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First Time LED User


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Without meters and looking at your plants, how can can you tell if the power level is too intense or not high enough ? Thanks in advance !!!!


Well-known member
Without meters and looking at your plants, how can can you tell if the power level is too intense or not high enough ? Thanks in advance !!!!

There are smart phone apps that measure light intensity. If you want to maximize your grows its important to collect that data.


The Tri Guy
Assuming you bought the right spectrum, calculate the watts per square foot it will use. Assuming you aren't using co2 injectors, around 42 watts per square foot with led is about perfect. More than that and leave a little extra space between the light and your plant tops, less and get them a little closer. 8-12 inches away is perfect at that level. Closer if you have great airflow. Further if you don't. That's if you don't want to look at your plants reaction as you stated. Although it's always better to look and react to your plants