told you? How does she smoke?
Sorry, i thought i replied to this. Seedstock. I had a PM from the chemist but its on a site that went down.
She is very smooth, perfumey, and a wide range of flavors. Euphoric, chill, irie effect thats very warm. Perfect for surfing, which makes sense


Well-known member
Week 11ish - more end of life shots from last night's chopping.

Took down the #4 and Bangi Haze but I've run out of hanging room in the top of the tent and managed to stress myself with the stank of cutting them so #6 got left and will have to come down tonight instead. Unfortunately because I have to dry in the same tent I grow in, there's all the lights and filter in the way. These plants are also very tall so as a result, #1 got bleached all down the side of one bud - not totally white, more very light yellow but we'll have to see what that does to her. I'm hoping its just like an old Colombian sun cure and won't affect potency but if it does I've lost a main cola from that one. Lesson learned and now that almost all are hanging, I've super cropped the zamaldelica and dropped the middle fixture plus turned off the big cobs - hopefully no others will get a bleaching. Luckily I had a few scrap buds of the #1 still on the stem so I've had a taste and can benchmark the high against the bleached bits but I'm still annoyed at myself.

Anyway, onto the final shots of the two taken down last night


Bangi haze looking very sad in front of the #4. She got very dried out and should have been down last weekend but I had no space. Stank is nice - smells a lot like an ace mix plant I christened Goodyear because it smelled like burnt tyres. Wish I'd given her more attention and a better feed regime but I've got another seed so may run it again.


Bangi tops up close


Hawaiin #4. Reminds me a lot of some cookies and zkittlez hybrids I've done with tiny little peanut buds spaced out. Could be a cracker but the yield isn't worth it really. Very pretty though.


#4 close up of top bud.

#6 should come down tonight and I'll get shots as mentioned. Think I may try for a reveg of her as she's a total beast with massive chunky buds and suddenly overtook #5 right at the end to come out as favourite. Could also have come down last week but for space issues.

Quick vape report update -

Been trying out the orange juice and some mixed hawaiin scraps that were left on the plants at harvest or fell off during chopping. So far the hawaiins have a range of smells that hover around lemon and spice with a few reminding me of red snake phenos. Highs are almost all head, some body and are more or less potent depending on which scraps get mixed in. I'll do proper reports when its all dry.
Orange juice though - well all I can say is I'm gutted the clones never took. I wouldn't say she's heavily orange scented, more pine with a hint of orange, but we love pine in this house. She's also got serious legs and a 0.15 vape of her lasted well over 2 hours of walking with a reup coming only at my partners insistence as I was still well cooked on it. Taste is melon more than anything else but a very nice taste that lasts to the end of the vape. Shame dinafem folded as I'd like more of these. Could always buy tangie but I'm not sure they'd have what I'm after in this - she missed the orange juice boat but sailed off in a pine dingy of delights. A pleasant surprise for a free seed.


Well-known member
[/ICODE]Sorry to hear about the amphetamine effects.

Sorry for the late reply, Jock. No need to apologise for a a lengthy one - very interesting to read about your methodology and projects.

How old, in average, are your sativas when you put them into flower? They from cuttings or seeds?

Doesn't apply to cuttings but I always liked to wait until they were busting to pop before decreasing the light hours. Using multiple pinches and sometimes root pruning (one to two thirds off, depending on what's taken off the top, as you would with re-vegging or making a bonsai mam) to control size. Like those thick old strong stems supporting multiple small tops.

Never made any seeds myself, at least with any real intention. And the people and most of the lines you mention (apart from the Mexican and Colly) aren't familiar to me but....fascinating to see how you've all worked together to create things that are off the beaten track (at least to me but I ain't exactly in the know so excuse me if I mis-speak).

The blueberry parfum does sound lovely and I hope all your work with it pays off. It sounds very different from the blueberry we had though. I guess it is a hybrid? I feel very nostalgic about the old girl....

The only Hawaiian I ever had a go at was the Hawaiian Snow but only a coupla few of seeds and, whilst I liked it, didn't get anything particularly special. Sounds like yours have had some interesting inputs so'll he curious to see what the results end up being.

Sorry I didn't reply to this one sooner, life has been very busy of late (hence all the late thread updates)

In answer to the questions- they're all from seed but I can't honestly tell you the age they're at when they go into flower. Tbh I go off how rooted the pots are as well as the height, vigour, time since topping etc. I used to do the standard 4 week veg and in thing but it never worked for me so I focus on a good root mass now and if that means some take a week or two more than others I have to go with it. I'm not a huge fan of a long veg either - even with cobs there's a diminishing return on penetration so putting them in at a few months old and a few feet tall will only result in pruning all my lowers and negating weeks of veg time and electricity cost. These ones went in at less than 12inches tall and I still stripped the lower 4 branches of every plant plus still had popcorn bits below the top 2/3rds.
I also tend to believe there's little use in running tropical sats on a 18/6 schedule beyond the seedling stage unless space constraints dictate it. For example, Panama (which will be reproed early next year) never sees light lengths beyond 13/11 and drops to 11/13 later in the year. Why waste electric when the plants veg fine in low light? I'm also pretty sure the 18/6 caused a Panama male i had to herm because there was no other reason for it.


Well-known member
Hawaiin #6 finally came down Monday night with a few bottom branches left for a reveg. Sad to see these all go, especially having no males to further the lines but maybe a little hawaiin mum can be made with the #6 and she can be knocked up in a cross in future.


Full plant




Wee close up

The Hawaiin #1 is now jarred up and I'm vaping some now - smell is pine, liquorice, taste is like fennel with a hint of the pine. She's quite heady but still relaxing - good for watching crap and zoning out.
Oh and this is a bleached bit so I think it's safe to say that it hasnt affected the potency.


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Great colouring Gizmo,,
very nice work,👍
I had one of Chimeras,,,shnazzleberry iirc,
went down at the end of week18 indoors,,,
bag appeal was poor but it smoked like pure amphetamine as I found out puffing one at 12am and finally sleeping at 5am,,,,


Well-known member
OK, time for a vape report on some of this Hawaiin bud. The plan is to do a write up for each one but only when it's first of the night to ensure no muddying and blending of effects. Cant promise I'll get all 6 done in 6 days, but I'll add them as an when.

So - #1. Let's see what we're working with


Pretty nice looking stuff albeit with my usual scraggly look because trimming is for people who have time to kill and smoke a lot of hash, which I do less of now we have the mighty to vape. Still, hopefully we get the idea - typical sativa dom look.

Smell in the jar is minimal, barely there at all tbh. When ground it's not loud, just gently leans in and whispers "piiiiine..." Little hints of fennel as well, as stated previously, I don't expect it'll change much if at all. Taste is... yeah, that basically - almost tastes like nothing. Perhaps a little floral, a little sweet, pine breezing by now and then but never hanging around long. After putting the vape down, my mouth tastes like I've been chewing a piece of gum for hours and just spat the tasteless little tooth-brain out. I'm not really a flavour guy but anyone who is would call this schwag and reach for a #4, a #3 or maybe the oj.

More fool them though because I grew this for effect and its a really nice hitter. Been vaping this since I started writing and now, after an initial slow start, I'm relaxed, conscious of my muscles and the feeling of the body contacting surfaces as I sit. Tightness across the forehead, calm, focused and I'll be lost in finishing this post for a while. I could easily spend an hour or so reading a book or doing some art or music or something. Feel a little physical disconnection which may make working difficult but not too much.

Bit further on now - into post editing - and the headband is lessened and I feel less relaxed in the muscles. Don't ask how much time has passed, I have no idea. But I think I'll be able to get up in a bit and deal with that gnawing hunger pang she's brought on.

This is similar mentally to what @Thcvhunter said - irie, good vibes, chill out wae the chillum weed. All of these are but they all have subtle differences I'll try to tease out. I've taken this one out walking and it's a nice vape to have for being outdoors, nature gives the vibes a more positive punch and you feel your cares just fall away as you realise how mundane they are. A very nice effect in the right setting.

Oh, and she produces a ton of vapour too.

So there we go, good start to the reviews, hopefully I'll get all these done in good time. Til then - tìoraidh!


Well-known member
Thanks buddy
That makes me happy

My first harvest, I was worried I just grew and bred with schwag and would have to scrap all the seeds I just made.
Then I smoked them. Wow.
Even if they weren't old seeds from BOEL, Id work with the line just for the irie effect.

In F2 and F3 I found a rare sativa here and there that was intense, but 90% of all the plants were chill, comfy, and euphoric. Very much like the effect of Flo/BB sativas. And the indicas were chill and relaxing without wrecking my day.
The sativas were the most flavorful, with my favorite being almost like an African sativa that is spicy/peppery but with that floral/perfume side to it too.

Outcrossing adds flavor without detracting from the euphoric effect.
Paramount was Hawaiian x Flo.


Well-known member
Time for #2. Quite a leafy one this so I had to do some speedy trimming to make the bud vaguely acceptable for a photo.


Smaller, more compact buds on this one with the large amount of leaf as mentioned, despite a bit of cropping. In the jar its minimal on the smell again, though the buds when squeezed have a particular sickly, berry, blackcurrant smell that I've had come up in other strains and never really liked.
Ground up though, the smell totally transforms into a mix of dettol and pine, with a faint hint of the berry thing occasionally creeping through. Taste is minimal, maybe a hint of the dettol pine but it's not really clear.
None of this is a 10 on the terp scale btw, very comparable to last night.

The high though, is really nice so far. Not much of the body melt or headband from last night, mainly a little tingling in the scalp. She's got more of a head high going on, very zoney, easy to get distracted though. Its making writing this review hard because I keep zoning out, losing focus and forgetting what I was trying to get down. That last sentence took a few goes, for example.

I think this one needs to get a bit more of a run out to see how she is outdoors, try to test myself to get something done on it but I feel that may fail. To be honest... OK, there we go - started that last sentence but then there was my partner's cat videos, Netflix, some delicious snacks and now I have no idea what the fuck I was trying to say.

Fun, but not functional.

Let's leave it at that.


Well-known member
Third night, third phenotype, lets see what we've got.


A much bigger bud than the last two though it's hard to tell without anything to indicate scale, but this one is much chunkier and longer than the others so far. One of the bigger yields which makes sense.

Opening the jar the smell is more noticeable than the last few nights with the first whiff reminding me of armpits before it settles down to a spicy sweet scent.
Ground up its much the same and reminds me of some of the dreamtime plants I catalogued on here in a different thread.

Taste wise its sweet and spice, gentle on the pallete and, while definitely tastier than last night, still not a full bodied modern "flavaaz" type of thing.

The headband is back and so far this feels very like pheno 1. Bit of elevated heart rate unlike #1 so I've put it down for now. Oh and definitely a little of the confusion and distractedness of #2. I think I may have overdone the dosage on this one - I was looking forward to it because it was my favourite for most of the grow despite being the first to turn and show seeds, but I forgot how potent its been when I've had some in the last few weeks.

Its some body melting, red-eyed funk for sure. I'm pretty spaced out, can't keep up with what I want to say again or perhaps I've just captured it all. From previous trials, I think this'll last a little while so unless I edit in a postscript, I think I'm done.


Well-known member
OK, missed a night but I'm back with #4. I actually spent last night vaping this one but it had been a long day and I couldn't be bothered typing it up so I'll be combining past and present experiences for this one. Let's take a look -


This is one of the larger buds, maybe a bit too leafy, I should probably have trimmed her a bit more for the shot.

In the jar the smell is much louder than all the others so far and is a nice sour, creamy, spicy scent. Ground up adds in fruitiness and a hint of pine.
Taste wise the smell translates over well and its the most flavourful of the hawaiins so far, very nice.

The effect is essentially all the best qualities of the others mixed together with more of a clean head. This is closest to #1 but more active and less couchlock in the beginning. Rapidly becoming the favourite - so of course she yielded least...

Til the next one


Well-known member
Number 5 now and this was my favourite for most of the grow, nice fat sativa buds on a tall, beautiful girl.


So, right away I have to say what's been burning in my head every time I've tried this one in the last few weeks - red snake.
If you gave me ground up bud of this and told me it was a Colombian pheno of my own red snake I'd believe you. The smell, the taste, the effect - its all snake all the way. The main difference is visual, with this having a clearly different bud structure (although of course I've not had EVERY pheno of the snake) but other than that it's spot on. Spicy citrus in the jar- ground up it gets loud on the lemon front with hints of lime coming through as well. Taste is lemon and cloves and she's got plenty of vapour to give.

Effect is potent and similar to the Colombian red snake - pressure from behind the eyes to the top of the scalp, a melt if sat down, confused but functional if doing something whilst hitting it. It's important though, to start whatever you're up to before vaping otherwise you won't get up.

All in all this is a nice one, letting me have a full jar of red snake without having to grow any. Should keep me feeling those vibes til the next lot are down.


Well-known member
Coming to the end of the road with #6, the one that ended up the favourite and the one I'm still trying to reveg. Although I don't think that will take sadly. Ok, photo.


Went with two buds to show off the majestic nature of this one. Biggest buds out of all the hawaiins but drew in yield with #3.

Smellwise she's closest to the #5 from last night, with a hint of the creaminess of the #4 keeping it muted. It's pretty consistent, so the difference between jar and ground bud is just loudness.
The taste is the same really, carries through pretty well.

The high is nice and relaxing, general pressure in the head with a comfortable relaxed body. A lot of distractedness and its taken a bit for me to be able to even get started writing this review, but - in fits and starts - we're getting there. Similar good time vibes as the rest of them, puts me in a good place and tasks that would otherwise be torture, become less terrible to contemplate and I just get to it without worrying or getting annoyed.

A nice close to the reviews really, an almost perfect mix of all five others with a big yield and happy high. Hopefully the stump will reveg.
Sorry I didn't reply to this one sooner, life has been very busy of late (hence all the late thread updates)

In answer to the questions- they're all from seed but I can't honestly tell you the age they're at when they go into flower. Tbh I go off how rooted the pots are as well as the height, vigour, time since topping etc. I used to do the standard 4 week veg and in thing but it never worked for me so I focus on a good root mass now and if that means some take a week or two more than others I have to go with it. I'm not a huge fan of a long veg either - even with cobs there's a diminishing return on penetration so putting them in at a few months old and a few feet tall will only result in pruning all my lowers and negating weeks of veg time and electricity cost. These ones went in at less than 12inches tall and I still stripped the lower 4 branches of every plant plus still had popcorn bits below the top 2/3rds.
I also tend to believe there's little use in running tropical sats on a 18/6 schedule beyond the seedling stage unless space constraints dictate it. For example, Panama (which will be reproed early next year) never sees light lengths beyond 13/11 and drops to 11/13 later in the year. Why waste electric when the plants veg fine in low light? I'm also pretty sure the 18/6 caused a Panama male i had to herm because there was no other reason for it.
Thajks for the reply Jock - as you can tell, I'm not hte best at being prompt myself so your apology was unnecessary. The inof is very useful. And sometimes you just have to be driven by the practicalities and be pragmatic. It's cool that you take your signals from your plants though, rather than some pre-existing schedule which may not be appropriate either ot them or your circumstances.

In complete agreement about the light schedule. Equatorials and tropicals express best when at least soem of the circumstances they are best adapted to are replicated, I think.

I often wonder whether ( and have tried a couple of little experiments in the past) if we should be, for instance, giving high altitude strains colder nights, jungle strains less direct light, etc.

Have read the Lebanese say their best hash comes form plants that receive no additional fertilisation or water from feeding but are left to their own devices. They are said to take on the resin colour from the soil they grow in as well. expect these harsher conditions atre fairly easily to replicate in a pot.

Anyway, I wonder if knowing what the plant is acclimatised to would give a basis for working out how to treat it indoors? Not really relevant here. Just musing.


Well-known member
Back with the Panama repro previously alluded to on here. Its been a bit of a stress getting it going - started with 10 freebies from Real Gorilla seeds that I planted too shallow and lost 7 as a result. I bought another pack and started again so now there's 13 Panama to select from with 3 several weeks ahead. They're long flowering though, so I'm hoping pollination will still take on any older ladies.
The freebies actually came out of the original packaging whereas the new pack was definitely ace packaging with an extra 2 in the tube, though only 10 made it up. As such, I'll only use females from the old pack as I'll be doing a mixed pollination to keep maximum phenos to select from in the next generations.*

Got a few other bits in there as well, lets take a look -
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Back left we have 2 blueberry parfume. Next to them is a bangi haze with a zkittzo fem taking up the other big pot. The 3 largest plants in small pots are the freebie Panama and the rest are new pack Panama. There's also 2 hashplant cross seeds in the veg tent that might get a look in in a few months.

Plan is the usual - wait til they show sex and pot on the girls. Boys will stay in small pots and be harvested for pollen which will be mixed to dust everything else. Hopefully I'll have a load of Panama f2s by the end of summer along with a fair few jars of sativa delights to enjoy.

New update next week.

Edited to add - *by this I mean that I'll chuck the males from the freebie pack. Obviously I'll be keeping the females from the new pack and using only new pack males to keep things easier.


Well-known member
OK, one week down and some serious stretching has occurred on the older plants. All is pretty much the same as before but I scrapped one Panama freebie for showing male and topped a second that showed female - she'll get a pot up next weekend to try to control height. The last freebie is also male but I'm keeping him in reserve just in case there are issues with the other lot.

I'll be putting the big cobs on next week but right now its too hot for that and they seem OK with the lower light levels. I want the young Panama to get used to the intensity slowly as well.

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Hopefully the runt will catch up a bit by next week. Other than waiting for sex on the new pack stuff it'll be just a case of watering and waiting for the next 3 months.

Til next time - tìoraidh an-dràsta


Well-known member
End of week 2 and still no sex on the new Panamas.They're still young though so its no big deal. I did have a thrip issue so I've got predator mite sachets in and they had a spray down with some evil chilli pepper spray prior to those turning up, hopefully that'll get rid of them. Fungus gnats are still a pain but in soil there's not much that I can do other than keep refreshing the sticky traps.
The male is still doing well, I've been picking the ripest balls but he'll need to go in the veg tent soonish to keep everything seed free till I'm ready to pollinate.

I've also turned the big cobs on now, albeit on the lowest setting. I'll keep dialing them up every week until they're nearly at full blast. I might not put them all the way up after they bleached my last grow.

Multiple photos this week as I can't get everything in shot anymore. Plus I thought a closer look at the big pot girls would be nice.

First up some full tent shots

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Next is the two blueberry parfume. They're slowly beginning to bud - usual stretchy structure on these, bit too much space between nodes.

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Now Bangi Haze with a much nicer structure, plenty of nodes all the way up the branches. This will get some pollen for sure.

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Finally zkittzo, also a bit too stretchy but looking better than my last go at this strain. Pretty quick to bud as well, hoping for a fastish finish on this.

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Well, that's all til next week when I might be able to showcase the hashplant hacks I made - they just got potted on so maybe they'll be big enough to care about in a week's time.