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How do you feel about nicotiana tobacum?


Well-known member
Polonium is from the radioactive fertilizer they've been using in the tobacco cultivation for cigarettes.The Polonium and lead isotopes are the main cause for lung cancer.
The head spinning experience is due high nicotine content.

Russians soldiers back in the day smoked Makhorka

Is rustica also native to Russia or..?

Edit oh nevermind

St. Phatty

Active member
DIY Hemp Papers:

DIY Papers from any Fiber you want:

Just buy some Cigarette Glue, and voila, slow burning Papers of you favorite Plant

Yes, but there is a Corollary Rule ...

If you combine TOO MANY do it yourself processes in one space -
and never clean up -


Active member
Tobacco is a Bio-Accumulator for heavy metals like Polonium and Uranium, which are both radioactive.

A surprise to me, until I started studying Nuclear Science and one of the homework assignments (in taking radiation measurements) was most expeditiously accomplished in a tobacco shop.

Part of the carcinogenic activity of Tobacco, is that it sticks individual Polonium atoms on your lung.

Only tiny amounts, traces. Parts per Billion, Parts per Trillion.

I would like to see someone grow tobacco that is free from the heavy metals, although that might end up being very expensive.
So let me ask you this then, let's say hypothetically that from the time I was 12 years old to the time that I had graduated high school in fact I went down when I turned 18 for a summer just for s**** and giggles to let them know that I wouldn't be coming back ever again it used to be a vegetable farm and Wheatley Mass where they had cucumbers tobacco couple other things escaped me this is back in 91 91 was the last year I went. They'd have me because I was bored laying flat on my belly and throwing cukes up on a conveyor belt they had me out cutting the tobacco when it was mature and then hanging it up in the creosote barns and I'll never forget coming home and having tobacco juice from the top of my arms with my shoulders were all the way down to the tips of my fingers I wonder how much I got exposed to doing that or if I did it all the heavy metals and s*** I wonder if they were in the juices


Active member
as said, i HATE blunts. Im not exaggurating, im also not a Fan af smoking at all, i started later than all my Friends , and stopped for years, its good to releave Stress, and overcome Exhaustion in your live. But i hate the Quality . Backwoods are most suited to Cannbis, and are the whole Leave. imagine your kitchenherbs grinded , Stems and shit mixed in to the max. thats a blunt, and a cigarette.. its sh_t.

So trust me, it is special, and im not shure if its the same when grown outside of the Tropics.
Its a bit hard to get , but ask at Gas Stations, commercial looking Tabaccoshops for Backwoods, try before you judge, it is special. Hard to say if i would like it with special Sativa Homegrewn weed tho.

Another Idea: In Africa they combine wild Dagga with Weed traditionally if i recall Right.
I completely agree with you in fact there have been times where I've looked back and wondered why as a young man I didn't try to find another way because when I was growing up you didn't see packages Edibles all you ever saw were f****** pot brownies I mean they may have gotten creative and made hard candies but the legalization wave and people trying to make a shitload of money on people that were in states that hadn't yet legalized yet at least brought the opportunity to have those things available for some of us. I mean it all goes back to being self-sufficient and being able to have your own product to make your own products with I guess in the long run so that you know you can trust the source and that the people that provided it to you are on the same wavelength of morality Common Sense ethical all that good stuff as you are assuming we all are on a decent level of that I know it can fluctuate laughing out loud. I found tinctures and say non-solvent used like what do they call them now THC crystals or waxes waxes that aren't made with solvents just through a rosin press and finding a way to like use those as edibles have far surpassed any kind of smoking at all in fact now if I can I prefer to have a jar of really high-end flour for me right now it's some something called Grease Monkey that a buddy help me with it's all right I smoke it once at night after dinner I prefer ingesting orally as opposed to combusting my pulmonary system at all. I learned a lot by reading this thread though I had no idea about the Isotopes and tobacco clinging to people's alveoli in their lungs I never understood why when I lived with people that didn't smoke cigarettes they could smoke pot in the next day they'd cough a little bit but for the most part they were fine and I could watch and another family member's house them chainsmoke cigarettes wake up the next day hardly cough at all but you could literally see the tar on their fingers from them smoking the cigarettes you know and then hearing from my biology teacher in high school if you have nice aquariums or amphibians or you're of avid native trout fishermen especially brook trout etc etc bear in mind I'm talking about the late '80s early 90s when we still could have unstocked Rivers up here that had native fish left in them. Having nicotine on your fingers and in your hands can kill fish if you touch it on their skin I don't think trout are supposed to be handled anyway but sensitive fish like that cannot be exposed to nicotine at all and all you have to be is like sitting there smoking and you handle the trout all the sudden it's you know that didn't get teen has the ability let's face it it's a f****** pesticide and a poison. I was also told by a family member of mine that's in the science and works for an agency that shall not be named cigarette butts I think it's like one or two can poison 1 to 5 gallons of water so that no amphibian or fish could live in it

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I've been rolling the occasional kretek mostly for nostalgia but I admit that I really enjoy them.

I keep thinking about getting a hookah but I think it's a step in the wrong direction.

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