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DO NOT USE VINEGAR TO ADJUST PH - Why not to use vinegar as your pH down


Señor Member
I wish I would have come across a thread like this before I chose to start using vinegar. I will try to include as many pertinent words as possible in this post so that it hopefully comes up in google searches for people.

I was trying to avoid having to spend lots of money every month on an acid, so I began researching what other acids I could use. I was running both an ebb and flow (flood and drain) system and a DWC (deep water culture), and GH's pH down ain't cheap. The most obvious choices to me were ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and acetic acid (vinegar). Vitamin C really isn't all that cheap either, when you take into account how much of it needs to be used to affect pH, so vinegar became the obvious choice.

I began looking online and found tons of anecdotal information about using vinegar. Arguably, the most prevalent mentions of this topic on almost every forum out there all seemed to agree that vinegar is safe to use, but that it doesn't work well, or it only works for a brief duration then the pH will rise again. But overwhelmingly the consensus was that vinegar is safe to use, and many people recommend it over the GH stuff.

Well, I began using regular distilled white vinegar in my reservoirs, and the pH was definitely stabilizing. I was having no problems keeping the pH down where it needed to be, and I was certainly not experiencing it rising faster than it should have. So I thought to myself that I found a well-hidden secret, and I left it at that... I continued to use the vinegar.

Well, fast forward a few weeks and I began noticing I was having a slime buildup in my reservoirs. I have never had this happen to me before, ever, in over 10 years of hydroponic indoor gardening. But I was in a relatively "dirty" environment, having been relegated to the spare bedroom where the cats' litter box is located. I just assumed it was growing some bacteria that came from the cats feces, even though I noted that the slime had a faint mycelial smell to it, or in other words, it smelled like mushrooms! So I began innoculating my reservoirs with beneficial bacteria, in the form of Aquashield.

That definitely seemed to make the water get "clearer" but after a week went by the snot was back, and this time it seemed to be only colonizing specific areas, instead of the entire volume of the reservoir. I figure this means that the bennies from the Aquashield were doing their thing, but the snot was still present, and was being segregated, so to speak, by the other species present. So the slime was still there, and I began freaking out, because I don't have the time to deal with this shit. But I had no choice other than to figure it out, so I began researching some more. And some more. And some more.

I then came across a reference to using vinegar in hydroponics from GardenWeb, of all places. In this post, someone mentioned how they actually make their own vinegar, and the way they do this is by using something known as "mother of vinegar" which is bubbled in an aerated water solution (sounds like a hydroponic res to me, right?), which then grows into a slimy mass that can be separated and used to innoculate more batches of the stuff.

Mother of vinegar? What is that?

So I went to Wikipedia:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_of_vinegar said:
Mother of vinegar[1] - also called Mycoderma aceti (a New Latin expression, from the Greek μὑκης (fungus) plus δἐρμα (skin), and the Latin aceti (of the acid)[2] - is a substance composed of a form of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that develops on fermenting alcoholic liquids, which turns alcohol into acetic acid with the help of oxygen from the air. It is added to wine, cider, or other alcoholic liquids to produce vinegar.

Mother of vinegar can also form in store-bought vinegar if there is some non-fermented sugar and/or alcohol contained in the vinegar. This is more common in unpasteurized vinegar. While not appetizing in appearance, mother of vinegar is completely harmless and the surrounding vinegar does not have to be discarded because of it. It can be filtered out using a coffee filter, used to start a bottle of vinegar, or simply left in and ignored.

Well holy crap! That sounds a lot like what I've been dealing with, and I had forgotten that I was using vinegar instead of "actual" pH down. I then had to look at a picture of it:


Eeeewwwwwww! Yep, that's what I got in my res.

So I wanted to start this thread in the hopes that if anyone is using hydroponics, and is also experiencing slime in the res, and also knows that the res is 100% lightproof, and all other things are in check... that they could ask themselves...

"Are you using vinegar in your res?"

So, yeah, for what it's worth, vinegar should not be used in your res. Not because it won't adjust the pH, because it WILL. The reason is because you will end up inadvertently becoming a vinegar manufacturer. I wish this relatively well-known process of science was a bit more well known in the hydroponics and gardening communities.

Cheers to all!



Re: DO NOT USE VINEGAR TO ADJUST PH - Why not to use vinegar as your pH down

Yourelucky then buddy here's more money saving tips:

Grow in soil, ditch hydro
Grow greenhouse or outdoor
Collect sunshine in a bag, similar to rain in barrel
Don't buy N sources, use your own urea


Active member
I get a quart of gh ph down for 10 bucks .and it will last a while .ive been growing dwc for a few years and would never consider vineger.I too save any way i can, but for 10 bucks Or lose hundreds in genetics.not much of a decision IMO


Señor Member
Well, its more than $10 when you have lots of gardens. My house is filled with gardens. Most of them are food gardens, but still, they require pH adjustments too. So yeah, it runs me more than my nutrient does. I use dynagro which is ridiculously cheap, and lasts forever because of how concentrated it is.

So saving money on acid would help out a bit, for sure, at the end of the year when I total up all my expenses. I'm going to order food grade phosphoric acid in bulk and give that a try next.

But in the meantime, I've already purchased more of the GH stuff.


Active member
my gardens not that small either my freind ,between veg and flower i have at least 12+ 18 gallon totes going .I personally prefer the advanced ph down its more money but goes twice as far than gh..

Alll im saying is personally I wouldnt dump vineger ,battery acid ,lemon juice or any thing else in my res ,if there was the slightest possibility I may loose costly genetics or somthing special to save a couple bucks.


lol wen ur adjusting 2 50 gallon nute tanks for handwatering with a pump and wand.. ph down and up are expensive ya.. but getting greedy to save a little money.. ? y not just use ur nutes to adjust ur ph.. ph up.. protekt.. ph down research.. lol i no canna vega brings the ph down a bit.. and so does foxfarms. im sure most do.


Active member
lol wen ur adjusting 2 50 gallon nute tanks for handwatering with a pump and wand.. ph down and up are expensive ya.. but getting greedy to save a little money.. ? y not just use ur nutes to adjust ur ph.. ph up.. protekt.. ph down research.. lol i no canna vega brings the ph down a bit.. and so does foxfarms. im sure most do.

dosnt quite work that way in dwc ,I'd be running an ec of about 5 if i tried using nutes to bring my ph down.my tap water is a ph7


Active member
im not running hydro but when i need to adjust a mix to hand water into my organic pots i just put fish emulsion drop by drop until it hits about 6.0-6.2 and it gives a nice boost of N at the same time


Señor Member
lol wen ur adjusting 2 50 gallon nute tanks for handwatering with a pump and wand.. ph down and up are expensive ya.. but getting greedy to save a little money.. ? y not just use ur nutes to adjust ur ph.. ph up.. protekt.. ph down research.. lol i no canna vega brings the ph down a bit.. and so does foxfarms. im sure most do.

I'm not sure where the part about me being greedy comes from? I'm a personal grower, I don't sell anything I grow, so I'm not sure where greed comes into play? I will admit I like to be frugal, but not sure how that is synonymous with greedy. At any rate, I can't use nutes to affect my pH because it would require quite a lot of it, and my plants would be fried.

dosnt quite work that way in dwc ,I'd be running an ec of about 5 if i tried using nutes to bring my ph down.my tap water is a ph7

Exactly. Except that my pH is almost consistently 8.0 out of the tap. I don't collect enough rain water to substitute for it either. The rain water goes to the food plants first. I just did a search for food grade phosphoric acid and the price for that stuff looks promising! Also shows how much of a markup GH applies to their product, since this is a fraction of the price of the GH stuff.


surley m8 if you dont have to buy your smoke then whats a $10 per every year you sounds tighter than a ducks arse LOL
Thank you for posting the info about vinegar!

He posted great info, and still , he is getting mad flamed. Im sure he realizes he can buy pH solution, the guys trying to save some money.
He used a method a lot of people talk about working, than something negative happened, and then he came here to let everyone know about his experience in an intelligent manner... Isn't that what this community is about?

Get off the guys dick :)


Señor Member
Thank you for posting the info about vinegar!

He posted great info, and still , he is getting mad flamed. Im sure he realizes he can buy pH solution, the guys trying to save some money.
He used a method a lot of people talk about working, than something negative happened, and then he came here to let everyone know about his experience in an intelligent manner... Isn't that what this community is about?

Get off the guys dick :)

Lol, thanks man. You summed it up perfectly. I just wanted to let people know that it's definitely not a good idea, in hydro, and exactly why it's not a good idea. Because I couldn't find that information anywhere beforehand, and it would have helped me.

I just want to give back wherever I can, that's all.
As i posted before, both nitric and phosphoric acid are nutrients, N, and P in there most simple ionic form (available).

There is no waste.