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Mountain High

just kinda curious who around here is into the aquarium hobby. i have a small set up with a 38 gallon with all live plants and rare wild caught fish. so if anyone has 'em lets see 'em. who in here smokes and stares at some fish?



Hey Mh...

I love nothing more than wasting away cold evenings, sitting and gazing into my tropical aquarium...

I have a 100 Litre tank with many species in it... Non are wild caught though...

Check out this Apple Snail;

Shinobi :joint:
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Mountain High

that is one funny but lame video haha. i got that damn song stuck in my head now.

looks a nice apple snail there... i was thinking about getting either some apple snails or some other type to help with my algae situation. and they dont reproduce like crazy. what other kind of fish you keeping in there Shinobi?


Anita Bonghitt
I used to have 5 tanks

I used to have 5 tanks

but, I'm down to 2 tanks now!!! 45 gal saltwater and a 30 gal fresh water with live plants..I'll take pics tommarro (camera batterys ran out)Just got a new fish i need to show off, a purple pseudochromis...

great lookin tanks Ya'll , I do watch mine a lot when i'm high, and when im not ...


Get two birds stoned at once
I've just set up a 10 gallon with tetras and corys etc. Its getting a lot of loose algae, how can I get rid of it naturaly?


i like the puffer fish...the galaxy eyes are just amazing..unfortunately mine died after having it for 2 years, it got sick with ick and slowly croaked..im still kicken myself in the ass for selling my 75 gal..someday i wanna get a coral setup and learn to clone them.


ICMag Donor
I've got a 20 gallon saltwater tank..... No fish but Ive got a hermit crab, a few astrea, a cerinth, and a necarrius snail. Plus lots o coral, bristle worms, and a few small starfish!


Mountain High

yo deft, i dont really know what kind of algae your talking about but make sure its not near a window with lots of light. Sometimes new tanks go thru algae stages. i got rid of mine iwth almond leaves, but your algae might not be the same.

thats a sick saltwater tank set up there pipline. why dont you have any fish yet?


ICMag Donor
Thanks MH! Some of those shots are from August, some are from spring when I had a 10 gallon, and a few are from my buddy's 40 gallon w/ a 29 gal refugium...... It looks a little different than the last shot there and I have another circulation pump.

Don't have any fish because there are times when I am unable to be here for a week or so. Fish can't tolerate high concentrations/shifts in salinity very well, so I don't have them. I will once I can settle down.....


Get two birds stoned at once
Yea it gets some serious sun in the morning on one side, maybe I should get a medium sized snail? I had snails before but they just multiplied and made things much worse!


Mh...Apple Snails really are Very efficiante algae eaters...they are also facinating to watch at work... In my Aquarium along with 2 large apple snails I keep at the moment; 4 Mountain shrimp, 2 Kuhli Loach, 6 Cory's, 10 Rummy nose tetra, and 6 Whiteclouds...

Pipeline...That is a sweet looking setup. I hope to oneday move over to Marine keeping...

Shinobi :joint:


Mother Nature's Son
Man Pipeline!!!! That is the setup there, very nice work my friend.

I have a friend that is really into salt water tanks (although his pets keep dying...), and has had many cool fish. He has had 4 Lion fish, a Banded Cat Shark, a small Eel, and a few Puffer fish. And whoever said it was right, they have some of the best eyes.

Another friend just recently bought a Dwarf Caimen. It is currently about 10 inches long, and loves to eat the medium feeder fish. He will be moving up to mice soon. It is the best pet in a fish tank I have ever seen. I love to watch it fuck with the fish and check out his tank. It has bitten him once so far. I kinda have a crazy desire to let it bite my arm. Seeing as how it will soon be getting too big for me to want this to happen, I guess I should go for it now.

Mountain High

yo deft, ya that sun could be a part of the problem man. try keeping that sun off of it as much as possible. some snails reproduce without mating so you need to watch out what kind you get cuz they will overgrow your tank. lol. apple snails are good tho.

shinobi, i love to watch shrimp as well, i had a bunch of the little ammano( algae eating) shrimp and they were cool to watch. they are sooo hard to find cuz they are so small, but get the job done. i wish i could have shrimp still but my fish that i keep would love to eat them as a snack.haha. happend before.

pineline... you say that you had a 10 gal marine tank? how hard was that to keep? i've been looking into getting a 24 gallon nano cube to start out as my first salt water tank. i kinda like those nano cubes plus i dont have alot of space for another tank so it needs to be small, but it needs to be reef tank style. salt water is the way to go.


I like smoking and catching fish... nothing like getting stoned and having a smallmouth bass or a trout on the end of your line... well maybe one other thing...


ICMag Donor
Thanks guys! The 10 gallon was very easy to keep up. I have an oversized filter pump. I don't know what it is, but its a 5 inch wide one. When going to saltwater, you want to be sure not to use activated carbon in your filter. You use natural occuring bacteria to clean the water and bristle worms to eat detritis to clean the water. There are 3 layers of filter material. At the bottom a sponge, then a bag of (blanking on the word, not carbon), and then a net full of porous ceramic pieces.

My friend has a freshwater plastic molded tank, which I think is a nano cube, approx. 24 gal. He is keeping it up for a friend who is in the service. Its got plants and fish, pretty good to look at! :D

As of now, I haven't kept up with my water changes (10-20% per week), but my tanks still doing pretty good. I've got a macro-algae growing acting sort of like a refugium, and I've got a good system of decomposers lined up and no fish to really kick up water pollutants. I need to do one soon though, along with a little algae removal...... :dueling:

Its quite a bit bigger now...Sorry for the fuzz....
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Active member
pipeline said:
Thanks MH! Some of those shots are from August, some are from spring when I had a 10 gallon, and a few are from my buddy's 40 gallon w/ a 29 gal refugium...... It looks a little different than the last shot there and I have another circulation pump.

Don't have any fish because there are times when I am unable to be here for a week or so. Fish can't tolerate high concentrations/shifts in salinity very well, so I don't have them. I will once I can settle down.....
pipeline thats a nice reef tank.
I.m sure you know this,but the bigger the tank the slower changes in watter conditions change.

I don't have any aquariums running atm,but about 17yrs ago i used to have lots(20-25) I had 2)55's 1)42hex and a 29gal all fresh watter,my favorites were african cichlids,mostly from lake Malawi & lake Tanganika.I also like S.American cichlids,which is what you have in your tank MH.
My wife was realy into the live plant thing the 42hex was her baby she kept discus and live plants in this one.
The remaining 20 or so tanks were in a room set up like a fish store with a homebuilt rack that covered a 10"wall floor to celing.
I used a 1/2hp airpump plumbed into an air manifold,made from 1/2'pvc w/ valves and air lines for each tank some of wich I built useing old window glass,cut to size and sealed w/silicone.
This room was used for spawning,I've spawned angles,lots of different Africans,Austrailian rainbows(3 or 4)varrities,Killifish(4or5)vars.i'm sure i'm forgrtting some aswell.
I'm an over the road truckdriver now,but as soon as i get out of debt,i'm comming off the road,and the first order of buissness will be to pull the 2 remaining tanks out of storrage.
I do so miss getting baked and watching tha phitches,swim.
AHHH SHIT i'm rambeling. I can't wait to have the success growing and breeding my new obbsession,as i had withe tha phitches.HEHEHE.

Maybe being Pieces had something to do with my success.

FISH RULE!!!!!!!!!

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Mountain High

damn twistedtrucker, that was HUGE setup. i would love to have a setup that big and do some breeding, but a setup that big is way too much $$$. i've got 2 wild caught altum angels that have been in this planted tank for about a year now, and i think i need to get a couple more, these have to be my favorite fish right now. i dont think its very easy to breed altums tho. i also have a 2 different plecos that i really like, one is a albino bushynose that i got when it was about 1 in long as a baby that was breed by a friend and another pleco that is an L-287( hypensistrus, dont know how to spell that) its black and white kinda like a zebra pleco.


ICMag Donor
Thanks, 1TWISTEDTRUCKER! That was a quite a setup you used to have!

That would be a lot of fun to get into breeding! I love touring around aquarium shops. Like being a kid in a candy store..... :rasta:

Part of the reason I switched to a 20 gallon was more buffering against water quality change. I like having more area for what my mom calls "my rocks".... :D

Here's my outdoor aquarium a.k.a. the creek.......



New member
i have had my current tank set up for four and a half years. it's a 90 gal all glass reef tank. it takes much dedication on my part. the tank is set up in my office at work, so even on weekends i have to go in and take care of it. i really enjoy though. here are some pics from march 2007. looks much nicer now.


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