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Call from Postal Inspector


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
One has to be just as careful, if not more so, with the cash. The employees sense the envelope has cash, and it comes up as missing mail. I wonder if the new bengis have a strip that shows up under X-ray?


Active member
ICMag Donor
thailer the post is relevant because

I have known growers one or two or three isn't important. They all suck for lack of a better description. One person a middle man tried to hand me a bag of Mexican or look alike south of the border uncompressed but still garbage yellow green and full of seeds. The person is a liar and a thief and they asked me to make vape pens for them for free. I have little choice to be "in on it" other than to tell this person to get lost and block them from my phone or change number. Another grower lies about their poor quality early picked plants which are 10% thc at best and likely have been treated with harmful chemicals. Those are the real life choices in my experience. Greedy lazy manipulative criminals, varying degrees thereof. I continually post photographs of cannabis flowers that I grew myself and that I purchased from dispensaries. And I discuss cultivation methods what works what doesn't how to deal with problems. And I purchased seeds from the one place on this message board that is verified Real Gorilla Seeds. Why or how would it make sense to say - have this person not speak anymore - for political of all reasons? The others I speak of (not interested in names on a public site) are not currently discussing cultivation methods or posting recipes or hobby gardens or anything else for that matter. They wanted me to work for them for free and lie about their poorly grown product with no effort or investment. So the case is clear it speaks for itself. No test results necessary photos speak for themselves.


Well-known member
oh cause i thought you were saying you were team microbe. the weird rambling and such. that makes sense.

funny cause i was asking everyone about what happened to him like a week ago and then right after i post, you just say his name random.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hey I didn't know what Team Microbe is. I reposted from Boyd Crowder's avatar or signature line whatever it's called. I thought what he said was funny but I don't know much about teem microbe I didn't look it up before posting.

For shipping herbs it's case by case I believe. If I wanted to send bud in a box to a friend I would try to make it worth it for everyone. Maybe the post office knows who has nice trees. If you are at the point of wanting to offload like a warehouse sized amount then someone will probably either want taxes or try to make up an excuse for involvement for one reason or another. But if it is an ounce or kilogram at a time I don't know if the post office watches or has time for stuff like that. You know someone who works at USPS reads this site it is likely. However my name or whatever showing up when I visit my local office, no I don't think so that is something different. The cameras are in case someone robs the store or something they are not there for facial recognition because of your online identity as ridiculous and paranoid as it sounds. One grower here on IC Mag posted a story about throwing a bag in the fire when a potential customer offered less. So there are simultaneously complaints at $500 for a lb. and reports of $1700 or $3500 a lb. in the wholesale prices thread. And posted a rifle. This is a cannabis website not a hunting politics and religion site. Even though many of us are constantly on about something other than growing cannabis. Guns aren't even allowed in Australia or the U.K. Sometimes it feels like being in between a rock and a hard place crowded in between too many people. If cultivators and smokers debate or argue amongst themselves then it's like what hope is there for the open general population embracing and accepting this? Really no such thing as usual or normal I guess. My neighbors don't leave their house at all and that is their business not mine but after a number of months go by it's noticeable.

It is easy to get confused about a lot of stuff. For example is that one guy on here B-Real of Cypress Hill?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Re-reading the OP, how did the PO get your phone number? Did you confirm your address?

Better stop talking IMO. Burn their letter.


Well-known member
Re-reading the OP, how did the PO get your phone number? Did you confirm your address?

Better stop talking IMO. Burn their letter.

if you have a listed number, and they have a name & address (from the package), that is all it takes. no listed number? something is seriously wrong. i would trash that letter asking for permission to open that package myself...if it actually shows up. it might not...


Well-known member
reddit has been very informative on what to expect so maybe you can google phone call from usps postal inspector for more info.

but what i'm reading it sounds like the postal inspector is like a federal police? i think you may be ok but the letter is gonna say this:

Detention of Priority Mail The purpose of this letter is to advise you that a Priority mail piece addressed to you is currently being withheld from delivery as there are reasonable grounds to believe the contents are non-mailable and possibly in violation of Federal law specifically the Controlled Substances Act. Or attempt to contact the sender to obtain additional information have been unsuccessful thus far. The above described mail piece is currently being held at my office. If you want to claim the mail piece, please contact me If we do not hear from you or the the sender within thirty days of your receipt of the letter, the letter will be deemed to be abandoned, and it will be disposed of in accordance with US Postal Service policy.

so i think the sender may want to get a lawyer or at least pick out a lawyer for a federal case and the lawyer will work/familiar with a certain federal courthouse that depends on the senders address? the person talking about the lawyer was a receiver and they said they practiced the interview with the lawyer by the inspector for a couple days and since the sender used a fake address and paid cash and they didn't admit to anything, the case was dropped.

fucccckk. good luck to you both.

why would anyone use their credit card to pay to do illegal activity is beyond me and probably he will be getting a knock at the door.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Don't talk to feds, because lying to them is how they get you. The fact that it is only 1 qp of domestic pot may make this unexciting enough for the inspectors to drop it. The ongoing nature is what may be the real issue, and they record all the mail.

You need to find another route now.

I sure wish Trump would deschedule the stuff. I think this state would legalize if the feds got out of the way. USPS should be the OFFICIAL way to move the stuff non-commercially IMO.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
We've had stuff soak through 3 layers of vac pac. It went through, no idea how, and would stink up a car in minutes. No more sending really loud dope. It's why I am not getting the Runtz this run. :D


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
We've had stuff soak through 3 layers of vac pac. It went through, no idea how, and would stink up a car in minutes. No more sending really loud dope. It's why I am not getting the Runtz this run. :D

Need a thicker mil is all I could guess,after several vacuums(triple bagged)you could then put them into a mylar bag,again mils matter,and seal it with a clothes iron.
If done correctly,I doubt McGruff the crime dog would get a whiff.....I may go overboard on being meticulous,but there's people on the other end I care about,and know they would do the same for me.

S2 really

They can legally open your package,USPS can not without a warrant.
When I send to family in a non med state I use a food saver vacuum sealer tripled bagged,gloves,an addy of a race shop ,car,or motorcycle. I even go a step further and put a race sticker on the box....lol

And drive an hour to another state to a post office that looks more like a pony Express outpost surrounded by cow pastures,with zero cameras and leave my smart phone at home,can't be too careful.

And the recipients know I don't send with a signature required,so if anyone ever knocks on their door "I don't own a racecar"is the answer.
mine was always well disguised and odor free and never had an issue with UPS/fed ex- but you have a point.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just hope CG makes out OK,all the good ideas on here are after the fact.
But if one member learns anything from this thread,that's a positive,nobody likes sweating this shit out.


Active member
Its my understanding the receiver is in the lurch in these cases. Sender not so much. Fuck Trump may he rot in prison for what he's done to my family.and this country . Fuck the konservative kool-aid klan too . Never would have guessed my brother and sister enjoyed the kkk drink klub 4 years ago. May your losing kandidate and his kabal enjoy their sunset years in st Petersburg safely away from rendition or die on rikers
Man doesn't mince words. :cuss:

I co-sign this.

Hope your grow finishes well, Cosmic. This is no time to be out of herbs. I can feel ya! Please stay safe....

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
sending cash is easier than dope
i use a metal cookie tin or ... a metal workout water bottle and vacpacked 2x
something xrays arent getting through

nothing loose or liquidy feeling
a familiar shape to the ai and humans sorting stuff

NEVER do air

ALWAYS ship ground

airplanes cant have certain stuff aboard without REAL SAFETY SHIT Practiced
so your shit WILL GET OPENED if its not from a known source like Walmart or Home Despot

Rule #1



Well-known member
NEVER do air

ALWAYS ship ground

airplanes cant have certain stuff aboard without REAL SAFETY SHIT Practiced
so your shit WILL GET OPENED if its not from a known source like Walmart or Home Despot

One of the items that falls under the bold print above is a BIC lighter. I learned about that the hard way when I received a letter from the USPS Postal Inspector.


Hey CG, I'm back (sort of) for some updates re. treating prostate cancer with oil, but saw your thread.

Sorry to read of your troubles.

Officers I knew CID when I contracted to Uncle Sam in the early 1990s used to rattle off a ditty as though it were a rap tune, "If accused, admit nothing, deny everything, and demand an attorney."

Of course, cops often made some of the best criminals, in my observation. Not always, but often.

Any shipping that someone resembling myself might have done over the years ALWAYS employed the use of metal cookie tins (see references to x-ray posted by others, as well as gas chromatography probes being hindered by metal barriers), and the contents were -always- sealed at least 2 x's in Food Saver seals.

What many don't realize about older, or non-adjustable (lesser quality) Food Saver models and similar, is that as they get worn, over-used, etc., they can get to a point that the heating wire that seals the plastic can become unpredictable, & burn through the plastic, and you end up with a package that LOOKS sealed, but leaks odor like a bastage. Some (fortunately-humorous) stories about that, but I'll spare you, as well as band-width.

ALWAYS change gloves between initial 'bagging' and subsequent bagging. (**The era of COVID has helped to make wearing nitrile gloves into the PO look more normal than it might otherwise; another Yin & Yang moment with COVID reality).

Remember when speaking with any attorney; they are technically 'officers of the court.' Hypothetical situations are among the best way to speak with such critters, in my opinion.

Best of luck to you.

And, if I may be so brazen, cease any business with persons who don't take your or their own security as seriously as you think they should. No matter how small a gig, no one needs the headaches. Not enough Ativan in the world to go through that chit.

Take care.:tiphat:


Active member
Attorney consultations are free generally, get a few at least.

Plastic bags are air permeable, they will lose their seal over time, not ideal
Mylar is a polyester resin with an aluminum coating, mor like a tin can if your carful not to puncture it and seal it well. Long term food prep (Years) doesn’t recommend vac bags, always Mylar, permeability of the plastic is why.


Addendum: Always add items to a package that won't beat the box apart, but that make it appear to be a down-home care package; book(s), trinkets, etc. Things that if the package is scanned, makes it appear as more than a cookie tin.

That guy that looks a lot like me has never lost a package. The failed sealer/heat wire was an issue involving the bed of a pick-up truck, with the package inside a cooler, under a canopy, at a tire shop, canopy and gate of the truck open, and attracted the attention of another patron of the tire shop, who I presume was an off-duty LEO, about 20 years ago

The owner knew the sealer was failing, and hadn't replaced it. It was replaced after that incident.

Also used jars, with mild vacuum seal to them, by heating the glass enough not to disturb value of THC, but enough that upon cooling, with lids and bands boiled to heat them, as well as mild heat to jars. But that method took more careful packaging, and has risks to breakage tins and sealers don't have.