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Hi fellow UK gardeners


The Tri Guy
There's a difference between arguing with some one, having differences of opinion, and full on finding someone is borderline psychotic from pm's that just don't have a place in civil discourse. Most of the other people that threw their dummies at me that day are banned now, which shows the sort of company you were in. Mods ummed and erred at whether resin ryder's thread could stay up, never mind requests for money from someone, who isn't a member's, dog. Who know if it was for the dog or an led light? Its an old argument now, and here you are bringing it back, looking to carry it on. Seems par for the course is right.
I was looking to sooth a newbies nerves a little, and trying to avoid drama by not invoking you directly, but your desire for combat on these boards, your need to swing your balls around, its just irresistible for you isn't it?
You just don't get it do you? You don't need to start fights just because you don't like someone. Walk the other way, look after your own shit, leave other people to wallow in their own. Most have more than enough to drown in already. You don't need to throw more.


Well-known member
If you want to make snide indirect comments towards me, dont expect not to get called out for them, then start playing your victim card like you do time and time again.

I sent you a polite message, telling you if youve got nothing nice to say, then dont bother saying it at all in that guys thread, after you started sending people nasty messages via the neg rep system, in response to your initial comment. Only to be bombarded with abusive Pm's from you asking 'who the fuck I think I am', followed up by disrespectful comments towards deceased family members and personal insults towards me.

And your still trying to get a cheeky dig in again 'Borderline psychotic' Ahaha

Feel free to post up screenshots of any messages I have sent you, which verge on 'Borderline psychotic'. Please feel free, as ive still got your messages saved, showing what a nasty piece of work you can be

If your looking to aviod drama GMT, then dont start posting indirect messages about me and the grudges that you still hold, trying to get a cheeky dig in, plain and simple.


The Tri Guy
Bullshit, absolute bollocks. Why the hell would I insult anyone I don't know, never mind a dead person? I've clearly got under your skin somewhere along the way, but call me for what I've done, I'm far from perfect, but don't start seeing things that aren't there. Yeah I insulted Stuart in pm, and didn't make a big deal of it when he broke TOU by bringing it to the boards, just like I'm not going to with you bringing pms to the open board. But bring it clean, if you have to bring it at all, and if you really want to do this, at least do it in my thread, not someone else's.


Well-known member
Damn. Sal has gone. Collected his posts and left the building. This can't be viewed as a good thing


Well-known member
As I said above, if your looking to avoid drama, then dont start making making public comments about me , in response to the grudges that you still hold plain and simple.

If you wish to back your allegations of me 'being borderline psychotic, through Pm's that have no place in civil discourse', please feel free, I have nothing to hide. Because until you back those 'allegations' up its just more poorly veiled insults and snide comments towards people that you dont know.

Im going to leave it at that, like I did in your Pm's a while back, as to be quite honest, your not worth anymore time of my day.

Wish you all the best


The Tri Guy
Oh, didn't notice he had gone, OK, if Blazeee wants to do this, since its an open thread that will get binned, we may as well do it here. If we do it though, I'm posting the lot, the PMS from Stuart that resulted in me saying whatever ( and I genuinely don't remember what I responded with in his neg rep), most of his insults to me were removed from the thread by mods, and he was given a time out. The full PMS sent between blazeee and myself, the post in which I said what mods are now saying about another thread, the lot. I really can't be arsed, but if its necessary, I'll do a damned good job.


The Tri Guy
Make it clear Blazeee , do you want this or not? We'll bring your posts to sal that started this round into it too. Let's get it all in one place and let the membership see each of us openly. I can't be arsed, but I'm bored and very willing. Do you want to back out or do it properly?