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What Must Be Done With China


This thread is supposed to be about what the world should do with China, I'll gander one last response then I'm going back to the OPs original intent in the context of CHINA......and not bad mouthing the US.
WE didn't unleash this virus on the world......

First, the war with Japan was almost over anyway, they were defeated. The use of the bomb was to show off, it was essentially just the USA flexing..

Just flexing???
You don't understand history. Certainly, not the Japanese culture of the time.
Far from defeated. The entire population was arming themselves with whatever weapons they could muster in anticipation of the fight in their backyard that they were expecting. Even the US Generals had grim assessments on how much blood would be lost to physically take Japan in an amphibious assault. Well-documented as well.
But, being a limey, I can excuse you for not really knowing what you talk about when it comes to US history.

Who sold it to Israel? Who sold it to France? Who sold it to Pakistan?..
Why did it have to be SOLD to them? Ever hear of espionage? Scientists? A black market in the burgeoning cold war mentality? Of which, the US was, certainly, not the only ones cutting backroom deals for nuclear tech. Ever hear of Imran Khan? Sure....he came by many years later, but, a valid point nonetheless.

When Russia detonated their first bomb, with the secrets given to them …..from spies and turncoats in the Manhattan project..... it created fear throughout the free world and our new alliances forged with the blood of WWII. (well-documented as well)
The US isn't the ONLY place on earth that understands nuclear fission. In fact, there were many nationalities working in the desert of New Mexico to develop the original device(s.) Robert Oppenheimer was born in NY to German and Jewish parents for crying out loud!
In addition: Five prominent French scientists contributed to the Manhattan Project.....Lew Kowarski, Hans von Halban, Bertrand Goldschmidt, Pierre Victor Auger, and Jules Guéron…..so no one had to SELL the tech to France, because they already knew the secrets.
And why on EARTH would the US "sell" the tech to Pakistan??? Did we want India to burn in flames??? Hardly. And leave China out of that argument, because, at the time they were being ravaged by Japan and we had to HELP the Chinese to kick them out.

As for me moving out of the USA lol. I live in a nation so great, the rest of the world refers to us as Great Britain..
I see you left out the FACT that we...the US...had to save your arses from Nazi Germany in the form of under the table weapons donations and the blood of OUR troops. Noted. Greatness, indeed. If it weren't for the water between your Great Nation and Hitler, and the US giving everything you needed to fight...….the UK wouldn't exist today. Hell, I rarely, if ever, hear the UK referred to as "Great Britain" here in the states. I hear the UK a lot, which is ironic, given that the Scots and Irish prefer to be called Scottish and Irish....as opposed to British. Not that I don't like the UK. Not that I don't think the blood we spilled to help out a fellow peace-loving democratic nation (as opposed to republic that the US is) was a good thing…..but Neville Chamberlain is hardly an example of "greatness." Even Churchill, whom I deeply admire, would have been forced to eat dirt if it weren't for the US. And the French. And the Canadians. Without our help, Dunkirk would have looked like a waterballoon fight in comparison to what the Wermacht would have done on British soil if they figured out amphibious landings.
But, again......read a little bit (and understand) a little bit of history before you rant about a country you don't live in, or know their history. And the sacrifices WE'VE made that allowed your "great" Britain to still exist.

Although I'll admit we've lost some of our shine in recent years. But then we have been here for 30,000 years on this island. We've had some visitors along the way, but most went home again.

Give it time....the muslims haven't completed their work.... yet.....and youre still importing them in by the train load.




The Tri Guy
Its funny what america tells its citizens, it's even funnier that some of them never think about it.
For most of the war, we were fighting against Germany and Japan.
But Germany surrendered in may, USA dropped the bomb in June. Japan was alone fighting the entire world. And you think the bomb was necessary to win. Man youve got some mad respect for the Japanese haven't you


The Tri Guy
OK all address your latest delusional rant too. You didn't donate anything to the UK. Once you had financed Germany, and therefore fuelled the whole thing in the first place, you then lent the UK cash. Cash that we only finished paying off a couple of decades ago. You played both sides. You sat out and watched Europe get crushed until Japan hit you while you were polishing your shiny boats.

You criticise China for not containing a virus around one micron in size, yet say america should hold no blame for atomic weapons research leaving their highest security area.

Seems to me like you have Stockholm syndrome

Bud Green

I dig dirt
But Germany surrendered in may, USA dropped the bomb in June. Japan was alone fighting the entire world. And you think the bomb was necessary to win. Man youve got some mad respect for the Japanese haven't you

Actually, The U.S. dropped the first A-bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945..the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki a few days later..
I know this because, even though I was not born yet, my Dad was a 19 year old sailor on a U.S. Navy ship somewhere between Hawaii and Japan when the bombs were dropped.

And by the way, the U.S. discussed this planned bombing with the Great Britain government, and received Great Britain's consent, endorsement and encouragement to do so...



The Tri Guy
Yeah I actually edited that post immediately after posting to say it was august, I then checked it had updated the post. I have no idea why it now reads June again.
Hey, I have no illusions about our govt at all. I'm not a fan. I have no problem with people knocking the stupidity or sometimes out right treason that the Brit govt engages in from time to time. I just don't like the old " they are bad and we are the saviours of the world, we are perfect, get down and bow to us" bullshit that comes out of the mouths of some people. Whether that's on behalf of a country, a religion, a political party, a football team or who ever.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- RADAR - the breaking of the German Enigma code - and the Rolls-Royce Merlin Engine - were massively instrumental in winning WW2 - that engine was so good even the yanks powered some of their planes with it -

- without American intervention and Lend-Lease - it would have been much more difficult for Britain alone to have won against the might of the Third Reich - even with the Russians attacking the Germans eastern flanks -

Lend-Lease was a law enacted on March 11, 1941 giving the U.S. government powers to supply the USSR, the UK, Free France, Republic of China, and other allied nations taking part of the World War II with essential war materials. Therefore, between 1941 and 1945, the U.S. government was able to circumvent its neutrality laws by providing materials on the basis that they would be returned after the war. The historical law was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, almost one and a half years after the commencement of the World War II in late 1941. This was roughly about 9 months before the U.S. formally entered the war after the attack on Pearl Harbour.

The Lend-Lease law empowered the government to channel a sum of $50.1 billion worth of military supplies to the Allied forces. Britain received $31.4, the USSR received $3.4 billion, and China was given $1.6 billion. The remaining $14 billion was allocated to other Allied states taking part in the offensive.

The specific terms of the agreement stated that the equipment was to be utilized until the time for its destruction or the completion of war. Canada enacted a similar law that sent about $4.7 billion to Britain and the Soviet Union. This form of aid was issued free of charge.



Bud Green

I dig dirt
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in the news a lot lately..

Some people hang on his every word, as we feel that we need to listen to and believe someone who is supposedly as smart as he is...

But some people listen to what he says with a grain of salt; as we also should do when a person has spent so much time with govt. agencies..

I am no conspiracy theorist, but I like to hear the opinions of many experts before I decide which to believe.

Mrs. G. found this on YouTube this morning..I suspect it will be taken down before this afternoon...

I think it is very much worth watching this interview concerning Covid-19 and the big push for a vaccination to cure it..

It's about 24 minutes long, but I feel it is worth watching the entire thing..




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in the news a lot lately..

Some people hang on his every word, as we feel that we need to listen to and believe someone who is supposedly as smart as he is...

But some people listen to what he says with a grain of salt; as we also should do when a person has spent so much time with govt. agencies..

I am no conspiracy theorist, but I like to hear the opinions of many experts before I decide which to believe.

Mrs. G. found this on YouTube this morning..I suspect it will be taken down before this afternoon...

I think it is very much worth watching this interview concerning Covid-19 and the big push for a vaccination to cure it..

It's about 24 minutes long, but I feel it is worth watching the entire thing..



Going to buy her book , we cant trust anyone.
Thanks for the link

Had to watch that twice , man I hated the CDC ever since the release of Lyme.Money...money...money


Pleasantly dissociated
fouchi has PATENTS that will make him billions , wakew up jiggas
Last edited:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been in the news a lot lately..

Some people hang on his every word, as we feel that we need to listen to and believe someone who is supposedly as smart as he is...

But some people listen to what he says with a grain of salt; as we also should do when a person has spent so much time with govt. agencies..

I am no conspiracy theorist, but I like to hear the opinions of many experts before I decide which to believe.

Mrs. G. found this on YouTube this morning..I suspect it will be taken down before this afternoon...

I think it is very much worth watching this interview concerning Covid-19 and the big push for a vaccination to cure it..

It's about 24 minutes long, but I feel it is worth watching the entire thing..



It's been removed

St. Phatty

Active member
This thread is supposed to be about what the world should do with China, I'll gander one last response then I'm going back to the OPs original intent in the context of CHINA......and not bad mouthing the US.
WE didn't unleash this virus on the world......

actually that's exactly what the US did.

the relevant science article links have already been posted in the 2 main covid19 threads.

2x NIH grants, complete with 2 early warning systems for Pandemics, including an on the ground scientist in Wuhan.

Perfect Storm ... research was financed under Obama, Trump deleted the 2 early warning systems.

the question is, without this knowledge, what would "patriotic" Americans want to sue China for ?

Economic damages + $X million per death & $Y per disability (lung scarring, stroke).

well, the US could rightly be added as a Defendant to that lawsuit.

And the damages - if we use the numbers people would want to use against China, before they become aware of the US involvement - $1000 Trillion, which will be reduced because the US & China can't pay it.

looking forward to the question being put to Fauci - he was one of the NIH leads at the time the 2x 3.7 million dollar grants were let out to the Wuhan lab.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
It's been removed

I suspected YouTube would take it down.

I have a program on my computer that will download the audio from a YouTube.
I use it to download music from YouTube videos..

It will only download the audio portion of the YouTube.
I had the wherewithal to save it on my computer..

Watching the video of this, these do not look like a bunch of right wing conspiracy types..
Actually, it appears very legitimate... This Dr. is trying to give her opinion...

I have it saved in the form of an MP3 Format Sound (.mp3)

If anyone here knows how to tell me how to upload this so you can listen to it, I will..

We, as citizens of this country have been bullshitted before...YouTube taking this down only shows their own biases...



Well-known member
I believe China wanted this virus to spread throughout the world. China allowed international flights to and from Hubei province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, while taking stronger measures to ensure the virus didn’t spread within China. We need to bring our manufacturing home and sanction the shit out of China at the very least.


Active member
I do a little ceremony in my backyard each midnight involving incense, spiders, and chanting. I'm hoping that an asteroid strike will solve the problem for us.


Chemon 91
Like we're in position to do anything to China...

Hmm... but the world has begun looking over their shoulders in case...

China prints 6 nations currency and their own...

If someone came to you and offered double or triple for your home..car..would you sell?

Ya... money for nothing... they print it..the world's achillies heel.


actually that's exactly what the US did.

the relevant science article links have already been posted in the 2 main covid19 threads.

2x NIH grants, complete with 2 early warning systems for Pandemics, including an on the ground scientist in Wuhan.

Perfect Storm ... research was financed under Obama, Trump deleted the 2 early warning systems.

the question is, without this knowledge, what would "patriotic" Americans want to sue China for ?

Economic damages + $X million per death & $Y per disability (lung scarring, stroke).

well, the US could rightly be added as a Defendant to that lawsuit.

And the damages - if we use the numbers people would want to use against China, before they become aware of the US involvement - $1000 Trillion, which will be reduced because the US & China can't pay it.

looking forward to the question being put to Fauci - he was one of the NIH leads at the time the 2x 3.7 million dollar grants were let out to the Wuhan lab.

being a fellow American, I cherish your freedom to believe what you want to believe.
even conspiracy theorem..
at least you, appear, to have done some homework judging by your response.
not to mention, I respect your views based on that apparent fact.

rock on.



Active member
I believe China wanted this virus to spread throughout the world. China allowed international flights to and from Hubei province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, while taking stronger measures to ensure the virus didn’t spread within China. We need to bring our manufacturing home and sanction the shit out of China at the very least.

Trump played golf while Americans died. Can’t blame China for that. Self responsibility. It’s hard I know.


Well-known member
I believe China wanted this virus to spread throughout the world. China allowed international flights to and from Hubei province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, while taking stronger measures to ensure the virus didn’t spread within China. We need to bring our manufacturing home and sanction the shit out of China at the very least.

Why would China want to do harm to it's customers?


Active member
Is that the best you can do pal? Im a small personal grower and I AM doing very well having learned a lot from this place. So back up your talk. In small organic grows I can do just as well as you, probably better. I gow with love and you probably grow with rage. Your just a off the hook, hair on fire type nut job.
AND nut job how about you have some input on the topic at hand. Your buddies in china, what should the US do to offset the fact that that country let a lethal and devastating virus loose on the world??
I promise you all i have is LOVE for this plant as it has blessed me with a beautiful life. Been on the front lines for over 30 years specifically so i don't have to deal with people like you.

Based on comments in this thread you seem like an angry middle aged white man who shops at Walmart and maybe out of work because you work in the retail sector.

As for my views about what to do to China-

The world needs to hold them accountable.

Move manufacturing in house or to friendlier countries.

Stop shopping at Walmart for that cheap Chinese merchandise.