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Chelsea Manning Banned From Visiting Australia.


Active member
being socially liberal in 2018 doesn't classify as being liberal any more. libertarianism has taken over the right wing at the younger levels meaning they don't give a fuck if you're gay trans, do drugs or have abortions. 70% of republicans in polls support the highly liberal universal health care. obama took bushes 2 wars to 8, declared a war on whistleblowers, had a silent war on medical marijuana, bailed out criminal wall street, ect.
the grassroots left and the grassroots right have more in common than people like to think. our greatest commonalities are that we are anti war and anti establishment. we should be coming together but rather we are being divided as per usual by the con artists people have elected alongside the intelligence communities and media.

Bradley/Chelsea Manning is a patriot whistleblower of the highest order. Right alongside the likes of Daniel Ellsberg.

I would disagree about the abortion, and single payer healthcare. You can't be libertarian and support government takeover of healthcare. Live and let live doesn't equate with killing unborn children.

Amazingly, I agree with everything else you said. That's a first. The left has gone full authoritarian, they attack anyone who disagrees with them. Whistleblowers should be protected. It's crazy how pro-war the left has become. The MSM got a giant hard on for Trump when he bombed Syria. If Trump had invaded they would be on there knees licking his sweaty orange balls. The Muller probe would have been over in a few days if the left thought Trump was a war monger like Clinton, Bush and Obama.

I :tiphat: to you Cannavore, first time for everything.


Active member
Maybe if they follow him from his young age... but a Manning was
pretty clear with his friend after he addmited he is a gey with
only 13 years..

so he is not a woman,he feels like a woman... that could be
from harassing in young age or he is a baby that drinked from
phtalate baby bottles..

you could easily transform most manly man in woman with chemicals or hormones.. but in reality he still stays man..

just look at Manning pictures after operation..

he didnt fool no body with his new appearance..

I think people look past the simple explanations, quite often. The fact that he had an abusive father, and later non-existent father. The influence of a good father on a boy is huge. I have seen a new study that the lack of a father in the home can coincide with mutations in the DNA of the boy. I am not saying it is 100% responsible, but definitely interesting. The feminist have fought to remove the need for a father for decades. The correlation between prison, crime, poor education, unemployment, gender-issues, and father-less homes is staggering. To me it's just common sense, a single woman can do a great job raising children. But a woman can't teach a boy to be a man, only a man can.

So, to all the dad's out their , raise your children. Don't bail on them. They need you.


Well-known member
Maybe if they follow him from his young age... but a Manning was
pretty clear with his friend after he addmited he is a gey with
only 13 years..

so he is not a woman,he feels like a woman... that could be
from harassing in young age or he is a baby that drinked from
phtalate baby bottles..

you could easily transform most manly man in woman with chemicals or hormones.. but in reality he still stays man..

just look at Manning pictures after operation..

he didnt fool no body with his new appearance..

What makes you feel the person is attempting to
"fool" anyone if you believe they were manipulated
from the time they were an infant.
Manning has been nothing but open and transparent
in their values from the inception.
The underlying perversion is to be found in a society that
attacked an innocent country.
If you seek evil intent, try Dick Cheney.


Active member
What makes you feel the person is attempting to
"fool" anyone if you believe they were manipulated
from the time they were an infant.
Manning has been nothing but open and transparent
in their values from the inception.
The underlying perversion is to be found in a society that
attacked an innocent country.
If you seek evil intent, try Dick Cheney.

When it comes to evil intent, it may be easier to name those who don't have evil intent. It's a much smaller group.

A good example would be the new MSM darling. That would be a Pope who is more concerned about income inequality, and global warming, than 1,000 + children who were molested. Their is a special place in hell for those who have promulgated this injustice. Stalin, and Hitler will their bunk mates.


Well-known member
I think people look past the simple explanations, quite often. The fact that he had an abusive father, and later non-existent father. The influence of a good father on a boy is huge. I have seen a new study that the lack of a father in the home can coincide with mutations in the DNA of the boy. I am not saying it is 100% responsible, but definitely interesting. The feminist have fought to remove the need for a father for decades. The correlation between prison, crime, poor education, unemployment, gender-issues, and father-less homes is staggering. To me it's just common sense, a single woman can do a great job raising children. But a woman can't teach a boy to be a man, only a man can.

So, to all the dad's out their , raise your children. Don't bail on them. They need you.

There is a difference between feminism and racism.
What you describe was a result of racist intent.
It was also deliberate and official policy.

It was specified that for black families to receive
'assistance', no adult male could be in the household.
No such constraints were placed on whites.
Went hand in hand with 'red lined'
real estate polices that created ghettos.
The intent being to destroy black family structure.
One can see similar policy applied to first
Americans with equally horrendous results.

moose eater

This picture gives cannabore a stiffy.

While it's enlightening to know you pay such close attention to Cannavore's pants, and any 'stiffy' therein, it is the narrow-minded, crude, bigoted, racist, homophobic, anti-Muslim, ignorant, red-neck, alt-right, attitude here that leads me to think I could find a much better group of people to hang out with.

I am pleased to see that the tenor of the discussion has become something greater than that of a group of male 12-year-olds at a sleep-over, but the stench of the 12-year-olds still permeates the air.

Good luck to y'all. May the 12-year-olds among you one day grow up.


Active member
There is a difference between feminism and racism.
What you describe was a result of racist intent.
It was also deliberate and official policy.

It was specified that for black families to receive
'assistance', no adult male could be in the household.
No such constraints were placed on whites.
Went hand in hand with 'red lined'
real estate polices that created ghettos.
The intent being to destroy black family structure.
One can see similar policy applied to first
Americans with equally horrendous results.

So you are claiming, that the requirements for welfare were different for Blacks and whites. I agree the government has a huge role in the 70% of black fatherless homes. Ultimately the culture has embraced the destruction of the family structure. 40% of white children are now raised in fatherless homes. The Right generally has pushed for a stronger family structure. The left (feminist) has consistently pushed for the removal of the father. It was quite successful, 95% of blacks vote Democrat. They are literally voting for the destruction of their own families and communities. The ghettos are run by Democrats.

If a Democrat can explain why the ghettos are run by Democrats, yet their is no change. I would like to understand how this works? Just to be clear, I have lived in some pretty shitty neighborhoods. I worked my ass off to get out. I have also hustled, and grown weed to keep my kids out of those communities.

Is it to much for the people who live in the ghettos to ask for more from their elected officials?


Comfortably numb!
There is a difference between feminism and racism.
What you describe was a result of racist intent.
It was also deliberate and official policy.

It was specified that for black families to receive
'assistance', no adult male could be in the household.
No such constraints were placed on whites.
Went hand in hand with 'red lined'
real estate polices that created ghettos.
The intent being to destroy black family structure.
One can see similar policy applied to first
Americans with equally horrendous results.
Not sure about the US but In Canada it applies to all ethnicities!


Comfortably numb!
I think people look past the simple explanations, quite often. The fact that he had an abusive father, and later non-existent father. The influence of a good father on a boy is huge. I have seen a new study that the lack of a father in the home can coincide with mutations in the DNA of the boy. I am not saying it is 100% responsible, but definitely interesting. The feminist have fought to remove the need for a father for decades. The correlation between prison, crime, poor education, unemployment, gender-issues, and father-less homes is staggering. To me it's just common sense, a single woman can do a great job raising children. But a woman can't teach a boy to be a man, only a man can.

So, to all the dad's out their , raise your children. Don't bail on them. They need you.
Interesting observation PF :tiphat:

I only reaffirms my convictions that gay couples should not be allowed to raise children. You don't have the equipment to procreate, then it is because you weren't intended too. Yin and Yang! Everything in nature needs to be balanced. I am not saying gay couples cannot be loving and nurturing, how healthy is it for the child? Remember, I said elsewhere this week. We currently live in a society of me, myself and I. That attitude is unhealthy.


Active member
Not sure about the US but In Canada it applies to all ethnicities!

I know that when I was a kid, my mom went on welfare. The welfare employees told her to claim my dad didn't live in the house. They garnished my dads wages for 3 years to repay the money we got from welfare. So we went from a family in poverty, on welfare. To a family in poverty due to welfare.


Well-known member
Our history of belongs to the country, not the 'other party' no matter how much we might wish it so.


Active member
Our history of belongs to the country, not the 'other party' no matter how much we might wish it so.

Not really. That's like saying all Americans were responsible for slavery. Do we include blacks in this, I think not.In reality it was Democrats who were the party of slavery, jim crow , and opposition to the ERA. The Republican party was formed in opposition to slavery.

Hundreds of thousands of men died fighting to eliminate slavery, were they also responsible for slavery? Your statement is patently false. The Democratic party has shifted blame from themselves to all of America. It's a good way to shift responsibility from individuals to all Americans. Now the left demands we make reparations to blacks who were never Slaves. I am all for it as long as the Democrats are the ones to pay it.

Is MLK responsible for the racism he faught against? No. Then your argument has zero credibility.


I know that when I was a kid, my mom went on welfare. The welfare employees told her to claim my dad didn't live in the house. They garnished my dads wages for 3 years to repay the money we got from welfare. So we went from a family in poverty, on welfare. To a family in poverty due to welfare.

nice victim complex. of course its their fault.

so your family got burned trying to scam the system to get more money.

its scammers that give welfare a bad name.

If people were honest, the system would work
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Active member
nice victim complex. of course its their fault.

so your family got burned trying to scam the system to get more money.

its scammers like your mother that give welfare a bad name.

If people were honest, the system would work

How were we trying to scam the system, we had zero income. My dad wasn't working. His wages were garnished when he was able to get back to work. We were on welfare for less than a year. Welfare is supposed to be a hand up, not a handout.we spent the next 3 years living on half of the income my dad earned, due to a lying bitch of a welfare worker.

My dad would work circles around you now, and back then.

No victim complex here.

So when a government worker tells you to lie it's your fault.

Mabey you should read before you make such hostile and idiotic statements.


They garnished your dads wages as child support because he supposdly didnt live with you.

no, its a handout for people that qualify for help.

But that has nothing to do with the thread.

I think that it is kinda funny that in 2018 when we all know that people who have a strong negative response to homosexuality or transgender are only revealing their own insecurities.
Yet, people still rant about it totally unaware that they are revealing something about themselves.
kinda sad actually.


Comfortably numb!
They garnished your dads wages as child support because he supposdly didnt live with you.

no, its a handout for people that qualify for help.

But that has nothing to do with the thread.

I think that it is kinda funny that in 2018 when we all know that people who have a strong negative response to homosexuality or transgender are only revealing their own insecurities.

Yet, people still rant about it totally unaware that they are revealing something about themselves.
kinda sad actually.
I think it is HIGH time you lay off the ganja. It's clouding your mind!


Active member
They garnished your dads wages as child support because he supposdly didnt live with you.

no, its a handout for people that qualify for help.

But that has nothing to do with the thread.

I think that it is kinda funny that in 2018 when we all know that people who have a strong negative response to homosexuality or transgender are only revealing their own insecurities.
Yet, people still rant about it totally unaware that they are revealing something about themselves.
kinda sad actually.

I have no problem with homosexuals, or transgender people. I believe all people should be treated equally.

As far as garnishment for child support, my mom didn't know that they would go after my dad. So less than 1 year of struggle for my family, turned in to almost 4 years of struggle. Thanks to a lying bitch in the welfare office.

Anyways who cares right. You had hot water.we didn't. You had food to eat, we didn't. You knew where you were going to live next month we didn't. Typically leftist bullshit. A non leftist struggles and you decide they were the problem.

I may be critical of Cannavore and Gry and a few other hard leftist here, but I don't believe they would sink as low as you have. Not for a minute. You have shown a vile hatred that is unparalleled.

Hey on the bright side, we now know what you are. Without a doubt.


You know nothing of the suffering I have experienced in this life.

Suffering either leaves people bitter or stronger.

You have told us which you are.

but please tell me, what am I ?

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