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Things Falling Apart: BAD SIGNS


Well-known member
Maybe there's more to the story.

Reedley officials said what has been most concerning about the discovery was finding out there is no single government entity overseeing private medical laboratories.

“What’s frustrating is that we’re focusing on these myths, bioengineered weapons and stuff like that, rather than the real issue, the lack of regulation of these private labs,” Harper said.


Well-known member
the guy that owned or at least was in charge of that lab said it had absorbed a now defunct biotech company and lab that went under

it's not really conspiracy just sketchy asset dissolvement and holdings similar to what banks sometimes do


Well-known member
From buzzmobile's link, it looks like the engineered mice issue was miscommunication and a translation error:

"Then on July 25, the Mid Valley Times, a local online news outlet, published a story about the lab that quoted court documents saying a representative of Prestige Biotech, which makes pregnancy and coronavirus tests sold online, told officials in March that the mice had been genetically modified to catch and carry the virus that causes COVID-19.

That was likely a miscommunication by Prestige Biotech representative Wang Zhaolin, whose English is not perfect, Harper said.

“She stated that the mice were bred, and then she hesitated and said they were modified to carry COVID,” Harper said Zhaolin told her and other officials. After the lab was shut down, she added, Wang stopped cooperating with them.

Wang’s comment prompted Reedley authorities to hire Nina Hahn, a vet formerly contracted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, to examine the mice. Hahn found they had not been injected with any infectious agent and were simply used to grow COVID-19 antibody cells to make testing kits. She also determined they were not subjected to experimentation, Harper said.

But that hasn’t stopped the furor, however."


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well there's always Bidenomics, at least we got that going for us. I mean seriously, historically low unemployment, manufacturing on the rise, lowest global post pandemic inflation rate, 4.9% growth in GDP, minimum wage on the rise. i mean sure the House of Representatives is a pure Clown Show under MAGA Republican leadership but we only have to put up with that for one more year before the Democrats take back control and Democrats have control of the Senate to stop the worst of what the House is doing


Well-known member
............ and that's just the beginning!;)
Preview of coming attraction...


Well-known member
it sure makes a man feel cold getting older
it's odd being the same age as old people. no fentanyl deaths in my "crowd", because damn near all of them were already dead. heart attacks from coke/meth, overdoses from other drugs, three suicides (and counting), etc. i'm starting to get nervous myself. lately, every time i go outside hunting/working etc, buzzards soon start circling. i'm sure it's only a coincidence, but...:rolleyes:


Well-known member
it's odd being the same age as old people. no fentanyl deaths in my "crowd", because damn near all of them were already dead. heart attacks from coke/meth, overdoses from other drugs, three suicides (and counting), etc. i'm starting to get nervous myself. lately, every time i go outside hunting/working etc, buzzards soon start circling. i'm sure it's only a coincidence, but...:rolleyes:

Its funny you mention that. I caught buzzards circling my aunts house the day she died, like they already knew. Its these heroin dealers, they keep cutting their supply with it. Shits very potent. Atleast with meth you can get a few decades in. I got a cousin thats been on it for 20 years. Hes ugly as sin but hes still alive