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In Montana, A Bid to End Medical Use Of Marijuana

Cool/depressing find. It goes to show you that while both parties are not in our favor (both big business parties), Democrats are our only hope. Republican states across-the-board hate cannabis. Democrats at least tolerate it sometimes. I say this because it gets old reading pot advocates talk about how the Right is all about personal liberties, states rights, blah blah blah. Look at the track record. It's abundantly clear which "team" is the better one for us to at least try to talk sense into.

OP, maybe next time a more descriptive thread title. It would inform that many more people who are just browsing. Just a thought. Thanks for thread though!



That's fucked up, Ted Turner owns a lot of land in Montana, I'm sure it will go unnoticed when sparks his daily joint, though! pick on the sick and cater to a billionaire, yep, that sounds like my country alright! Exemptions for the rich, and the rest can fuck off!


ICMag Donor
Keep the movement rollin' this is pretty crappy though...The lesser of two evils is still evil thingshappening. Dont believe the hype "they" arent any better, its a two headed snake..NS

divide and conquer to keep you busy...Nothing to see here,move along.
Have an other ballot vote asking the people if the medical marijuana laws are out of control or if they think they are fine? Nah, they won't do that because the people might give them the answer they don't want to accept.
The people voted it in, let them be the ones to vote it out or not.

rick shaw

The Republican/Tea Baggers got a slash and burn high from the mid term election.