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FIM, and tipping.. What say you?


ICMag Donor
Ponytailing....tucking upper shoots/leaves together with pipecleaner or some such aid.. The idea is to allow light into otherwise shaded bottom growth, resulting in a more even canopy without bending her leaves.

Autoflowering hybrids have ushered in a new era of hope and change. LST doesn’t really have a recovery time. Within hours, most growers see shoots bouncing back. Essentially, you don’t really need to treat the autos in the RQS collection any different than a photoperiod variety when it comes to LST.

In fact, LST is perhaps the best way to significantly boost the yield of an autoflowering strain with no downside. That being said, you do need to factor in that most autos will start flowering just 4–5 weeks post-germination. It’s best to make up your mind about training in advance.

This growing technique encourages increased bud growth, as the branches are more readily exposed to the source of light. Also, the stems that would normally stand vertically are tied into lateral position, inducing them to sprout new vertical branches, or "waterspouts" - which will create tasty new buds. This is a common practice amongst gardeners for climbing roses, grapes, and other vining plants.


  • first day leaf tucking.jpg
    first day leaf tucking.jpg
    93.5 KB · Views: 60
  • second round leaft tucking.jpg
    second round leaft tucking.jpg
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ICMag Donor
Yes to LST. I'm only using T5 and CFLs so I have to keep the canopy level.

TrillOG, I grew Love Potion Auto last summer but hit two females with way too much pollen.
The flowers were very full of seeds that I let mature past a normal harvest window. I've vaped a bit of it as I was removing seeds. I believe the flowers have given up potency to produce seeds (I'm hoping!) I'll know more by the end of this grow.

These plants are 18 days from breaking ground. I just got rid of three males and moved the others in to pots.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=79142&pictureid=1915563&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=79142&pictureid=1915564&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Yes, that's true. All the energy goes into seeds, thereby less potent.


ICMag Donor
Too, I read the sheath (seed cover) has the most thc. Read it somewhere, but couldn't tell you from what source. Stands to reason if plant is preserving their offspring.

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
I usually top autos once after the fourth node. I also defoliate a lot of fans on some strains with no ill effects. This is a 80 day strain.

Peace GG