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Growing Tobacco

It turns out, growing up to 15kg of tobacco for personal use in Canada, is perfectly legal.

It also happens to be that I spend more on cigarettes each month than on MJ.:thinking:

I have found a Canadian supplier of Canadian grown seed, They sell for 5 cents a seed, which seems reasonable. I have read a bit, and growing seems straightforward, although they are slow to get to even small seedling stage, about a month.

I was hoping to start them in soil and run them in hydro of some sort With a 4/600 watt. I know too much sun will make them harsh, so we'll see. Maybe fluorescents are a better idea.

I'm an apt dweller, but I was hoping to start them inside, in about a 20 sq foot area, and move them out to my large balcony with a 6 foot by 8 foot area in the spring. I hope that's enough space.
Its enough space they like it shady.

I would personally recommend also trying nicotiana rustica as well as the standard nicotiana tobacum (im stoned I dont think I spelled that right) it's favored by many natives. Not only does it contain the most nicotine out of all the tobaccos but it has harmine tetrahydroharmine and harmaline in it which are the three drugs in banisteriopsis caapi aka ayahuasca. You get a hell of a buzz off it and it has a bunch of positive health benefits too despite tobacco not being good for your health to smoke. They like support as seedlings. Curing takes months to do right but it will be the best smoke you've ever had.

I don't smoke anymore. Don't really miss it, but I'd smoke some mapacho in a heart beat.


I read that a pack equals about a half ounce of tobacco and a tobacco plant averages 4 ounces. So if you smoke a pack a day you will need about 182 ounces for a years supply. So that's about 11-12 lbs. Theoretically, It would take about 40-50 plants to supply yourself for a year. Grow some chronic tobacco!


automatic shoes
If you had land you could start a hundred indoor and crop it. Know anyone with some extra space?

The rustica species? sounds really interesting. Thanks tessarecting i might even grow a plant. Why not?
im pretty sure if you smoke that shit while on psychedelic mushrooms you will trip BALLs. Harmaline is an MAOI which can potentiate the effects of compounds like psilocybin and DMT.
Caution is advised.
Theres a nice synergy. Oh if you take SSRI or anything contraindicated with MAOI yes stay away from rustica. Harmalas are reversible maoi's but still you dont want to go doing a singado on prozac. Peace.

Your tobacco will attract bugs. Get another bug deterrent plant or just brush them off. Wear gloves at harvest you can get out there.
If you had land you could start a hundred indoor and crop it. Know anyone with some extra space?

You know, I don't know if I have enough time to get them going this year, but there is a community garden behind chainlink that rents plots for a nominal fee, they're only a few blocks away and they always have a few extra plots. They've been having membership problems,

That's a bright idea, thanks.:huggg:


Don't plant the seeds. Lay them on top of moist soil and cover to hold in the moisture. Keep them covered until the roots grow well into the soil. Seed price seems high to me but you will have thousands of seeds if you get these to grow. Last I checked, U.S. growers can grow 1/2 an acre without a license.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Queequeg has done a bit of work growing baccy, might be worth poking his brain.


if it smells like fish
you can grow small amounts but don't try and grow a field full or ya got to pay the man .....yeehaw..I wanted to grow 5 acres of conneticut sp? baccy once ..after talking to local aggie guy I said fuck that


Your tobacco will attract bugs. Get another bug deterrent plant or just brush them off. Wear gloves at harvest you can get out there.

somewhere i read up that certain tobacco varieties will rather repel bugs
i cant remember where but i thought was around here on icmag

as amanda pointed out quitting to smoke nikotin is probably a good thing
i did that when i realized that i enjoy weed more then headache inducing tobacco :)


pure dynamite
Also, it would need curing so you can enjoy smoking it. Without curing most of it is as harsh as puffing a cigar like it was a cigarette.
Put all the leaves in a pile. Put a weight on the pile. Use the side of your house if your harvest is large enough. Once leaves ferment to a yellow pigment they are hung in the barn to cure for sometimes as long as three months.

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