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Ban weapons in USA what do you think?

Ban weapons in USA what do you think?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 21.8%
  • No

    Votes: 43 78.2%

  • Total voters

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Im curious about those who voted if they are US citizens or not and how the NON US citizens voted if they did.

i'm not a US citizen, I am Canadian.
I voted No and here's why.

America is the land of the free and one of the last remaining bastions of this freedom in the world. Have a look around, this world is becoming a dark and dangerous place everywhere you look. Europe is in real trouble.... Canada is divided with a strong western separatist movement growing against Ottawa. The catalyst driving a large percentage of Canadians who feel splitting up our country is the only way forward is the constant desire from the Left to disarm every free citizen. These orders come from Europe, from the UN bosses who are trying to globalize the world.
America.... do not allow yourself to be disarmed.
Even now, the 2nd amendment was put in place so that "you" the every day citizen can protect and uphold the constitution of the united states.
Freedom is not free.

I have many friends and family spread across the USA and most of them either open or conceal carry. Not one of them has ever had to shoot anyone, nor have they been shot at. It amazes me that there are americans in your midst who would have that god given right to protect yourself removed from your constitution. The 2nd amendment exists for that very reason as well as using force to remove and imprison governments or organizations who act against the constitution.
Wish we had that 2nd amendment here in Canada but the Left has systematically acted to rewrite and reword the language so to convince the Canadian sheeple that gun ownership and defense of life are a priveledge, not a right. I disagree.

ask our UK friends how well banning firearms from law abiding citizens has worked out for them. I've seen the stats LOL what a failure.


Im not particularly religious anymore but people who cowardly take pot shots at those who are, seem to be pretty douchy in real life. The security guard as you say,, is/was a member of the church voluntarily acting as a security guard. You imply the man was hired.

Ever heard the scripture that says "God helps those who help themselves" ?

I meant to imply that a security guard stopped the shooter and the other people did not do anything.

security guard was a hero and saved alot of people


Active member
ICMag Donor
Ten people voted Yes 23.26% :party:
police and military should turn in their weapons first.
Last edited:


I meant to imply that a security guard stopped the shooter and the other people did not do anything.

security guard was a hero and saved alot of people
If you watched the vid there were 3 if not more member seated who immediately got up that were armed as well not including the 3 who were standing in back including the person who lost his life and the man who put the rabid dog down. These were ALL members of the church. Not sure why but it seems you keep implying, from what I can tell, that the 3 men in the back standing were paid security not MEMBERS of the church doing volunteer duty in the role of security watching over fellow members of the church. If I’m mistaken that you mean they were only there as a paid job that isn’t my intention. Anti American gun control activists refuse to acknowledge any instance of self defense by armed citizens being in the right. It’s why there was virtually no coverage of this on lame stream media.

This is why I regret any loss of innocent life from violence but I have a hard time mustering sympathy in cases like the woman in California who was murdered by the illegal who “found” a handgun since what I believe to be correct she was the typical anti second amendment and supported sanctuary city views. She is dead and the several time deported illegal was got off lightly and will be back in the US days after he is released and deported AGAIN. Unless they still won’t hold him for deportation and he is released directly to the street. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit in California.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
<America is the land of the free and one of the last remaining bastions of this freedom in the world.>

No it's not, and some of us are getting pretty pissed off about it.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I meant to imply that a security guard stopped the shooter and the other people did not do anything.
The point is, someone other than the shooter was armed and in the immediate vicinity. Oh look, see how many other people are in the immediate vicinity as well?

In a society where the public is armed, what would be the point of a security guard in most of today's public situations?


a security guard i would assume is trained in some way, where as a half blind old lady waiving a gun is most likely not.

i dont want to take peoples guns away.

i only meant to imply that those armed people in the church achieved nothing but make america look insane

a very brave individual whose chose to be a guard for the church took the guy out


Well-known member
a security guard i would assume is trained in some way, where as a half blind old lady waiving a gun is most likely not.

i dont want to take peoples guns away.

i only meant to imply that those armed people in the church achieved nothing but make america look insane

a very brave individual whose chose to be a guard for the church took the guy out

With all the religious haters here in America it's not really that insane to carry a gun in church in my opinion.


you are right.

the islamaphobia is pretty out of control

i wonder if you can bring a gun in a mosque?

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch

If you legally own firearms and keep them for defense, I see no harm.

Number of deaths for leading causes of death per year, US:

• Heart disease: 647,457
• Cancer: 599,108
• Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
• Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
• Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
• Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
• Diabetes: 83,564
• Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
• Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
• Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
• Automobile fatalities: 36,560
• Deaths due to injury by firearms: 33,636

We all would agree that preventing the leading cause
of these deaths would be a worthwhile cause.

Should we ban cars to save the 36,560 souls lost due to vehicular
mismanagement, no, I don't think so.

We all collectively agree to the statistical losses associated with any given activity.

Keep your guns, and stay healthy, I say.

hard rain

As someone who lives in a land where guns are banned, unless you have a very good reason to own, I find a lot of this hard to understand.

I get that you can argue right to bear arms as part of the constitution. What I cannot get over is the argument some of you are making that without a gun, people will just kill with other objects? Of course if someone wants to kill someone else, there is not much anyone can do. But you can kill an awful lot more people, quickly and efficiently, with an assault rifle than a tree branch or knife.

Why anyone would have the need for what are effectively military weapons at home is beyond me.

Banning guns does not rid the community of them, but it heavily reduces the chances of some of the mass killings we see too often.

Mr D

As someone who lives in a land where guns are banned, unless you have a very good reason to own, I find a lot of this hard to understand.

I get that you can argue right to bear arms as part of the constitution. What I cannot get over is the argument some of you are making that without a gun, people will just kill with other objects? Of course if someone wants to kill someone else, there is not much anyone can do. But you can kill an awful lot more people, quickly and efficiently, with an assault rifle than a tree branch or knife.

Why anyone would have the need for what are effectively military weapons at home is beyond me.

Banning guns does not rid the community of them, but it heavily reduces the chances of some of the mass killings we see too often.

Actually most mass shootings are done at close range, so arguably a shotgun with a high capacity magazine would be a more effective killing machine. You ban "assault rifles" then the nut jobs opt for shotguns and the cries will go out to ban shotguns. It's a slippery slope.



Well-known member
Premium user
I know my marriage is fucking killing me. LOL

I have been shot 3 times and non of them hurt this bad (or, this long).


Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
As someone who lives in a land where guns are banned, unless you have a very good reason to own, I find a lot of this hard to understand.

I get that you can argue right to bear arms as part of the constitution. What I cannot get over is the argument some of you are making that without a gun, people will just kill with other objects? Of course if someone wants to kill someone else, there is not much anyone can do. But you can kill an awful lot more people, quickly and efficiently, with an assault rifle than a tree branch or knife.

Why anyone would have the need for what are effectively military weapons at home is beyond me.

Banning guns does not rid the community of them, but it heavily reduces the chances of some of the mass killings we see too often.

well..... I own firearms that the lefty anti gunners call "assault rifles" even though the rifles I own were not ever fielded by an army in combat. So right there, anyone calling my semi automatic magazine fed pistol gripped rifle an assault rifle.... has drunken the koolaid of the "great lie" that is gun control.

One can kill more people faster with a motor vehicle if one chose to do so yet anyone can get a license to drive.
firearms are just another tool created for a purpose. The great lie that is gun control has convinced the gullible that firearms in themselves are too dangerous a tool for a civilian to posess. Who are they to decide?

incidentally in Canada, the shooting sports and firearms community in general is one of "the safest past times and recreational practices" in the country by a long shot. I bet those statistics hold true for America and other nations that uphold civilian access to firearms.


Well-known member
Not to mention the most dangerous cities in the US have the strictest gun laws which prevents law abiding citizens from protecting themselves while criminals run the streets. The places in America that allow open carry or concealed carry have the lowest low gun violence rates.

Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
God given rights cannot be legislated away.

I have the God given right to use and own anything that has or will be invented, no Government can restrict me from it no matter what it is.


Ten people voted Yes 23.26% :party:
police and military should turn in their weapons first.

And everyone like boomburg who wants to strip our rights but has a paid squad of armed guards where ever they go. On gas guzzling private jets.

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