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Do your Pets Like Pot ? My Chickens like Pot.

St. Phatty

Active member
I was taking pictures of some meds and my chickens were out and showed a little too much interest in the buds.

I don't mind if they help themselves to some pieces of shake, but they were eyeing up the buds like it was a big bug that needed to be shaken into bits and eaten.

That's usually how they treat big pieces of food, they shake it to break it into smaller pieces.

If I had to guess, I would guess that many animals have cannabinoid receptors. I have never seen the chickens study something so much before nibbling at it.

The wood is Zebra-wood. In the pic where the chickens beak is poised on the Zebra-wood, it's like it's trying to figure out what on Earth those little bud bits are - and if they're edible.

One other note about Chickens and Pot - they have no hesitation about eating live pot.

Never let a chicken near a live plant in vegetation unless you want the plant to get a major hair-cut.

Normally when it comes to eating plants, chickens will nibble on a few blades of grass, or a blackberry leaf or something.

With cannabis, they shift into a higher gear. The one time I let 3 chickens into a room of plants with a lot of pre-flowering shoots, they went berserk. At first it was funny, then I realized, "oh SHiT, they're eating my PLANT !" and I had to kick them out.

I would grow pot in their enclosure if it weren't for the laws. For sure, it is one of their favorite plants.

Last pic is some Apollo 11 I was photographing.


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if it smells like fish
and I like chickens...do they taste any better on a diet with pot is yet to be determined...yeehaw...my bird used to love pot..he is gone now


Active member
that's a very cute picture ^^

the one with the little bird on the plant

not surprised the chickens love it, seems that all animals are drawn to it

chicken, rabbit, deer


if it smells like fish
the little bastard topped a few of them plants before I caught him in the act...he looked so cute I took a pic...lol


Active member
I wonder if the eggs the chickens lay will have THC in it? If nothing else, would be interesting if the eggs taste better. I know if you free range your chickens and let them bugs, the eggs will taste better. So what they eat does effect taste for sure.


Well-known member
I was trimming some outdoor weed the weekend and my little dog a jack Russell gobbled up a few fan leaves, he seemed to love them and kept pestering me for more.
I was at a ice cream parlour once and they had a big garden out the back where you can sit and eat your ice cream and they had chickens wandering around and people were feeding them ice cream.
The owner told us that a few days earlier a small kid dropped half a chicken burger and they ATE that!
Will chickens eat anything?


Well-known member
I had a cat that loved weed. He hated the smoke, and wouldn't touch cured weed, but he ate the shit out of fresh green. Whenever I trimmed, he demanded his cut. He chowed down on it and then rolled around acting stupid. Had to keep the door to the grow shut at all times. He'd chew the lower buds right off the plant.

My buddy in high school had a cat that liked to smoke. He'd follow the joint around the circle, and you could see him inhale if you blew it in his face. We were sitting in a tree in the woods and he found us, climbed up the tree and got high with us.

St. Phatty

Active member
I was trimming some outdoor weed the weekend and my little dog a jack Russell gobbled up a few fan leaves, he seemed to love them and kept pestering me for more.
I was at a ice cream parlour once and they had a big garden out the back where you can sit and eat your ice cream and they had chickens wandering around and people were feeding them ice cream.
The owner told us that a few days earlier a small kid dropped half a chicken burger and they ATE that!
Will chickens eat anything?

Pretty much. I feed my chickens food scraps from the table, which sometimes means chicken bones.

I've known chicken farmers that tried to discourage me from letting my chickens eat chicken.

Once I gave them the squirming still moving tail of a lizard that left the tail behind when I was moving some stuff in the side yard. They liked that ! (the lizard was OK)

Love to hear the stories about other animals and pot. Guess it's not just aphids and people that like pot. :woohoo:


Active member
Until my 25 ISA brown's went off to the farmers freezer down the road (not worth my time to butcher scrawny laying hens) I used to feed them all my outdoor fan leaves, and shitty trim.

They would decimate it.....nothing left behind when they were done.

My GSD has a thing for MJ also...damn dope fiend. :p


Well-known member
My black cat loves fan leaves. I accidently left the door to the grow room open and kitty helped himself. Usually the cat is waiting for me at the grow room so he can score a few fan leaves. Do cats get high?


if it smells like fish
my last black cat guarded my dope...none of the offspring bothered my weed either...they patrolled like dogs

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
I let my rabbits go in the grow room and they have never eaten one of my plants. They may eat the seedlings, but, haven't gotten that chance.

My buddy's dog ate a couple ounces. THe dog yaked it up and was high for two days.


Lifetime Supporter
ICMag Donor
Chickens and most other animals do love cannabis, especially the seeds, which are very high in protein. It helps to keep them healthy as well, especially your pullets. It was a sad day for most seed loving birds and animals when cannabis hemp was banned in the usa and other countries. Thanks for sharing the pics St. Phatty!


Active member
I love that picture of the black cat on top of the greenhouse

cats are like that, either in boxes, atop some things, hiding somewhere where you can't find them or just playing around

I think I like cats so much because they are wild and free, always doing what they want, basking in the sun or fooling around, they are also fun to pet and got that funny look



if it smells like fish
that cat wasn't dumb .. it also got a warm belly due to heated greenhouse... I had a shitload of feral all black cats back then... a few were pettable and friendly like the one in the pic...the mom was black and white and the dad was a huge grey cat..all babies were pure black with an occasional grey one...go figure....got rid of my rodent problems so I fed them all well...heres momma cat..she had shitloads of babies ..don't know how she did it..


Andinismo Hierbatero
we have two cats, one of them does not like it, and the other does very much; sometimes I will roll the rare tobacco cigarette and the cat that likes the herb comes to me, and when she realizes it is not herb, she looks at me like "what the fuck is that?" and leaves :D

now, my chick only likes the herb in those days of the month when the steak is defrosting :yoinks: