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The Virus strikes!


Well if youve not heard already (some big threads on IC a while)

we are in a bit of a pickle, shelves are emptying of essentials, sports and other crowd gatherings postponed, things havnt took hold yet and this is not a doomsday thread, having a very sick wife prompted me to open the disscussion on more local terms.

Yes its 24/7 on news channels but id like to hear from stonners, concerns, advise etc....easy for some to buy a deck chair and zip themselves in the tent 3 months, i did it nearly ten years:dance013: and id probably do it now if not for commitments.

so hows it hangin UK ...im east mids and its looking bleak, wish i could be more optomistic

bests Cmoon
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Active member
i dont believe the hype, im pretty sure ive had it already as i was ill over xmas and new years with the exact same symptoms!

funny how i been feeling better the past 3 weeks and now everyone is getting ill :laughing:


i dont believe the hype, im pretty sure ive had it already as i was ill over xmas and new years with the exact same symptoms!

funny how i been feeling better the past 3 weeks and now everyone is getting ill :laughing:

and your age and genral health? and could you discribe the symptoms?:tiphat:

Harry Lime

Active member
Nearest village is five miles, twenty miles from the nearest town but there's already a case there. Woman came back from Italy over a week ago. Only went down with it yesterday. Her kids have been at school all week.

I organise live music events. I just cancelled every one till July. The wife's work told her to take her company laptop home tonight and work from home.
We got the cupboards stacked, a ruck of dog food and a load of beer today. I got a delivery of coco coming tomorrow.
My Old Man's pretty crocked so I bought a commode today and I'm fetching him over on Sunday. Then that's it. Self isolation for the forthcoming.

I'm in an out the way place, off the road, no neighbours so I don't expect to see anyone.
I don't know if it's an over reaction or not but I had flue twenty years ago led to pneumonia. I had a few asthma attacks since then so I'm at risk. I don't trust the government or anyone else but myself.


sounds reasonable to me Harry, make sure you have loads of skins or you will have to fce the zombie nation:smoky:

Harry Lime

Active member
sounds reasonable to me Harry, make sure you have loads of skins or you will have to fce the zombie nation:smoky:

I vape oil now Cmoon. I used to have half packs of skins all over the place but not any more.
Only thing I got for the apocalypse is an old archery bow but I think zombies are immune to arrows.:biggrin:


I vape oil now Cmoon. I used to have half packs of skins all over the place but not any more.
Only thing I got for the apocalypse is an old archery bow but I think zombies are immune to arrows.:biggrin:

Charlton Heston (solent green) vape in hand:bandit: H....let them have it:dance013:


Active member
and your age and genral health? and could you discribe the symptoms?:tiphat:

early 40's, good health generally as ive been training and eating well for the past year... but i do have some medical conditions hence looking after myself recently

symptoms for me was no runny nose, waking up feeling like i had been hit by a bus, my muscles and bones ached, couldnt sleep bcos i was coughing all the time, constant shortness of breath, was nearly passing out on puffs of a joint:woohoo: just was physically drained and had no energy with a constant dry cough

my dog was ill too, he was ill first....he had a cough, was sick a few times & his chest and breathing sounded like a crumpled up paper bag


e2add: i am one of those that always gets a cough/cold before everyone else for some reason


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
All good in Kent and NE London,,,where we are,,,,like Xmas at supermarkets In NE London,,
Panic buying,,,,,lots of ££££profit for the big SMs,,,,
Hopefully the warmer weather will “”put it to bed,””,,,,,
Keep well everyone,,,,s2

moses wellfleet

Well-known member


Autistic Diplomat in Training

Probably go down as the most successful 'infection test' of a weaponizable illness in history. The curious bits are how the host is infectious for 4-days to a week before symptoms show. Massively useful trait for war. Right now the lethality is low, but I'll bet dollars to donuts there's a lethal version out there in a lab somewhere.

That being said the 'sick' are not staying home, so you should work on avoiding contact with them. Until this is past, there's no real way to tell.

Stay alkaline, stay healthy.


Boris Johnsons Hurd immunity in real terms means survival of the fittest and the worlds found itself very wanting in its duty of care.

no news report gos without lots of coverage to financial losses but Bogjob hints at you may lose loved ones, hes good for mardi gra not a crisis:tiphat:


Well-known member
Empty shelves everywhere here... stupid bastard shops knew this would happen- empty shelves = 0 profit.
Dry non perishable goods should not run out in a large store, terrible management.
Im also wondering if we had this virus in my house over new year- the cough just carried on for weeks.


Well-known member
People phoning in are being told to stay home, but are not being tested. It's a quite pointless call, because I can tell you the outcome now. Any problems, stay home, no testing. So where do the figures come from?

I have had a cough, from a little goo in my throat, for 5 weeks. That's not it. a week ago I started feeling stupid/foggy a lot. Hours to get it together, which lasted about 4 or 5 hours before I was bolloxed. Then after a day out 4 days ago, I was sick. Next day, bit snotty and foggy all day. Felt a bit cold. Guts off. Boarderline headache. Couple of crap days, but ate like a horse yesterday and felt fine today. Until I went out. Cold air in my lungs had them hurting again. Forehead about to break a sweat. My cough that seemed to go in favour of a dryer throat, is back.

I think there are a few things going about, and I have had two or three of them. Last year.. nothing. The lingering cough isn't linked to the high temperature illnesses though. It's just a pathetic annoyance.


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] It's just a pathetic annoyance. [/FONT]
Thats associated to lots of things, iv smoked from 12, weed since 25 and oil from 45 17 years ago..iv had a cough for 50 years which iv seriously enjoyed:biggrin: and in the last 20 kept the whisky industry fully employed.

We are one, but not the same! my wife contracts any lung infection I will need more than flowers.

bests all, do whats best:tiphat:


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
They are saying to keep your throat wet so the germs slide down, past the lungs. They are using alcohol to disinfect and kill the virus, and ethanol works. Why not use ethanol to keep your throat wet, and kill virus too?

Put the alky in a throat spray bottle and use it when needed. I have been using a cane alcohol based throat spray for a couple years, and it is nice.


In the words of master Po What is this Kane you speak of Grassyhopper ?

im doing Ginger wine mouth washes neat , swallowing not spitting inbetween numbers:dance013: