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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 26 56.5%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 20 43.5%

  • Total voters


ICMag Donor

The SEC just charged Trump Media’s accounting firm with ‘massive fraud’.​

I'm shocked.


ICMag Donor
crime is down
immigrants are vetted and innoculated
the streets are littered with tents and needles because of the abject failures of capitalism
They don't have this problem in Europe.
It is the abuse of capitalism and unfair system of taxation brought to you by republicans.


Well-known member
"HUD reports that on a single night in 2023, roughly 653,100 people in the U.S. experienced homelessness, up about 12 percent from 2022."

"An estimated 890.000 people* sleep rough or in a homeless shelter on any given night across the EU, according to a 2023 report published by FEANTSA."

USA pop 350mil
EU pop 450mil

numbers aren't too different


Kiss My Ring

DOJ Keeps Plan Secret for Biden’s Election Executive Order​

March 11, 2024

The Justice Department, run by Attorney General Merrick Garland, is keeping secret its strategic plan to implement President Joe Biden’s executive order on getting out the vote.

The Biden Justice Department continues to claim presidential privilege to block release of its strategic plan to turn out the vote, although at least two other federal agencies have made their plans public.
In defending a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act, the Justice Department is keeping under wraps its plans to implement President Joe Biden’s 2021 executive order, under which most federal agencies are required to develop a strategic plan for increasing voter participation in elections.
The plaintiff in that case, the Foundation for Government Accountability, contends that privilege claim is undermined by two federal agencies releasing their plans to implement Biden’s Executive Order 14019, which he signed in March 2021.
Notably, the U.S. Trade Representative, an agency that is part of the Executive Office of the President, made its plan public through a public records request, as The Daily Signal reported last week.
The Railroad Retirement Board also released its strategic plan for boosting voting, The Daily Signal reported.
“Now that at least two agencies have handed out their strategic plans, the Justice Department’s claim [that the plan] is protected by presidential privilege in our case is questionable,” Stewart Whitson, legal director for the Foundation for Government Accountability, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview.
The Foundation for Government Accountability first sued the Justice Department under the Freedom of Information Act in April 2022 in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida.
“The DOJ is supposed to be the arbiter of following the law, and they are doing the opposite,” Whitson said in the interview.
My book “The Myth of Voter Suppression” details how executives at the liberal think tank Demos—one of the private groups working with federal agencies on voter turnout—drafted an executive order in December 2020, the month before Biden took office, suggesting how he should turn government bureaucracies into voter registration agencies.
Possibly more ambiguous is the Defense Department, which said it updated an existing strategic plan to fit Biden’s executive order on voting.
The Pentagon’s strategic plan isn’t dated, but appears to have been drafted in 2021 after Biden signed the order that March. The Defense Department, unlike most other federal agencies, consistently has dealt with voting issues for military personnel.
The Justice Department didn’t respond to The Daily Signal’s inquiries for this report. Federal agencies frequently decline to comment on ongoing litigation.
Publicly, however, the Justice Department said in an October 2022 court filing that releasing documents about its strategic plan to implement Biden’s order could cause “public confusion.”
“To qualify for protection under this privilege, material must be inter- or intra-agency, and both pre-decisional and deliberative,” the Justice Department’s motion in the lawsuit says.
In a March 3 speech, Attorney General Merrick Garland said voter ID and other election reforms were “discriminatory, burdensome and unnecessary,” and that the Justice Department would “fight back” against such measures.
Numerous House and Senate Republicans have sought information about the documents related to Biden’s order telling government agencies to register voters.
Critics have said the order could cause federal employees to engage in illegal activity by participating in elective politics. They point to potential violation of the Hatch Act, a law prohibiting partisan political activity using government time or resources, and the Antideficiency Act, which prohibits executive branch agencies from spending money for purposes not designated by Congress.
The Department of Education released a “toolkit” to expand voting among college students and to provide information about voting for students in grades K-12.
Also under Biden’s initiative, the Department of Homeland Security registers new voters during naturalization ceremonies. It’s not clear what else the DHS—which also is charged with stopping illegal immigration—has done to implement Biden’s executive order.
As The Daily Signal previously reported, the Biden administration carved out paid administrative leave to encourage federal bureaucrats—seen as a loyal Democrat constituency—to volunteer as poll workers during elections.
The Daily Signal also reported that federal agencies are working to carry out Biden’s order on voting with Demos and other liberal advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union.
In 2021, the White House announced that the Justice Department would focus on the Bureau of Prisons to “provide information about voting to individuals in federal custody, facilitate voting by those who remain eligible to do so while in federal custody, and educate individuals before reentry about voting rules and voting rights in their states.”
The Biden administration has made little other information available, however.



Kiss My Ring

Biden’s Pot Plans: Another Strategy to “Buy” Votes Emerges with His Marijuana Maneuver​

By Liberty Paige
May 3, 2024

In a bid to reel in the youthful electorate which Biden is losing largely because of their anti-Israel views, his administration appears to be rolling a fat joint of promises, hoping to spark up enthusiasm among the younger demographic with his cannabis campaign.

Looking for votes, Democrats push to reschedule marijuana as a less dangerous drug.​

With their sights set on November, Biden and the Democrats are puffing up plans to reschedule marijuana, adding another leaf to their cannabis bouquet of promises alongside school loan payoffs and increased abortion access – just in case hating Trump and rigging the election again is not enough to push Dementia Joe over the finish line again.

So some new bribery to “buy” the votes of America’s youth is in the works by making marijuana more acceptable across the nation.
The move to reschedule ganja, pot, weed, cannabis, Mary Jane, joints, blunts, or whatever you want to call it as a less dangerous drug, has been long celebrated by stoners and medical users alike and the Democrats are hoping for a revolutionary (and electorate) shift in American drug policy – but not because it might be good for the public or help out law enforcement. It’s strictly to win votes as are most decisions that they make.

This groundbreaking move is just another political gimmick to LIGHT UP the ballot boxes.

It’s 4:20 in Biden’s America.​

Picture this: a bunch of political advisers in their tailored suits, struggling to understand why “4:20” is trending among the youth on X. Suddenly, a lightbulb moment – let’s hop on the weed wagon!

Thus, the Department of Health and Human Services made their move, announcing their intentions at – you guessed it – 4:20 p.m. on 4/20 because subtlety is not their strong suit.

Biden and Harris chimed in with their social media posts about the topic, trying desperately to capture the essence of the moment, but forgetting that Trump had already taken a toke on this particular joint by granting clemency to folks with marijuana convictions, deferring to states’ rights concerning marijuana legalization and supporting medical marijuana, signing the 2018 Farm bill, which legalized hemp and its derivatives, including cannabidiol (CBD), at the federal level.

Nevertheless, the Biden administration marches forward, hoping to blaze a new trail in marijuana policy and get paid for it by votes in November.
The proposed reclassification of marijuana by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) from Schedule I to Schedule III is heralded as a triumph for weed enthusiasts everywhere. However, before we start passing around the celebratory joints, let’s consider the fine print.

No, the new policy won’t legalize recreational use for marijuana, you optimistic herb aficionados!​

While rescheduling may seem like a victory dance for cannabis advocates, it falls short of outright legalization for recreational use. It’s like being invited to the party but not allowed to partake in the festivities. The DEA’s move is akin to moving marijuana from the VIP section to the general admission area – it’s still under their watchful eye, just with slightly looser restrictions.
Biden’s push for pot reform conveniently aligns with his bid for re-election. With support for legalization hitting an all-time high (pun intended), Democrats see an opportunity to court the younger demographic. After all, what better way to win over the youth than by offering them the keys to the weed kingdom?
But let’s not get too carried away with the smoke and mirrors. Behind the haze of promises lies a stark reality – rescheduling marijuana won’t magically erase the injustices of the past or those of the present and future. While Biden talks a big game about expunging criminal records and righting the wrongs of the War on Drugs, real-world consequences and outcomes are currently unknown.

Dems will figure out a way to use the new policy to their advantage.​

On the other hand, the pro-criminal Democrats might be in luck, because they could get handed a whole new way to release criminals and keep others from being arrested. With Biden’s new marijuana advocacy initiative, it seems like a win-win-win for his political party on many different fronts – and I’m sure they already have plans on how to use it to their advantage.
Until then, we’ll see where the smoke leads us. Because as most things Dems do, we never know the full impact of what they do until it starts negatively affecting everyone.



Kiss My Ring


Kiss My Ring

RNC and Arizona GOP Challenge Court Decision Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote in Arizona​

According to the press release:

In 2022, Arizona passed HB 2243, which, among other provisions, requires counties to conduct monthly citizenship verification checks of registered voters who have not submitted documentary proof of citizenship.
In a lawsuit decided in February 2024, the RNC successfully defended most of the law’s list maintenance provisions which are meant to ensure non-citizens are identified and removed from voter rolls.
The Arizona Republican Party moved to intervene in the case and defend Arizona’s right to require proof of citizenship to vote.
However, the court’s decision enjoins Arizona from requiring documentary proof of citizenship to vote in presidential elections or vote by mail. Our appeal will fight this decision. Not requiring proof of citizenship in order to vote in presidential elections or vote by mail undermines a fundamental principle of our elections: that they should be decided by American citizens.
Following our win on the list maintenance provisions, we sent letters and public records requests to each county in Arizona requesting information as to how counties are implementing the law’s list maintenance requirements.
Only six counties have so far responded. Of these counties, none are in full compliance with HB 2243’s list maintenance provisions. Apparently, counties do not have access to some of the databases the statute requires them to check.

It is inexcusable that the Secretary of State and the counties have not secured access to these databases, despite the law being in effect for nearly two years and never enjoined by a court.
If counties do not show evidence of compliance with the law, the RNC and AZGOP will pursue every legal avenue to uphold election integrity in Arizona.

Democrat Rep. Hands Out Cards with Instructions to Help Illegal Aliens Evade Law Enforcement, Deportation​

According to Fox News, Allred handed out “Know Your Rights Cards” during one of his campaign stops in Dallas earlier this month.

Fox News reported:
Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, the Democratic nominee in the Texas Senate race, is handing out cards with instructions to help illegal immigrants evade law enforcement and potential deportation.
Allred handed out the “Know Your Rights Cards” during a recent campaign event with the Dallas County Democrat Party in early May, while running for the seat currently held by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
The red cards, viewed by Fox News Digital, explain how someone in the U.S. illegally can avoid immigration agents that are asking them questions or showing up at their door.
When asked about the distribution of such cards, Allred did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.
