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Seed Supreme White Widow Auto Finishing in 5 Weeks ???


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I am new to growing automatics so this might be common but it doesn't seem right to me.

I have a White Widow Auto that is 5 1/2 weeks from sprouting. It's about the same size as other autos I have of similar age. The buds are developing nicely on all of them but last week the pistils on this White Widow started turning a nice shade of brown and the buds started to mature. In just a few days, some of these buds look like they are getting pretty ripe. Others still look fresh.

I looked at the trichs under my loop and I was surprised to see about 20% of them have already turned amber.

I usually harvest early long before I get a lot of amber. Not quite at the first sign because you get ealy birds that turn early. But, I never let it go to 20% and 30% like some people prefer.

So, is it common for an auto to mature at 5 1/2 weeks? Does amber mean READY on autos like it does on photos?

I think I should let it go. I don't think the buds are anywhere near the size they could be. On the other hand, I hate to have over-ripe couch-lock pot.

Here are a couple pics. The first is the entire plant. Second is the main cola. Third and fourth are most and least ripe buds. And, the last is the best close-up I can get with my camera. Even at this level, you can see the ton of amber already. Some buds have more, some less.

I miss cloning where everything is the same. LOL



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Well-known member
5 1/2 weeks would be super amazingly fast for an auto.

Amber means the same as it does anywhere, the trichomes are dying and THC has started to degrade to CBN. Often amber trichomes appearing are a good indication of maturity.

In this case the plant does not look finished at all to me. White pistils everywhere, the buds don't look very filled up, and all the amber that can be seen in the photos is on leaves not buds.

It's is best to look at the maturity of the trichomes on the buds not the leaves. After all, it's the buds you are going to smoke. Clear trichomes will not have reached their full potential yet. It's a matter of taste on what ratio of milky to amber, milky is peak THC.


White Window
Yeah, you can look for trichomes later, when most pistils are brown. Pistils = mass, and you got a lot of pistils. (y) Patience is gold!

I think I should let it go. I don't think the buds are anywhere near the size they could be. On the other hand, I hate to have over-ripe couch-lock pot.
But you don't make a indica out of a pure tropical sativa when harvesting later. ;) It's one small factor but genetics is a bigger factor... You will regret harvesting with clear thrichomes, then you got less potency and will consume much more to get high or medicated.

Give them a good feeding and 2 - 3 weeks more. 💪💫🪐💥☄️
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Thanks, guys. I agree it's way too early. I tried to look more into the buds but the pistils are still so fresh it's hard to see much. I see a little amber but mostly just cloudy.

I'll hold off another week and re-evaluate.

I just planted another seed from this batch and it's growing like a weed. In 1 week, it's already bigger than most of the 3 week old sprouts from other strains. Fast grower, for sure.

Thanks again.


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How's it smell?
Good point. LOL It DEFINITELY doesn't SMELL ready. LOL

You are so absolutely right. I can often tell it's time for harvest by the smell. I have that smell right now in the bedroom where I have some photo Skunks in the last week or 10 days. I awake at night with that incredible aroma in my nose.

Thanks for setting me straight. I'll be sniffing more, now.


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Well, I harvested this thing at day 52. Mostly because I was almost out of pot (LOL) but also because it was ready. It had plenty of amber. The buds were a nice shade and very firm. And, yes... it smelled ready. LOL

I dried it for about a week and now I am trying to put a little cure on it before I smoke it all. LOL I have been sampling along the way and it's actually pretty nice. The taste is not great, but not bad. And, getting better with every day of cure. I wouldn't know about the buzz because I don't get high on pot. But, like I said, the flavor is pretty OK.

I got about 70 grams. I guess anything over 2 ounces is OK for an auto. Especially, this fast. This was the fastest growing and fastest maturing pot I have ever seen. LOL

I'll see if I can grab a pic of the total harvest (less what I have smoked. LOL)

This pot was so amazingly fast that I planted another seed from the same pack just to see if the next seed would be the same. It is. I swear I could trade Jack his cow for these beans and he wouldn't complain. Here is a pic of the new plant. This bitch is only 3 weeks old. Sorry for the shitty phone pic but you can still see the maturity for only 3 weeks.

Nice genetics in a freebie from Seed Supreme. Their own house variety.


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Well-known member
70g of nice bud from one plant in 52 days from seed is amazing. Great job.

Although, you don't know about the buzz because you don't get high on pot? Dabber's tolerance or what's up with that?


White Window
Yeah the first pictures in post #1 but it was not ready to harvest then on 18th October... look at this pic, in the middle of flower, i think he harvested very early:



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I think he meant 52 days of flowering. ;) Or how would this be possible 52 from seed when a plant takes at least 30 days to mature!?
Nope, 52 days from seed. This is the fasted plant I have ever seen. Albeit, I am a noob to autos. I have another seed from the same pack in dirt right now that has nice flowers already at only day 24. Here is the harvest. These are just the buds. About 2 ounces. There was another 10 or 12 grams in popcorn.

EDIT: Actually, it was 52 days from SPROUT. So, it would be 56 days from the day the ungerminated seed was actually planted into dirt. I seldom start the clock until the seed pops. Too many seeds never pop and then my record book gets loaded with failed starts. So, sorry for the 4 day error. Still, super fast from what little I know about autos.


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Here is a couple shots of the current White Widow at day 24. She already has some nice starts.


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Well-known member
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Yeah the first pictures in post #1 but it was not ready to harvest then on 18th October... look at this pic, in the middle of flower, i think he harvested very early:

Really? Check the shots of the finished harvest. Do those look early to you? Thanks.

EDIT: Never mind. You thought I harvested when I took those pictures. I misunderstood. Sorry 'bout that. :)


White Window
Don't be sorry. :) I don't know how your trichomes looked but the weed looks nice and ripe with all the brown pistils. 👍

You said you're not getting high from cannabis right!? How is that? So would be interesting what others say about the turn if you got them some weed? You're growing just for fun or what!? 😅 I have fun growing too but in the end i wanna get high of course. ;)


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There was plenty of amber. I usually harvest early with very very little amber. This was past where I would usually have harvested my photo plants.

As for not getting high... It's just a tolerance thing. I smoke about 20 joints a day plus hash, dabs, etc. I just woke up and still on my first cup of coffee but, already had 3 joints. LOL Just think cigarette chain smoker. I used to smoke 2 packs a day of cigarettes. A few years back (actually, close to 10) I quit cigarettes and substituted joints.

I probably do get high but as my wife says, "How would you know?". LOL

I have smoked pot EVERY DAY since July 4th 1968. OK, I probably didn't blow a joint the day I went in for my knee surgery. Or, some other isolated event. However, I'll bet I have not missed 30 days in over 50 years. LOL

Yeah, pot is my hobby. So, growing, edibles, rosin, my entire cannabis lab.... yep, it's all just for fun. I probably give away as much pot as I smoke. LOL

Everybody's gotta have a hobby. LOL


White Window
That's... impressive! 😂

So props for quitting cigarettes but if you are smoking that much cannabis... :unsure: You already tried vaporizing, not your thing?


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Yeah, I vaporize also. I have owned every vape imaginable and probably still have drawers full. Maybe 40 or 50. LOL I am getting ready to sell a bunch of them.

We need a for sale forum here. It's not like the old days where we had to be anonymous. Today the cops are busy with criminals. Old hippies that smoke pot just aren't on the radar any more. I can remember the days when I wouldn't DREAM of logging onto icmag without using a proxy. OMG!!!!! Surely the site will track my IP, the cops will grab the site database and the DEA will be busting down my door any second. LMAO.

Hard to believe it was actually ever like that. But, it was.


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Here is an update on this second grow White Widow. This seed is from the same pack as the last and it's not even close at five weeks. Actually, this is week 6. The last one must have been a fluke to finish so early.

I must say, it is frosting up nicely. Check out the last pic. The darn trichs are growing upside down UNDER the fan leaves. LOL Too bad you can't really clone autos.


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