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CBD and anxiety, panic attacks


New member

Thanks for this wonderful forum. I write from France (cannabis is unfortunately forbitten here). Please excuse my English.
I need help. I suffer from panic attacks, anxiety, depression and addictive tendencies, and am seeking for alternatives to medication (SSRI or benzos).
I've always been a very nervous and hypersensitive person, and have experienced panic attacks in my 20's. I'm now 35. I probably have a genetic vulnerability.
I've had bad expériences with pot when I was Young (bad trips), so I must be careful with psychoactive substances, even if I know CBD isn't psychoactive.
I try to collect many informations on cannabidiol for anxiety troubles, and am seeking for reliable providers for CBD products. There are so many products on the net..
I also thought I could make my own home-made oil (or paste), but have no idea how to proceed, and here in France, I'm sure it's forbitten.
I hope you can help me, talk about your personal expériences, guide me..
Thanks !


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey bidi,,,
a very warm welcome to ic from a sunny but cool NE London,,,
sorry to hear of your condition,,,,
panic attacks are awful and also exhausting,,,
some varietys of cannabis will not help your condition but your aware of that already,,,,
CBD may offer some help but i dont know if you can obtain that in France? ...
you could order from other countrys i believe:),,,,
i hope someone will pop in soon who knows much more then i in helping you to help yourself,,,,,
very best of luck ,,944s2


i suffer from panic and anxiety attacks. ive been taking valium for the past few years. ive had to stop smoking weed as i carnt grow at the moment and cannot find any nice anti anxiety indica strains local. ive been taking cbd paste capsules the past few months from cbd brothers. im not too sure how well they work but i have been taking less valium. i can smoke the odd bit of mid range hash ok but hard to get a good supply. really miss smoking bud. hopefully a friend will be growing some cbd strains soon and il be ok. all whats around local is cheses and hazes what make my anxiety so much worse. the best strain ive come across was gdp but the cut i passed on to a friend died


Active member
CBD might be a help if you find are strain that suits you. CBD-rich indicas still have abit heavier stoned effects on them, if they have Myrcene in them, compared to CBD-rich sativas. But sure they wont hit you as hard as THC-only indicas.

Maybe it would be good that there would be little THC in it as well, around 5%, and not CBD only, cause for me a little THC buzz of the right kind brings me to uplifted and nice mood. But i don't suffer from huge depression and anxiety, but i sleep very poorly and it gets to you pretty heavily from time to time. Moody, pissed-off..

CBD-rich strain with 5% THC is like smoking lower mid grade Morrocan hash. Nice, functional little buzz.

Many times indica is mentioned for anxiety, but imo, there are quite different kinds of effects within the "indica"-spectrum of cannabis.
..some short, broad leaf afghanis can actually be quite "mentally heavy" in a depressing sort of way. And if something bugs you before smoking these types of weed, it might actually worsen your mood, cause the effect isn't uplifting at all.

If you want a little calming stoney buzz, I'd say you might want an uplifting "daytime indica", not the heavy, narcotic, couchlock stuff. Some light, mild easy going sativas could also work in small dosages.

Dosage is also a big factor how you're gonna feel the strain hit you. Many smoke a half a joint or the whole thing on one sitting, but try it only one of two little puffs at a time and leave the joint for few hours, so you only get a little background buzz going.

There are also low-THC/CBD-rich sativa-leaning hybrids nowadays. CBD Crew has some haze and widow-hybrids. There's Harlequin BX4 in seeds form from Reeferman and BC Bud Depot (also Reeferman made seeds) and prolly many more.
There are many CBD strain/product reviews uploaded on YouTube. In some vids they explain really well how the strain/product affects them.

Hope you guys find something that helps.


The FDA has a list of website and CBD potency of various store products.

Do you want the list of really shitty and like ONE good provider of CBD oil or capsules.

Funnily enough, the ones for dogs tested the highest CBD of them all!

Another thing: Brain Forza lemon balm capsules.

Green Squall

Well-known member
bidigui- I commend you for not wanting to take SSRI's and Benzo's. That stuff is bad news. Stay away.

Anxiety is so mysterious. Your need to get to the root cause of it for real relief. Weed can help with anxiety, but doesn't cure it. Just my 2 cents.


Lemon balm tea.

Or if you can find it. Lavender, chamomile and lemon balm tea. Acts as a benzo kind of.

The chemicals in the plants stop the transaminase of GABA, which breaks it down, increasing your own GABA between chemical receptor sites.

Dog Star

Active member
Then L-Phenylalanine for neurotransmittors,L-Tryptophan for serotonine,
5-HTP for mood elevating,lot of good organic food inbetween aminoacids,L-Tyrosine for dopamine..,other aminoacids too,you can take some good protein and L-Glutamine for

then go in nature and start to run,move and breath good and deep with diaphragm,
made 100-200 push-ups and 100 squats..

after that go home to wash self under hot bath that you finish with cold water in the end of washing...

and then tell me how you feel after a month of training this way..
think your anxiety will dissapear like it never was there.

Depression and anxiety is directly connected to lack of moving,breath capacity is low,
circulation in same way low,usually person dont take enough of very important nutrients
and dont eat good and cause of that body cant produce important neurotransmitters
for normal functioning.

Stoping of smoking can help a lot,much more than pharma medication that have lot
of bad side effects.

If you wish to use cannabis than take CBD edibles or CBD oil,ingesting off course... ;)

St. Phatty

Active member
The Western lifestyle (sit during commute, sit at desk, sit during commute, etc.) is very sedentary.

Simply getting regular exercise - that you enjoy doing - goes a long way to treating anxiety & panic attacks.

The Western lifestyle also has a way of putting people into extreme high-stress situations that the human body is not very well adapted for.

Sort of like, you're being called on to perform with the mental strength of a chess master, to resolve problems that often have no resolution - without a changing of the rules.

I think sometimes, you have to eat like a professional triathlete (without the calories), to adapt to what is being thrown your way.

Short version ... Exercise & Diet are VERY helpful in treating & coping with anxiety & panic attacks.


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Free ☕ 🦫
I'm growing some CBD Og Kush at the moment. It would supposedly do wonders for anxiety. Not much is know yet from this strain. Maybe you can also look into some 1:1 THC/CBD strains?

And the other post about diet and exercise are true. Don't smoke tobacco, avoid all kinds of caffeine and sugar. And also try to be more social and don't avoid contact with other people.
You can do some social exercises ie. go alone to a bar and have drink, to a store or a market with lots of other people.
And also try to find some info about assertiveness and how to apply it. Rule one always keep eye contact while interacting with other people.