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Hello everyone.I am very greatful to be here i hope to help and learn more.

el clandestino

super chato
Iam new to the indoor thing but i have grown outdoors before. I hope to learn more and hopefully help also. I have used mota to treat depression and R.L.S. for a long time and i can say that it has saved my life many times and taken me on a trip iam still on. Thank you to all who make this site possible. I have a test run going in my attic using 4-54w T5s in a small cab and a 5x5x8 big box with a supernova enhanced spectrum. Its my frist time indoors but so far so good. I have a shit load of questions but iam weary about the openness of these type of sites. All positive feedback is welcome.



Welcome aboard!...lotsa info for ya here...browse ya nuts off!:)



Active member
the site is pretty nicely broken up and organized by subject; you plan on going soil indoors? also if you still plan on growing outdoors you can give your plants a jump on the summer by starting them inside and moving em outside when the light is right... what watt is the light you're going to run in the big box?? did you make the box yourself or is it prefabbed?

el clandestino

super chato
The led is 273 watts and I can adjust the spectrum for red and blue indepently.Its supposed to be equal to a 1000w hid but ive never seen hids power up close. I am growing in a mix of mg organic that i added perlite to and some home soil from my buds outdoor garden. We started worm box last mo. so i can have some castings. The box was built by myself and a buddy. Great idea about starting in then moving them out as weather permits Thank you man .


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Can should worry about the information you post. I've been around online cultivation boards for 7 years. I have made mistakes, but nothing has come of the error. (yet)

just be careful that any picture you post doesn't have your name on it.
Don't post your face on these boards for safety.

I know people have in dare thread and the like. I think I've done that too.
Facial recognition software is part of law enforcement tools.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Can should worry about the information you post. I've been around online cultivation boards for 7 years. I have made mistakes, but nothing has come of the error. (yet)

just be careful that any picture you post doesn't have your name on it.
Don't post your face on these boards for safety.

I know people have in dare thread and the like. I think I've done that too.
Facial recognition software is part of law enforcement tools.

Scary times we are now in facelift!:cry:
GREAT advice given. I was in an intro yourself thread with this person zoe who had never smoked. We were all following along waiting for HIS (I assumed was a he, my bad) first smoke report. Then all of a sudden there SHE is showing us her face taking a hit off a joint, her hands holding it, and her eating a 1 foot long sub after getting munchies. I wanted to say congrats but found the thread was closed. Now I know why.