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Cat killed by car


Active member
One of our two cats was killed by a car. He was a beautiful Ragdoll, Leo, only two years. His brother is grieving badly. Just lies around. I just cant get over it. I get very attatched to my pets. Am I over sensitive? Anyway i live in a village but our garden runs next to the road which just gets busier and busier. How do you guys deal with this threat of cars etc? Im thinking of getting a gps collar; perhaps an electric fence.
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Active member
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Cats are amazing and its not really possible to ever really explain to anyone else just what that relationship means to you. You're not being silly at all. That was a member of your family dude; you have every right to mourn.

I'm not sure what part of the world you're in, but here in the USA, its kind of taboo among cat lovers to let your cat roam outside. We currently have a couple dozen of them, but they all stay inside a space built for them. Its really kind of a miracle we have been able to keep them alive this long considering how bad our life has been for the last decade.


Active member
Thanks klompen. Thats interesting; the breeder we got the cats from keeps hers inside. But we had cats years ago who were aleays out and about and we lived in a big town in UK. But i didnt know that is the way in US -to keep them in some fenced area etc but maybe we will have to do that. Food for thought...


Active member
Sucks man :(
This happened to me too. The only way to keep them safe, in modern society, is to keep them in.
I built a fence with wire on top to keep the cat in the yard ... from the outside it looks like Alcatraz.

Once a cat is used to roaming they want to roam; if you keep them domesticated all the time they will enjoy your garden but have no interest in the world outside it. Might even be scared of it. That's my experience at least. My current cat is very timid though

And I know what kind of driver killed my cat because I see them do it every day. Going well over the speed limit, it's borderline racing. And if I said which group of people is doing this I would be called a racist, even though it is not a race. Some "men" of some cultures value being a macho alpha male so much that it spills out into traffic behavior. I guess it is part & parcel.


Well-known member
the more i learn about people, the more i appreciate animals. i keep my current cats indoors ever since i read up on how many birds pet cats & ferals kill annually. i know, cats goota hunt. why i play with them with laser pointers etc. they REALLY go for a plastic fishing lizard bait with the line threaded through it & knotted so it won/t come off. drag one across the carpet & the oldest cat you have ever seen springs into life...:biglaugh:

Bud Green

I dig dirt
It always makes me feel sad when I see a dog or cat that's been hit, way out here in the country...

The small, 2 lane paved road, 2 miles from my house probably only sees 50 cars all day. (maybe not even that many)
3 days ago there was a beautiful, big black cat who had been hit...and was already cold and stiff..
I did what i usually do..

Stopped in the middle of the road (there's no shoulder) put on my 4 way flashers and got out so i could carry him to the side of the road..

I'd rather nature take it's course, and let the bugs, the possums and the buzzards eat him, rather than leave him in the road and turned into hamburger (catburger?)

One person had to stop for me, he realized what I was doing and waved as he slowly went around me...



Active member
I try to keep em indoors if I'm in an area where dangerous driving behavior happening. I'm sad you lost your buddy because ultimately they are part of our families. At times I value cats and dogs lives over humans.


Well-known member
Am so sorry to hear of your loss. Feed and care for a feral group. Average lifespan of a feral here is 18 months.

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Well-known member
You ain't being silly as has been said,a cat(or any pet for that matter)is just like family to an animal lover and it is hard for non animal lovers to understand,cats love to roam its in their nature.maybe if half these cars stopped flying along the roads it would save some,but here in the UK if u run a cat over they don't even stop most of the time,should be treated like if a human was knocked down.stop and render aid or call the police to sort it out.all life matters!,76


Well-known member
One of our two cats was killed by a car. He was a beautiful Ragdoll, Leo, only two years. His brother is grieving badly. Just lies around. I just cant get over it. I get very attatched to my pets. Am I over sensitive? Anyway i live in a village but our garden runs next to the road which just gets busier and busier. How do you guys deal with this threat of cars etc? Im thinking of getting a gps collar; perhaps an electric fence.

Thats sad to hear mate....maybe you could put a sign up either way a little distance from your home saying " beware animals may cross here". Ive seen cat move pretty fast wen cars are around...this accident has probably happened because someone was driving a bit to fast...might be a idea to also get a flood light with a sensor aimed at the road near the house that way at least the motorist can see the whole road clearly wen dark too....In my opinion its not really fare to keep a cat constantly indoors as they do like to roam about.....male or female if you get the cat the snip it may reduce how far out they go...might be worth doing abit more research into as I cant remember the behavioural details too well right now....anyway good luck hope some of the suggestions help an make things alittle easier.


Well-known member
So sorry ClearSpot, as others have said, the only way to keep them out of trouble is to keep 'em inside, which is sad itself.

St. Phatty

Active member
i've lost 2 cats this last year.

hard to deal with, after.

before - training - somehow teaching the animal that cars are dangerous.

for most animals, a car moving faster than 40 miles per hour is completely outside their comprehension.

Trap training is important to. they need to know to avoid traps.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I've lost a few cats over the years and it's always so difficult. Hope you're doing okay.