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What kind of animal would you be?


Don Cotyle

If they were real I would be a dragon, firebreathing, flying bad ass dragon. If I got hungry I grab a cow and have a snack. I could burn down a mature plant and inhale it all for a nice buzz :)

Since there are no dragons I'd have to be a male White Wolf, running wild and free, the thrill of the hunt, pack life and chilling in the sun in the tall grass!


Human but if we are saying besides that, maybe a sloth, they sleep like 16 hours a day, dont move much, are vegetarians, and dont even drink water too much. But maybe I would be a baboon eating datura all day in africa or an elephant eating opium balls, where ever it is they do that again. If plants count I would be a great sequoia tree.


Well-known member
I would want to be Jessica Alba's Boyfriends Penis.

Or a Dolphin off the Florida Coast where I could surf, eat sushi all day and swim with all the hot girls in thongs on South Beach. And if I needed a vacation I could just go Island hopping throughout the Caribbean. :wave:



too bad the image uploader is fucked up, or i'd post what i'd be. ill edit it in when it's up and running again...
other than what i would post a picture of, i'd want to be a cat. definately a leapord of some sort. maybe snow leapord.


Active member
i would be a sloth ....sleepin all day..spend my nights in bars! Italian Spaghetti! fo real tho i would be a bird maybe an owl....def a bird...


I'd probably be a fox. Stealthy, fast, decent hunter and quite cute. Maybe a penguin, though. It's a tough one.


Active member
whoa this thread went downhill....

now we wanna be penguins and sloths....lol

no offense guys, but thats not my call.

im still a wolverine or any member of weasel family ('verine, badger, skunk, etc...)
...scavenger like a motherfucker


NOKUY said:
whoa this thread went downhill....

now we wanna be penguins and sloths....lol

no offense guys, but thats not my call.

LOL; penguins got it made brah


The great white shark, no one in sea can fuck wit it. But wouldnt be able to get any weed.

Condor would be ok also, could spot any ganja grow ops from miles away and it would be awesome to just fly above andes.


Active member
kaappikapina said:
The great white shark, no one in sea can fuck wit it. But wouldnt be able to get any weed.

Condor would be ok also, could spot any ganja grow ops from miles away and it would be awesome to just fly above andes.

see now thats a good thought out answer.

one of my fav. authors is edward abbey (monkey wrench gang etc...)
he always said he'd wanna be a "turkey vulture" cuz they can soar like an eagle, and no one cares to fuck w/ 'em. that would be high on my list too.


if i could be any animal in the world i think i'd like to be... Charlton Heston

sure he's a bit old and doddery but he's made some great biblical films
