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couple arrested for child abuse

Wow, its pretty sad and pathetic lookin at all the comments on that story. All those misinformed people talkin about weed killin brain cells and people sayin "good give those stoners the ten years" an that such stuff. So many people still stuck in the stone age. We all know he was jus groggy from bein stoned, he wasnt gonna OD an die like all those idiots are claiming. The parents at least took him to the hospital out of concern knowing they were gonna get in trouble.


Bad PR for cannabis, but we all know its a good thing cannabis is what he consumed and not a harmful drug. I really wonder what the doctors would even do? I could see the doc checking vitals, then testing for poisons, then they find its cannabis. "Oh, nurse role in the Playstation cart, lets let the kid play it off." Ha who knows. I applaud them for taking him in because of the symptoms he was showing, but its too bad they didn't know it was cannabis right away, all involved would have been better off without the hospital trip and now legal implications, terrible if a kid loses their parents for 10 yrs for that. I'm sure I am preaching to the choir on this, but put all your edibles in sealed bags labeled(to also protect unsuspecting adults) and stored out of reach of kids! Those comments on that site make me sick. Really sad some of the views people have towards cannabis.


bad parenting/accidental,its bad enough when your dog eats it
and you think its over done it this time.

10 years would be a bit harsh though,what about all the kids
that drink bleach and house hold products every year?
do they get threatned with such harshness?


Active member
Never should have taken the kid to the hospital, I mean really, what did they think they were going to do? They can't "un high" the kid, he just has to ride it out.

All the hospital did was call the cops, great, now you will lose your kid, and possibly get jail time, should have stayed at home and let the kid take a nap and sleep it off.


Active member
You know, I was thinking, do parents get charged with child abuse and face ten years in jail if the kid gets into the liquor cabinet? Liquor can kill him too, weed can't.

I'll bet there would be no charges or story if the kid had drank a bunch of wine and got sick.
What fools to go to the hospital. It sounds like maybe it wasn't their kid though. Maybe they went there instead of having to break the news to the parents. Or maybe they just found the kid all drugged-looking and went straight there without realizing what had happened. Then after the doctors ran a test the police were involved. What a nightmare.

Panama Red

Active member
The guy's not home.

The girl's passed out.

4 year old is running around unsupervised and eats their stash.

Just because they're potheads everybody is defending them?

Some people are severely retarded, even without the bud.......


Some people are severely retarded, even without the bud.......[/quote]

some people are,but bud dont make me retarded.


Never should have taken the kid to the hospital, I mean really, what did they think they were going to do? They can't "un high" the kid, he just has to ride it out.

All the hospital did was call the cops, great, now you will lose your kid, and possibly get jail time, should have stayed at home and let the kid take a nap and sleep it off.

Darwinism works with stoners too, the dumb must fall so we may go on.


haha, i want to reply to that thread, but those guys bashing pot are too altruistic, they say weed is bad, but being brainwashed by church/media is not? Also, they guys bashing must be old and don't know how to change and see the truth. Obviously, they were not aware of what happened in the 30s.


What a bunch of fucking losers, if you have kids it's your responsibility to keep your herbs and meds locked up and away from the kids.
Typical Bevis and Butthead type personality getting high and not CARING.

Why over exaggerate this situation when the printed story you refer does not say anything, nowhere, nohow about the kid almost having died.

It says Quote "was lethargic, with slurred speech and bloodshot eyes"

almost died, give me a fucking break.
if you saw it on TV it does not belong here without a video reference.
you know google or youtube.

nuff said the story speaks for itself.


The parents should be penalized for endangering a minor, neglect. If you use Cannabis as a medicine by your med state's recommendation, do so safely.

I recommend to never consume drugs in front of children or even the same house, always keep any drugs in a locked medicine cabinet. This includes all tools used to consume as well. Children ARE CuRIOUS, they like finding stuff and putting it in their mouths, touching it, or crushing it. It's natural.

Hash Edibles, which are very tempting looking to any person, keep them in a locked box too!! This goes for ALL Drugs, Cigarettes(smoke, phhew), Alcohol, Nyquil, Ambien, Cannabis, Cough syrups, advils, anything.
I do this and don't even have kids!
Common SENSE!

Seems the common wall mount bathroom cabinets dont come with locks anymore....hmmm..........

A strong edible to a young person is devestating, but not deadly.


The parents should be penalized for endangering a minor, neglect. If you use Cannabis as a medicine by your med state's recommendation, do so safely.

I recommend to never consume drugs in front of children or even the same house, always keep any drugs in a locked medicine cabinet. This includes all tools used to consume as well. Children ARE CuRIOUS, they like finding stuff and putting it in their mouths, touching it, or crushing it. It's natural.

Hash Edibles, which are very tempting looking to any person, keep them in a locked box too!! This goes for ALL Drugs, Cigarettes(smoke, phhew), Alcohol, Nyquil, Ambien, Cannabis, Cough syrups, advils, anything.
I do this and don't even have kids!
Common SENSE!

Seems the common wall mount bathroom cabinets dont come with locks anymore....hmmm..........

A strong edible to a young person is devestating, but not deadly.

yeah, good thing it wasn't a bottle of painkillers or something else that looks like candy to a 4 year old....


Ahahaha there really misinformed, you try saying something good about MMJ and people opposing prop19 will always contradict everything you say good about MMJ. lol


Ahahaha there really misinformed, you try saying something good about MMJ and people opposing prop19 will always contradict everything you say good about MMJ. lol

what's funny is the people who are bashing probably have really good friends that smoke and just don't know it. The abomination!!!