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I am waiting for The Dog to chime in and Avinash.miles to man up and say he'll be there! :)

Hydro8, I do plan to give "bio buckets" a go maybe next fall but am hoping you'll find another taker for your net pots. At that point, samiam, I will welcome your input.
For the foreseeable future, other projects need to get finished.

Like all of you, I am grateful for Putembk's generosity. My cup runneth over.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Couple of weeks now.....mark this on your calendar. Come on Colorado get yer ass over and have one with your fellow brothers of the bud. I promise this is our kind of place.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Anyone going to the Indo Expo?? :woohoo:

yup, me and my crew will be there, we have a booth in the hemp pavilion, look out for Weed Should Taste Good (booth 1114)

also our fermented plant extracts will repped by buildasoil at booth 450

don't be a stranger, come thru and say hello!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Hey Dog. Everything is still a go for Feb 2nd at noon. And yes at the Rock Rest. Don't know how many but would be nice if those coming would chime in so we know how big of a table to grab.

Place will probably be a bit busy on a sat at noon.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Doesn't look like anybody has an interest in this Saturday's gathering. Guess I won't bother either....we tried.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I'm coming if you guys are coming. Just that nobody has chimed in recently. So......who is gonna be there?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Still have empty seats available. We have dropped the ticket prices to $0. So there is NO excuse fellow Colo growers.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
im not gonna make it, just did indo expo, then straight to AGE show in vegas... just got home last night in the wee hours... don't have it in me to keep going, wish i did....
have a blast yall
maybe next time i can partake


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Sorry, gonna miss you my friend. I will be there at 12 sharp. Hopefully it will be a good turn out.


Oh, and while Putembk may be short of cuttings this time, his garden will be represented anyway. I just trimmed up the Golden Pineapple and Original Diesel Putembk generously, um, "brought along for the general enjoyment" last time we gathered.

They will be back for the general enjoyment again, along with the trimmings from my Orient Express from Ace.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Well the Colo contingent, all five of us showed up for our second gathering. This time at the Rock Rest Bar/grill. Even had a wife show up. Nice to see and she sounds like she is involved in growing.

We all had some lunch and a couple of beer's or whatever and went out to the parking lot for a smoke and to trade some clones/starts. To funny we had plants out sitting on my tail gate and stood around passing a bowl right in front of people coming and going.

Gotta love Colorado. Not one person said a thing and not even so much as a smirk or dirty look. We must have stood and smoked for an hour or so.

Sorry Defacto, I didn't have any Lemon Betty, White Fire or Legend OG clones rooted. I am starting another batch next week and I have some especially with your name on them.

Thinking we should plan another gathering around 4/20. We might get a bigger turn out if we do that. Sorry that all the rest missed out.....


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Hydro. Just tried your Lemon Skunk. Nice job my friend. Smoke is nice and cool on the back of my throat. Lemon flavor on both the inhale and exhale as well. I find that if I take a smaller hit first I get a better flavor out of it. Nice erotic buzz as well. Love it.

I have enough for a second bowl....and am gonna enjoy it right now..