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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 26 56.5%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 20 43.5%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
Not to mention that Trump's own inner circle and cabinet had numerous members who came to see Trump as so unhinged that THEY took part in minimizing his 'room to move' on issues where he was flatly unhinged.


Well-known member

I got to say, the more this bullshit goes on, the more I believe the human fireball guy. Definitely not a reason to set yourself on fire, but Trump and Biden may both be controlled by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. We definitely have an illusion of choice, especially with the bullshit trial that is completely meaningless, in reality Trump was more anti gun in policy than Biden. Trump also raised the age for tobacco, kind of good, but at the same time, they're legally adults, fuck right off!!

I'll probably vote for Trump still cause Biden, I can't even stand to hear him speak he's clearly suffering dementia or Alzheimer's dude is out in left field. Hell if Russia launches nukes, is he really going to be able to enter the nuclear codes properly and competently in the 25 minutes? Russia better send that shit quickly while Biden is sleeping or not at all.

Honestly seems like Biden is trying to throw the election and the left wing is absolutely fine with it, because Trump is their bitch too. Two wings of the same war hawk. If you survive, you'll own nothing and you better be fucking happy!! Neither one believes in free speech. I don't agree with the death to America chants, but that's freedom of speech and if it's not allowed, then it's not freedom of speech. Not too mention it could very well be CIA agitators starting it. The feds used the same tactics on the American Indian Movement and it worked. Why wouldn't they do it again?


Well-known member
Just like Scotland, they fought, they won their freedom and independence, now they're part of the United Kingdom. We did the same and now we're NATO and losing our freedoms little by little.

At one point you had the right to own a cannon, the baddest weapon of the time. Now you can't even own a full auto firearm, let alone a fighter jet. They put the 14th amendment in the Constitution to force us to pay taxes. Lol, The British at least used Vaseline, the US government is fucking us harder and raw. Lol


Kiss My Ring



Kiss My Ring

Biden administration finalizes rule that will open up​

ObamaCare to illegal immigrants​

The Biden administration estimates that 100,000 uninsured illegal immigrants will be able to access taxpayer-funded health insurance under the rule.

By Kevin Killough
Published: May 3, 2024 11:42am

The Biden administration published a new rule Friday that will allow tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to receive health care through ObamaCare.
The new rule, according to a White House statement, removes a prohibition on illegal immigrants protected from deportation under the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program from accessing healthcare through the Affordable Care Act.
The rule will go into effect as soon as November 1, and the administration estimates that 100,000 uninsured illegal immigrants will be able to access taxpayer-funded health insurance under the rule. The immigrants will be able to apply for coverage through Healthcare.org and state-based marketplaces.
Referring to illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as minors as “Dreamers,” President Joe Biden said the rule will grant them a pathway to citizenship.
“Today’s rule also reinforces the President’s enduring commitment to DACA recipients and Dreamers, who contribute daily to the strength and vitality of our communities and our country,” the White House said.

This is likely to bankrupt Social Security and mimic Canada' failing healthcare system.

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