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Bust again UK need to sort their shit out


Active member
I was bust again on the 12th March this year. They took my phone, computer, grow, dry bud, mother's, 30yr old seed collection, ect. It's a total joke the way they treat growing still in the UK. During the bust they took my phone from me with my bank card & driving license ect. Pretty much any identification I have so I have had no access to my bank since the 12th of march for 20 plants & 2 offensive weapons they took from my home. So offensive weapons in a private dwelling is the charge. They originally raided for fire arms but didn't find any. They tried saying I was making bombs with chemicals I use for plant tissue culture & growing. Silly stuff like peroxide, sulfur, silver nitrate, ect. They tried giving me some documents they made up on a computer themselves saying I had to give my phone passwords & computer. They even tried using it in court to stop me getting bail to which the judge was not impressed with so I obviously got bail.

Anyway back to court on the 12th pre sentence report recommend 18 month probation. I can't believe people still get evicted or treat like tis in the UK. Yes I am being evicted on the 22nd of this month. Last time was 2008 when I was evicted for growing 12 plants & I honestly thought cannabis witch hunting had stop not long after this time in the UK. Looks like I was wrong. If it wasn't for my father I would be seriously considering leaving this shit hole because the UK doesn't feel like home anymore.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your situation @brock1 id read summat similar on the uk site we both frequent. It’s nauseating the way you’re being dehumanised, quite literally if you can’t even identify yourself so as to go about your daily life. You’ve been and continue to be a proper good bloke sharing your work and knowledge. I saw a couple of the solid regulars extended a hand out and wish I was in a position to do the same. I know it’s probably difficult at the moment and being a good man doesn’t seem to provide much cushioning from such a blow but it’s the best thing any of us could wish to be. You’re a top chap and all the unnecessary harassment doesn’t change that.


Active member
takes the piss i just finished a 6yr stretch and trust me when i say this cannabis in jail they turn a blind eye the last thing the prison service wants is 1000s of convicts full ov piss and viniger with nothing to chill them out they will nick you and segregate you in a hot miniute for hooch (alcohol) as i said had many a screw walk in o n me/us smoking weed and hash point im making theres no balance its al hypacritical and detremental probation piss test me every week have no problem with THC showing up. point is poilice uphold thease draconion laws (step 1) only for step 2 jail and step 3 probation both allow it makes no sense i got my first possesion for cannabis when i was about 12-13 i didnt get cought with fuck all in the police cell he smelled it found empty baggie (this was when u could smoke whilst in custody) rekon it was enough to charge and caution me corrupt motherfuckers all of them..


Active member
Sounds like they fked up with the original warrant and had to seize something so they wouldn’t have to compensate for the raid.
Bullshit charges.
You’d think they’d have bigger things to concentrate on these days.
Yep that exactly my thoughts. In the mean time the local school got put in lockdown because a ex pupil turned up with a gun threatening to shoot pupils in the school. A father & son stabbed each other resulting in 2 deaths. Well let's just say theirs been at least 20 serious crime some involving people dying & their more concerned about me because they fucked up. They had my house closed off for 3 days with no fewer than 3 police vehicles outside at any time trying to pin shit on me. Even while the kid was running around the school with a gun which is around 1000 yards from were I live. The original bust I had 7 red dots on my chest & they had 4 police dogs in attendance. It was total over kill. I honestly can't stand this country anymore once my father passes I plan to get the hell out of this shit hole. It's made me homeless twice not for what are minor offences. While people are killing each other in the same area. I had to lend money to pay a solicitor because I can't get access to my bank & my shift manager had to pay for my prescription because I was having a mental health breakdown at work and can't afford a £10 prescription. The police are a total joke worming their way out. Ho & if your ever locked up in middlesbough holding cells do not eat the food. When I arrived their they offered my a Thai curry. Another person in the cells shouted don't eat their curry because they had been their 3 days & they were offered it the 3 Days because they were on remand & going to home house. I was their 2 days & when I left they offered the same Thai curry. After 24hr I had to speak the the person in charge of the holding cells. He told me when I mentioned the food that it was sausage casserole that day & Shepard's pie the day before. Infact Thai curry was made over a week before.:puke:


Active member
takes the piss i just finished a 6yr stretch and trust me when i say this cannabis in jail they turn a blind eye the last thing the prison service wants is 1000s of convicts full ov piss and viniger with nothing to chill them out they will nick you and segregate you in a hot miniute for hooch (alcohol) as i said had many a screw walk in o n me/us smoking weed and hash point im making theres no balance its al hypacritical and detremental probation piss test me every week have no problem with THC showing up. point is poilice uphold thease draconion laws (step 1) only for step 2 jail and step 3 probation both allow it makes no sense i got my first possesion for cannabis when i was about 12-13 i didnt get cought with fuck all in the police cell he smelled it found empty baggie (this was when u could smoke whilst in custody) rekon it was enough to charge and caution me corrupt motherfuckers all of them..
2008 was my first conviction for cultivation for roughly 10 plant I recall. I was only cautioned then but still made me homeless over it. The council evicted without notice that time & throw all my identification along with possession from the property in a skip. The police couldn't care about the crop back then it was the council that did. Council seem to have the power to throw you out without even being convicted of a crime. Simply because a warrant was issued at the address. What ever happened to innocent till proven guilty? Because I am not even being charged with the offences on the warrant but that doesn't seem to matter anymore. So if I told the police the noisy neighbors were making explosives they would instantly be evicted. It's totally illogical BS the way this country works or for that matter doesn't seem to work anymore. I honestly just want out of the UK now.
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Active member
2008 was my first conviction for cultivation for roughly 10 plant I recall. I was only cautioned then but still made homeless over it. The council evicted without notice that time & throw all my identification along with possession from the property in a skip. The police couldn't care about the crop back then it was the council that did. Council seem to have the power to throw you out without even being convicted of a crime. Simply because a warrant was issued at the address. What ever happened to innocent till proven guilty? Because I am not even being charged with the offences on the warrant but that doesn't seem to matter anymore.
i get u bruv 100. this is one ov the reasons us travellers like our "off grid status" if u aint got it they cant take it.. i know this dont help fella just use this time to take stock/heed. step back look from outside the box and reassess what went wrong use this to drop certain people out and bare in mind who u have it with. nasty jealous people out there unfortunately not everyone fly's strait try not to judge on your own compass/morals/values.. good luck bruv if i can help i will hit me up wink.


Active member
Yep that exactly my thoughts. In the mean time the local school got put in lockdown because a ex pupil turned up with a gun threatening to shoot pupils in the school. A father & son stabbed each other resulting in 2 deaths. Well let's just say theirs been at least 20 serious crime some involving people dying & their more concerned about me because they fucked up. They had my house closed off for 3 days with no fewer than 3 police vehicles outside at any time trying to pin shit on me. Even while the kid was running around the school with a gun which is around 1000 yards from were I live. The original bust I had 7 red dots on my chest & they had 4 police dogs in attendance. It was total over kill. I honestly can't stand this country anymore once my father passes I plan to get the hell out of this shit hole. It's made me homeless twice not for what are minor offences. While people are killing each other in the same area. I had to lend money to pay a solicitor because I can't get access to my bank & my shift manager had to pay for my prescription because I was having a mental health breakdown at work and can't afford a £10 prescription. The police are a total joke worming their way out. Ho & if your ever locked up in middlesbough holding cells do not eat the food. When I arrived their they offered my a Thai curry. Another person in the cells shouted don't eat their curry because they had been their 3 days & they were offered it the 3 Days because they were on remand & going to home house. I was their 2 days & when I left they offered the same Thai curry. After 24hr I had to speak the the person in charge of the holding cells. He told me when I mentioned the food that it was sausage casserole that day & Shepard's pie the day before. Infact Thai curry was made over a week before.:puke:
westons microwave shit wouldn't eat for a pension and half acre heated greenhouse pmsl.


Active member
i get u bruv 100. this is one ov the reasons us travellers like our "off grid status" if u aint got it they cant take it.. i know this dont help fella just use this time to take stock/heed. step back look from outside the box and reassess what went wrong use this to drop certain people out and bare in mind who u have it with. nasty jealous people out there unfortunately not everyone fly's strait try not to judge on your own compass/morals/values.. good luck bruv if i can help i will hit me up wink.
I used to spend a lot of time just living of the land. Unfortunately their slowly trying to take that to now. New law's on campervan's & wild camping ect being put into place. Long gone it seems are the days you could just go out tent on ur back dog on lead & forage food for the pot for a few weeks. I loved that life style I have to admit. Rabbit, pheasant, hare, ect & a bit of foraged green's in the pot by a open fire. Life was bliss. These days your in cell for poached & trespassing on private land. A lot of my old poaching friend's won't even bring anything home now & just throw it in the edges. It's kinda shit & does get my back up a little bit at the same time I understand it's not worth the risk anymore to feed yourself off the land. The genuine homeless get treat like shit because of the gang's pretending to be homeless. The country is so messed up right now it seems unfixable to me. Nearly a decade I spent growing everything outside. No greenhouse needed growing my own outdoor strains on field edges. Less than a year I have been growing indoors again looking for new genetics to add to my outdoor lines and bang the police are at me door not for growing but fire arms. Because they didn't find any their treating a small grow like I am a member of the Taliban & trying to kill 100's of people. When I attended court to get bail these were the prosecution word's. Mr **** ****** Is a very dangerous man who is believed to be connected to terrorist organizations. If he's released into public 100's if not 1000's of lives could be lost. FFS they need to get a grip all this nonsense over 20 plants because they raided me for nothing & got pissed of I wouldn't give them access to my phone passwords & incriminate other growers. The only criminal here is the police forging legal documentation then submitting it to court as evidence. My solicitor produced said document & showed the judge who told the prosecution that they can't used it as evidence & the evidence shows I just the opposite. Apparently my solicitor had 38 client's that were giving this fake documentation that month & that was the 14th of march. So god knows how many people are forced to give their passwords with this fake documentation by the police that stats if you don't give your password it's 2 month instantly added to your sentencing. How many people got the 2 month jail for a false document you have to wonder that didn't realize it's fake. If the police produced it in my case as evidence surely I am not the only one.
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Active member
I used to spend a lot of time just living of the land. Unfortunately their slowly trying to take that to now. New law's on campervan's & wild camping ect being put into place. Long gone it seems are the days you could just go out tent on ur back dog on lead & forage food for the pot for a few weeks. I loved that life style I have to admit. Rabbit, pheasant, hare, ect & a bit of foraged green's in the pot by a open fire. Life was bliss. These days your in cell for poached & trespassing on private land. A lot of my old poaching friend's won't even bring anything home now & just throw it in the edges. It's kinda shit & does get my back up a little bit at the same time I understand it's not worth the risk anymore to feed yourself off the land. The genuine homeless get treat like shit because of the gang's pretending to be homeless. The country is so messed up right now it seems unfixable to me. Nearly a decade I spent growing everything outside. No greenhouse needed growing my own outdoor strains on field edges. Less than a year I have been growing indoors again looking for new genetics to add to my outdoor lines and bang the police are at me door not for growing but fire arms. Because they didn't find any their treating a small grow like I am a member of the Taliban & trying to kill 100's of people. When I attended court to get bail these were the prosecution word's. Mr **** ****** Is a very dangerous man who is believed to be connected to terrorist organizations. If he's released into public 100's if not 1000's of lives could be lost. FFS they need to get a grip all this nonsense over 20 plants because they raided me for nothing & got pissed of I wouldn't give them access to my phone passwords & incriminate other growers. The only criminal here is the police forging legal documentation then submitting it to court as evidence. My solicitor produced said document & showed the judge who told the prosecution that they can't used it as evidence & the evidence shows I just the opposite. Apparently my solicitor had 38 client's that were giving this fake documentation that month & that was the 14th of march. So god knows how many people are forced to give their passwords with this fake documentation by the police that stats if you don't give your password it's 2 month instantly added to your sentencing. How many people got the 2 month jail for a false document you have to wonder that didn't realize it's fake. If the police produced it in my case as evidence surely I am not the only one.
yeah there c-nts when u get pinched in the UK first holding room where they put the UV light on to see if you have smart/dna water on ya they give u a pat down shoes off etc. on the wall next to the diagram showing the police how to conduct the search to make it legal the governtment class B rub down next to that diagram there is now a diagram on how to seize search your phone..has been since the early 2000. point is 1 dont bovver with a phone its a walking CPS recording all and everythink you go or do.. i know in the modern day its hard not to roll with a phone however it is possable i aint carried a phone for years and dont intend to i get my mail sent probation as im NFA dont have a phone and viola first step to being "off grid in the uk" im on licence at the mo so i have to box extremely cleaver and smart with probation as soon as my licence ends ta da toodaloo governtment its the only way or else move spain would be my best advise
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New member
Sorry to hear what happened to you, shower of $hite doing that to you, making stuff up thats their usuall, good on ya for not giving your passwords up and sussing out the order was nonsense, its crazy that Germany have just changed there laws and the Uk is so far behind, Its common knowledge that medical cannabis helps so many people, ive even got a legal script now due to my health. Can you maybe get a private let so your not homeless ? I hope so. Take it easy .
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Active member
That's what I am hoping to do now. Private let, save a few £ & leave the UK. I am absolutely sick of the place & ashamed to call the place I was born in home anymore. I am near the point of suicidal over this crap & the police are refusing to return the 90+ items after I was at court late week. I was giving 120hr unpaid work 18 month community service which I might loose my job over because of the hour I already work. No chance I can work my allotment this year Which means I will be loosing that to. Fuck this shit hole of a country it's not my home anymore.

On another note any recommendations on countries worth migrating to from the UK? Preferably somewhere I can grow weed and live a pretty self sufficient lifestyle. Somewhere the locals are friendly?
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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
My state went legal last year, this will be the first year in my growing history that I'm legally allowed and I'm in the US. It's crazy that even in this day and age many states and countries are still concerned with cannabis. Meanwhile tons of heavy narcotics bringing death and destruction to our communities. The governments of the world are tyrannical in terms of cannabis policies, even the ones who legalize it create monopolies, to contol the markets. It's nonsensical.


Well-known member
That's what I am hoping to do now. Private let, save a few £ & leave the UK. I am absolutely sick of the place & ashamed to call the place I was born in home anymore. I am near the point of suicidal over this crap & the police are refusing to return the 90+ items after I was at court late week. I was giving 120hr unpaid work 18 month community service which I might loose my job over because of the hour I already work. No chance I can work my allotment this year Which means I will be loosing that to. Fuck this shit hole of a country it's not my home anymore.

On another note any recommendations on countries worth migrating to from the UK? Preferably somewhere I can grow weed and live a pretty self sufficient lifestyle. Somewhere the locals are friendly?
Sorry to hear what those prehistoric fockers have put you through, what a joke!!

I left England for Australia about 12 years ago mate, although it’s probably as far away from your family and loved ones as you could be, I’ve never looked back.
England is a mess these days, and I agree wholeheartedly with you about feeling ashamed to call that place home!
Australia definitely isn’t perfect by any means but providing you do a bit research to where you end up, you’re pretty much left alone and everyone is either growing indoors, in the garden or in the bush.

Best of luck with the whole ordeal regardless mate and I hope you end up somewhere you feel a little free and at ease.
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
That's what I am hoping to do now. Private let, save a few £ & leave the UK. I am absolutely sick of the place & ashamed to call the place I was born in home anymore. I am near the point of suicidal over this crap & the police are refusing to return the 90+ items after I was at court late week. I was giving 120hr unpaid work 18 month community service which I might loose my job over because of the hour I already work. No chance I can work my allotment this year Which means I will be loosing that to. Fuck this shit hole of a country it's not my home anymore.

On another note any recommendations on countries worth migrating to from the UK? Preferably somewhere I can grow weed and live a pretty self sufficient lifestyle. Somewhere the locals are friendly?
I moved from the UK 10 yrs ago to rural Southern Spain. Weed is illegal but tolerated. No one really cares if you grow a few plants; just need to be a little discreet.

Lots of people here that are self sufficient and land and houses are cheap compared to the UK. On a good year i can grow outside until end of December/early January