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Crap! Is this mold or rot or both or something else entirely?

Here are some ugly pictures...this plant is a WYD. It had the densest buds i'd ever grown...I cut down today when I saw the prob...It was like day 65.


And here is what I had to remove...like cancer...


It was crispy and crumbly on the live bud. Is this mold or rot?

And I am asuming I did the right thing by taking extra from each side of the affliction...look at all that good bud wasted!!!! Over 30 grams wet weight :moon: :moon: :moon: :mad:


Active member
looks like powdery mildew...not sure.

if it is, that shit can really spread fast.

how's your humidity? can you lower it?

got any Serenade?

whatever you do, Benito, DON'T SMOKE IT!!
that mold can give you one hell of a respiratory infection!!!

Dr. D

Active member
thats a bitch, its hared to see fro0m the pic but it looks like grey mold i had it last year in the greenhouse

thses ae plants fro my gh last year if u can see this stuff opn ur buds then it is grey mold, not nice at all dont smoke it!!


Yep, definitely bud mold (Botrytis). It's a fungus known as Botrytis blight or gray mold, which causes the plant to rot. When your buds get huge it's good to keep your eye on them, or even spread them out by putting straws in between the nugs. Another thing to look out for is that all the pistils are turning red in one spot, as you can see in the picture. Something else I do to keep a close watch is periodically pull on the leaves- if it is easily pulled off with no resistance, there is probably mold starting on the inside of the bud. I find this is a good way to find if mold is starting before it's visible on the outside. Definitely did the right thing removing it, and should keep an eye out on the rest of the crop cause this shit spreads. I'd check the rest carefully and keep some fans on them. Anyways, can definitely hit the bubble bags with that stuff once it dries... so it's not a complete waste.
I ripped a whole chunk of the cola out as you can see and took more from around the affected area...I can still smoke the rest of the plant cant I? And I can still use the moldy stuff for hash right?
Here is a picture that shows the culprit red-handed...


I've been doing some thumbing through my Cervantes and this is what I found.

Gray Mold (Botrytis) AKA : Bud Mold.

"Damage can also appear as dark brownish spots on buds in less humid environments. Dry to the touch, Botrytis affected area often crumbles if rubbed."

Basically when you grow super-dense indicas it is best to take them a bit early...lesson learned.

Thanks, Dr. D. Sleepy and Grower in shorts...

Also, I chopped the whole plant, so it is now upside down drying, with "i hope" all the evil removed.


Dr. Doolittle
well now before you re flower all your other plants

wipe alot of things down in your grow with warm soapy water... mild soapy water... including walls...... buckets pots anything.... better safe than sorry :(

the spores will get ya and then you will have the same problem over again if it was a bad infestation of mold :(


Cannabis Helper
You need more air exchange to get rid of this problem, this is very common in rooms that dont have excellent ventilation...

Dont cheat ur plants on fresh air or use an AC, just my 2 cents...

ps...dont smoke moldy pot



Active member
use a ionic breeze ionizor in your room. it kills mold and restuctures the old air the plants give off in to freash mold free air. even if humidity is a problem the ionizor will zap the spores. also a ozinator on a timer will work as well. have to make sure ozone levels in the room dont get to high. depending on the size of the room you can put the ozone on a timer...the ionizor runs 24/7 in my room with no problems. i'll use the ozone when i go bigger. i got my ozinator from everybodysgardencenter.com and the ionizer from heavenfresh.com

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