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HELP! how to engage audience with humor.


Active member

I need help. What would be prime books for a person with very high levels of [systemaitizing, analyzing, rules for abstract systems like comedy] .. to learn about comedy and how to write (and use/ deliver it)?


I live in a country where cannabis is still illegal. I have fair amount of facts that speak spades for legalization and bucket loads against prohibition. Regretfully.. my ability to [ see/ feel/ notice ] my social environment is limited .. and as result.. I got less practice than my peers .. and I went to fields where I could manage with lacking ability. .. Lilly fields would have been nice but they do not pay rent so I went to work in IT-field.( joke .. maybe poor but that is what I got )

Now .. I am compelled to voice my views and to put serious effort into changing my (and our) society. In order to have any chance it is imperative that I improve my communication skills. While there are many aspects of communication .. my interest .. first and foremost is comedy. Not that i am good at it .. It is very usable tool. It is something I feel like I could manage. It will -- at very least -- give me something to focus on .. and that alone is reason enough to face the dangers ahead. I feel like it will be a good 'special interest' for me .. and I usually get fairly good at those and I usually go fairly deep into it.

I need help. What would be prime books for a person with very high levels of [systemaitizing, analyzing, rules for abstract systems like comedy] .. to learn about comedy and how to write (and use/ deliver it)?

I mean.. what book you would recommend for Mr. Spok if he had to give a speech and include few jokes in it in order to keep the audience interested and willing to listen?

Thank for your time and your input!
Stay safe!
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Autistic Diplomat in Training
Hail and well met, :)

I have had over 80 jobs and businesses, and my recommendation is to find a funny and witty partner to work with. Why? Because I have learned you should focus on what you are good at. Any new thing you do should come naturally, or you will have lots of frustration and wasted effort over the years.

Not to say you will/would not be a great comedian. I too am analytical, as well as high functioning autistic, but I've endured mass exposure to society and spent 40+ years on being witty. People find me very entertaining in person, but I need help translating it to print or a comedy routine. Why? Because I don't understand where society is coming from. I have read and studied too many things, for so many years, I have difficulty relating to them when I am not guiding the conversation and keeping everyone laughing. Growing up with autism and zero knowledge of it su ked, and being around unhappy people makes it worse. I see it as having been my childhod survial mechanism.;)

If you find yourself learning comedy quickly, dive deep and be successful. Otherwise I would think your skills would work better in a partnership. :)

Good luck, the world needs more laughs and cannabis. :)


Active member
Thank you Douglas, your words and support is really appreciated.

Yes.. indeed the crux of the matter is .. difference (in broad sense of the word) dose make communication difficult.

From what I have seen (and take to heart from it) .. comedy is a good tool to bridge that cap. ..

IFF (How I phrased my views in 2020) was compared to ( a verbal punch in a gut )
I HOPE ( How I phrase my views in 2025) will be comparable to ( a verbal tickle )

I found some good stuff on popular video streaming sites.
It just feels like I found the 10x stuff and I am now looking for 30x materials.
I searched pay per view ans subscription sites with hopes of finding good material.
Only to find out that academic levels were only disclosed to paying customers. Kinda suspicious that classes were advertised with just XXX.

Most material looked to be pictures and focus on extra curricular aspects of college.

.. yeah.. still a 1000ng way to go.. :thank you::tiphat:


Well-known member
easier to start a group laughing by being willing to poke fun at yourself. watch Josh Blue, the comic with cerebral palsy. fucking hilarious...