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How does cannabis affect your love life?...



well.can i chime in lol.im not going to lie,im not shy posting about ANYTHING,

so yeah,smoking weed gets me VERY "sensual"VERY! but its more towards the end of the high,in the first hour or so,im just too damn high to even THINK about sex lol,like i cant even function,let alone have sex with somebody lol


Active member
it keeps me in a good mood and relaxed.

so, id say it works wonders for the love life. (probably would be dead without it. :D)
:chin: I wonder if that happens with other older guys.... I mean, is this common?... uuhhmmm....

NOPE pot does not reduce your sex drive or libido
in fact it enhances your ability to preform


Old guys….
Here are some key words
Cardiac and circulation
Health Status
Ideally a man can get wood & produce babies his entire life,
However there are many health related conditions or issues that
may and can affect producing an erection and or maintaining it.
Genetics may play a role as well but always remember that genetics don’t guarantee what happens it just means you are predisposed. If you have the knowledge you can prevent or reduce your chances of obtaining an illness because of genetics such as diabetes and CHS.

As a man ages his testosterone level may diminish or be reduced enough to prevent or make an erection
unable to be maintained. He can be tested and take his hormone testosterone in order for his body to obtain its normal balance again. Low testosterone cause other symptoms such as hair loss, (thinning or balding), little or no erection, Chronic tiredness and grumpy or moodiness may also be a symptom,

There are other health issues such as cardiac, pulmonary and circulation and also chronic pain just for a start. A man with chronic pain may be helped with pot to get wood. Pot lowers BP, I have done testing on this and its true. There is scientific evidence that pot has medical properties and the US government has patents on the use of medical marijuana for medicine. So why do they still claim it does not have any medical use today?

My guy fired his pain management doctor or as I call him a legal drug pusher at a pill mill. He suffers severe chronic Neuro pain from a back injury and three botched back surgeries. Severe unpredictable audible extremely painful neuro shocks that are audible at times as a loud snap. He can fall at any given moment because a shock may travel down his leg with no warning and his leg will collapse under him. Its like a short circuit maybe? Medical Marijuana is the ONLY thing besides massages that I give him that relieve the pain. There were so many advantageous results from each surgery such as tendinitis, severe neuropathy in feet making walking painful and difficult along with a fall risk. Siatica is another. Another agonizing result from one of the surgeries is the severe neuro penis pain with any form of an erection. The pain is unbearable and causes severe muscle spasms and severe neuro pain in leg and back. So there for his testosterone level may be normal range the extremely severe pain makes an erection unbearable and difficult. Medical Marijuana lowers his BP and calms the spasms down and reduces the shocks slightly but will reduce the pain he has to the point he can function better. Traditional medications that are normally given don’t work to alleviate the pain at all. In fact he has some negative effects from taking the pills for a long period of time that were prescribed from the pain doctor quack.
Pot lowers BP calms the nerves reduces stress works on alleviating pain and the list goes on. My other half is my hero. With all the pain he has he does try to function normally as possible and will scare me to death trying to do things he shouldn’t.
I don’t see how medically pot can cause a man to NOT have sex all the health benefits are there to enhance his ability.
As for women it does turn them into a nympho but most of us are that way normally anyway or I am anyway but I have never been promiscuous
That is why old men buy pot is to get laid have you not heard the old saying : the guys who have pot have the girls”



My husband doesn't like or use weed. I have a license and use it as medicine. It works very very well for me. But it gives him another thing to hold against me if I want to leave...he says that he will swear I'm an incapable Mom because of medicine. Didn't plan to get sick and I wasn't a user prior. Too bad he can't see it as medicine and all the good things...including making me want to rip off someone's clothes...I just don't like him enough most of the time for it to be his clothes...


Active member
I get super horny, about 4 hours in, with edibles. Smoking doesn't really affect my sex drive...but it sure as hell relaxes me when TOH pisses me the fuck off. And considering our current situation, and us being stuck together, 24/7, I am using weed as more than a pain killer for my RSD, I am using it to retain my sanity, in this crazy life, I am living!!!!!!


New member
One of the most important things to share, and yes, definitely a requirement as far as I'm concerned. That someone's definitely my favorite person to smoke with. Smoking a bowl in bed together is the best thing. :3


i think another thing worth mentioning,is i dont think evervbody enjoys being high around someone theyr having sex with,and that they dont truly love.im like that,weed kinda makes me more concious about what im doing,and who im with,so if i feel the guy is trying to take advantage of me,i notice it much more when im high,like my emotions get hightened..so if my man is mad,i dont get high,and vie versa..cus you can literally feel the tension in the air when you smoke weed..atleast for me it does lol.thats kinda the reason i stopped smoking with alot of people...i only smoke by myself or people i really trust,i dont care if a guy is like "yo wanna chill,i got u wit a blunt"..

ill be like "na am good"...

i guess its like that with alot of drugs..even alcohol..you dont go around getting whitegirl wasted with random people haha,unless your into that sorta thing lolz


Active member
oh yeah, my wife does not smoke, never has smoked, within 2 weeks of meeting me, she scored me primo weed.

i smoke, she dont, it keeps me calm and nice and ours a happy relationship.


Active member
Just for info,the age of the consumer, as opposed, to age of the mate seems to play a part of acceptance of one smoking and the other not. I've smoked since I was 15, at age 52 my first wife died, we both partook. For six years I was single, some younger women were receptive to my smoking and joined in they were between 21 and 36. That group of women between 40 and 50 some were crazy when they found out or i told them I smoked. one even referred me to "Reefer Madness" go figgure!!


Active member
Just for info,the age of the consumer, as opposed, to age of the mate seems to play a part of acceptance of one smoking and the other not. I've smoked since I was 15, at age 52 my first wife died, we both partook. For six years I was single, some younger women were receptive to my smoking and joined in they were between 21 and 36. That group of women between 40 and 50 some were crazy when they found out or i told them I smoked. one even referred me to "Reefer Madness" go figgure!!

I can relate. My wife died when I was 50 (almost 51), 7 years ago, but I HAVEN'T remarried...yet. I've noticed that age difference in thinking thing of that of 40-50 age group of women that seem to have way more hidden agendas and that negative acceptance bullshit. I guess the lies and propaganda about weed for people from that time are really ingrained in those women by now, even given today's abundant information sharing (www) and the realities/truths we now know about weed.

Probably a lot that May/September romance comes from bullshit like that a lot too I imagine.

But the women from that 40 to 50 age group, or even older, that frequent this site have mostly bypassed that shit by now and have realized what bullshit it all was that they were being fed a long while ago now. Kinda confusing that more aren't like that actually. A LOT of women from the older age group are not like that at all. Kudos to ya'll. :tiphat:

Sat X RB

NOPE pot does not reduce your sex drive or libido
in fact it enhances your ability to preform


Old guys….
Here are some key words
Cardiac and circulation
Health Status
Ideally a man can get wood & produce babies his entire life,
However there are many health related conditions or issues that
may and can affect producing an erection and or maintaining it.
Genetics may play a role as well but always remember that genetics don’t guarantee what happens it just means you are predisposed. If you have the knowledge you can prevent or reduce your chances of obtaining an illness because of genetics such as diabetes and CHS.

As a man ages his testosterone level may diminish or be reduced enough to prevent or make an erection
unable to be maintained. He can be tested and take his hormone testosterone in order for his body to obtain its normal balance again. Low testosterone cause other symptoms such as hair loss, (thinning or balding), little or no erection, Chronic tiredness and grumpy or moodiness may also be a symptom,

There are other health issues such as cardiac, pulmonary and circulation and also chronic pain just for a start. A man with chronic pain may be helped with pot to get wood. Pot lowers BP, I have done testing on this and its true. There is scientific evidence that pot has medical properties and the US government has patents on the use of medical marijuana for medicine. So why do they still claim it does not have any medical use today?

My guy fired his pain management doctor or as I call him a legal drug pusher at a pill mill. He suffers severe chronic Neuro pain from a back injury and three botched back surgeries. Severe unpredictable audible extremely painful neuro shocks that are audible at times as a loud snap. He can fall at any given moment because a shock may travel down his leg with no warning and his leg will collapse under him. Its like a short circuit maybe? Medical Marijuana is the ONLY thing besides massages that I give him that relieve the pain. There were so many advantageous results from each surgery such as tendinitis, severe neuropathy in feet making walking painful and difficult along with a fall risk. Siatica is another. Another agonizing result from one of the surgeries is the severe neuro penis pain with any form of an erection. The pain is unbearable and causes severe muscle spasms and severe neuro pain in leg and back. So there for his testosterone level may be normal range the extremely severe pain makes an erection unbearable and difficult. Medical Marijuana lowers his BP and calms the spasms down and reduces the shocks slightly but will reduce the pain he has to the point he can function better. Traditional medications that are normally given don’t work to alleviate the pain at all. In fact he has some negative effects from taking the pills for a long period of time that were prescribed from the pain doctor quack.
Pot lowers BP calms the nerves reduces stress works on alleviating pain and the list goes on. My other half is my hero. With all the pain he has he does try to function normally as possible and will scare me to death trying to do things he shouldn’t.
I don’t see how medically pot can cause a man to NOT have sex all the health benefits are there to enhance his ability.
As for women it does turn them into a nympho but most of us are that way normally anyway or I am anyway but I have never been promiscuous
That is why old men buy pot is to get laid have you not heard the old saying : the guys who have pot have the girls”

Old Guy here.

cannabis works for me and mine. just not as often.

say, you expert cannabis lovers ... my landrace Sativa seems to make me and mine more horny than other types I 've grown recently.

Anyone else notice a difference strain to strain?

cheers and keep on fucking!
another male input sorry ladies my lady has never smoked cannabis or done edibles im a mmj and caregiver i think our relationship is stronger because of mutual respect for each others views and feelings on this matter although she loves my salves for body and joint pain and twice she used tinctures for a major migrane and it knocked em out medicatin in colo


Well-known member
I had an arrangement like that. We decided (suspect the liquer was doing the talkin at the time) that if we wern't married by the time we turned 30, we would just marry each other. At the time it gave us about 6 or 7 yrs. I didn't take him to seriously at the time but neighter one of us brought it up again, and kinda lost touch for a while. A few days after I turned 30 ,he calls thinkin I'm really gonna marry him, and he was not gonna let it go. (he's schizophrenic sp.) and this went on and on for several months ,I had to get a restraing order. I was really afraid for a while, then he finally got back on his medication and gave it up, and became nice again.
I'm still single and he's now in prision for killing his girlfriend.

I really will have a bad dream about that ..but life is all about truth, isn't it ? glad you brought it up. I'm sorry, i'm feno, and i'm reading this "women's forum" just because it's great, not because i'm a male and i have an ego to protect. thankx, all the best to you great chicks out there!

le: i'm not in a relationship with a female smoker, so..will update "if"


Sharing a bowl while discussing our differences has always smoothed over the situation. Seems to be a peace offering and calms both parties down. lol. Then we finish our convo eat together and be merry. :huggg:

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