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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I live alone and am a back sleeper...don't believe I have my mouth open but who knows...I will certainly look into the apnea when I see the doctor thursday...thanks for all the info...
No problem. One last thing, and I'm not saying this in an attmpt to make you think anything one way or another but the most common sleep position for people that snore is on their back. Of course there are plenty of people who sleep on their back that don't snore so it's more a point of corrolation then it is a point of causation.


Well-known member
View attachment 19006168

View attachment 19006169

So simple to make and so wickedly strong. Truely "Talk to GOD" grade if you dive a bit too deep.

The power of the Lecithin compels you! It really is the driving part of Kat's recipe.
Decarb 240 F for 40 (115 C)
5-gram hash
1 tablespoon Coconut oil (15ml)
1 teaspoon Fearn liquid lecithin (5ml) any liquid will do.
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Freeze (optional)
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Fills 30 #0 capsules @ 65mg each.

Go into the light!

Filling them caps must be a tedious messy ass job


Well-known member
Filling them caps must be a tedious messy ass job

Tedious yes, messy no. I use a pair of strong readers and the Mr. Coffee mug warmer keeps the slurry hot and flowing well in a bent tip eyedropper. I pull the next load when I set the dropper down and it's just a couple of drops more then a full capsule. I know from long practice just when to stop with a drop short of dead flat. 20 drops for a #0 capsule.

Each dish is a triple size and fills right at 90 capsules and I'll run off 4 dishes worth before my back is screaming and my hand is cramping. I cluster all my work in a about a week 4 times a year when I harvest, make hash, make capsules from same. Do tincture and reduce to RSO. All the while I'm trimming and drying to jar the current set.


Well-known member

Dec 2016 was about as many as I stockpiled. I had a grow neighbor using as many as I was at the time.
800ish per jar


Well-known member
I don't believe the media ...period. We are being lied to and treated like sheep. I won't play!
Totally agree! Once I learned they lied to us that was it.

I also learned that the Smith Mundt Act which forbid propaganda being used on America was changed by Obama so that propaganda COULD be used on Americans... now why would he do that???

Well then... that changed everything for me. THAT's why Trump said "You are fake news!" When I first heard that I thought "What the hell is he talking about?" Now America is waking up and can SEE with their own eyes what's really going on, unless they're so blinded by the "two party" uni-party system they can't think for themselves anymore... if ever.

If you do get the Jibbyjab... good on you! I suggest you make sure your affairs are in order... just in case we here in 'conspiracy land' are correct, so far we're batting 900.

Covid is/was the flu rebranded. The PCR test which amplifies a very small sample of DNA was never designed to 'test' for anything especially when pushed to 45x! Interesting that the inventor Kary Mullis died in August 2019 just before CV19 transpired...

Ivermectin and zinc work on viruses, as does HCQ and zinc. I suggest everyone acquire some.


Well-known member
That's kind of funny because there are a lot of democratically minded people that would say that CNN once known for having a strong liberal bias has tanded to report more conservatively since about the time they fired Former NY Gov. Cuomo's brother.

The problem with media beyond any pre established bias (which virtually all operate under) is that too many people just listen to one source and run with whatever they hear. Nobody should take any reporting as gospel. Everyone should take any report as just an informational starting point and if it is something imprtant or meanigful to them they should seek out more information usually from multiple sources and pay close attention to the words used in report. If you listen closely and pay attention to things like tone and syntax, etc. You can usually tell when someone is saying something based on their bias.
Most people are bottom feeders when it comes to information.

One might do well to investigate who owns the MSM. It's very informative. Then learn who has been censoring content on YT, FB, Twitter et al.... correlation DOES equal causation!!


Well-known member
Premium user
Could you elaborate?
If the beautiful nurse gets a warm feeling in the force whilst I am in her care due to some illusion of me and needs to satisfy the urge to touch me is one thing
Other instances are determined by each actual event as it occurs.
Realistically ,the main culprit in all the inappropriate touching in my life done to me was by me.🙄