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What Plants Hide MJ Best?


Well-known member
After I took this picture I realized it shows why I've always thought blackberries make the best camo. Multiple times I've had people over who knew that I grew who weren't able to detect the plants, at 20 feet they don't get noticed.


The one problem with blackberries is that they carry disease that transmits easily to cannabis. Besides the leafhoppers, thrips, and other little fucks there's a virus, some sort of variagation, I've seen hop over to my plants. The trick is not to allow the blackberries to touch the plants. As long as you keep them trimmed back and clear you're good. Another problem are the molds and mildews the rotting blackberries harbor, the best way to combat that problem is to eat as much blackberry pie as possible once they ripen.

I've considered watering the blackberries, maybe tossing a bit of cheap miracle grow type fertilizer on them to keep them healthy so the bugs stay on them. There's enough ladybugs, birds, and other predators that the predator levels don't get out of control. Blackberries are drought resistant, more so then ganja I feel none of these measures are necessary. Blackberry soil is perfect for ganja, many times I've hacked into the blackberries and planted. The previous years' plants breakdown and rot into the ground so you get a perfect circle and the blackberries break the soil down so it's nice and airy. All that's needed are the fertilizers and micro nutrients ganja loves, blackberry soil is usually deficient in this regard.


Well-known member
The blackberries definitely harbor powdery mildew and boytritis but I haven't had it hop over to my ganja in the way I'd expect it to. In my area basically everything harbors PM the spores are everywhere along with grey mold. Mustard volunteers all over the place, once it enters senescence it gets enveloped with mildew. There's maple trees that get covered in it. My zucchini especially gets eaten alive by mildew. Once the cool damp September mornings start in along with the local plants setting seeds and dying back it gets bad.

Even so I never had a big problem with it until last year. A spot close to the diseased maples and zucchinis, I had it hop over to a few of my ganja plants. I had a Durango OG, I think it's more of an indoor strain, small slow growing type. It caught the mildew first and got coated in it. From there it hopped over to a couple plants next to it. A shame, the Durango is the frostiest thing I've seen but no resistance to PM and boytritis. Once PM finds a weak plant it attacks it, same with all the other ganja diseases. Then the diseased plant works as a Typhoid Mary spreading the sickness to your healthy plants.

Always watch your plants If you see for instance sick and dying blackberries or whatever get the clippers and get them the hell out of there because it'll spread onto your ganja before you know it. One year I had pole beans that got spider mites, they marched right down the string and pole onto my ganja plant. Only time I've had a spider mite infestation outdoors and it was only on a few branches, the ones touching the pole and string.

I've observed there's different types of mildew. There's a type I've seen on my ganja plants in July and August that disappears by the start of September. The kind that got me last year especially attacked the shaded limbs in foggy weather in late September. This year a couple plants got mildew in May but it died off as soon as the weather warmed up, leaving necrotic marks on a few of the leaves.

My experience is that lots of direct sunlight, keeping a space of more then 12 inches between the ganja and the surrounding vegetation and cover crop, strong healthy plants adapted to your latitude and climate, and not using clones from people that pass around diseases like mildew are the best way to prevent diseases from starting. Once PM does take hold and become endemic, God help you because that stuff comes from the devil!


Put them on the shrub line

Put them on the shrub line

Here is one I'll bet its 8ft tall with 3 months to go kosher super 🔥 super dank


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Here's the shrub line

Here's the shrub line

Kosher. Triangle. Utra sour x sundae driver. GMOXSUNDA e driver. Dosido x tina. Peach crescendo. Lemonade (homemade) raceduel of x local lemon pine] smells like lemonade or lime or pine finishes early being local for so long. Florida gold. And Florida og. I really like dna for strains


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Front are males to be moved but I use 100 and my natural soil mix don't have to feed till bud and that just for extra weight otherwise I dont even water them just random hikes I'll run the line through but. Always need staking up no matter what

St. Phatty

Active member
Blackberry grows almost everywhere there is a water source.

May not be a good or favorite pick, BUT it does add some visual clutter to anybody taking an aerial view of your Grow.


Boreal Curing
It looks really good, I like it, especially taking into consideration that I have never been a big fan of flowers and plants of any sort. My mother loves plants and our house is actually full of all kinds of plants, so I guess this might be the reason why I don't rate them high because you know what they say that when you have something long enough you take it for granted and you appreciate it less. I've always loved smoking marijuana, and thankfully I have access to my favorite products via https://greengoddesscollective.com/, one of the best places to look for anything related to marijuana and find information about it.

One backlink coming right up. lol


Active member
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Blackberry vines to work well. Luckily other things do as well.


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I've heard that sunflowers put off the same IR signal as cannabis.
I heard of growers scattering the cannabis out in a field of sunflowers and the FLIR imaging can't decipher.
Anyone know if that's actually true?


Listen my username is from 07 lol
Amazing to see this thread still going an it's a sticky. All from a 17yr old asking a question lol