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High Grade ICMag In Amsterdam


Active member
- I'm not toking anything super-strong on a daily basis in the UK generally - lately its mostly been Moroccan hash - and not all day - what happened to me back there in Amsterdam - was probably what you might dare to call an 'over-dose' - and if that happens with cannabis - I just fall asleep - into the realms of unconsciousness - feeling fine - and wake up feeling refreshed - that night I got a solid 8 hours sleep - alone in that hotel room - for the first time - in a very long time - and it was good -

- It was Soma's bubblehash which administered the 'Coup De Grace' - and knocked me for six - lol
Good bubble will do that! Do you know what material/ strains this bubble was made from?

We're glad to see you had a great time in the Dam, the teaser material on IG has been exciting to see- can't wait to see the interviews.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good bubble will do that! Do you know what material/ strains this bubble was made from?

We're glad to see you had a great time in the Dam, the teaser material on IG has been exciting to see- can't wait to see the interviews.

Yeah - and Soma gets alot of fun out of seeing us drop - lol - whatever that bubblehash was - it should come up In the interview -
* Thanks for sponsoring the trip PureSativa -


Active member
Tough to keep up with Soma. I filmed an interview with him a few years back and after a hit from his hash pipe and I was sure his house was rocking from side to side, like a boat afloat on some rough seas. No one else around me seemed to feeling it though. Good times. Great weed. I also love that Soma mixes up his strains before rolling a joint, everything is a blend of sorts. I like that strategy! Great grower!
ps. Cool video. You guys going to release like a "Joe Rogan-like" unedited cut of the interviews?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- my rattled memory dug something up from that evening - 'Soma Salad' - it was either the weed or hash that Soma was toking with me - a mix of various Soma varieties - I'm not sure what we are going to release and when - its kinda down to the editor Jason - to get the vid sorted for general consumption - maybe we will just put the whole un-edited interviews out there at some point? - but first - lets see what he comes up with - should be good -


Well-known member
- my rattled memory dug something up from that evening - 'Soma Salad' - it was either the weed or hash that Soma was toking with me - a mix of various Soma varieties - I'm not sure what we are going to release and when - its kinda down to the editor Jason - to get the vid sorted for general consumption - maybe we will just put the whole un-edited interviews out there at some point? - but first - lets see what he comes up with - should be good -
No chance are we putting unedited versions out there hahaha


Active member
I’ve been told that unless you’re registered it asks for details to prove your age. If you can’t view it because of that don’t worry we’ll have a different solution for the final interviews for those who don’t want to register a YouTube account. 👍
Steven, might be worth noting some of the YouTubers in the Cannabis space will edit their videos so buds are blurred out- far from ideal for lovers of the plant but I believe this negates the need for age-restricted videos, whilst also allowing them to be recommended on the front page to those who watch similar videos. Of course we wish to see the unedited one but maybe it could be a good video to do a non-edited video and an edited one? Not sure though as the other Youtubers I've seen blurring buds etc. seem to post up the unblurred video on another site like Patreon etc and leave only the edited one on youtube to receive the most views etc.

Just a thought to contemplate.


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