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sure ...

that is from 4 years ago ... my, how time flies when i do pandemic. the cube is 2" x 2" x 2".

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this is the bud bowl that fits into that tube shown above - draw tube is 16mm x 150mm rimless test tube.
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the cube fits into a case with a 2-cell battery pack, cable, glass holders, stash can. pix in my albums but can't seem to embed them in this post.
The heater is the coil wrap around the outside of the glass isolated from the airpath I assume where does the air intake?
Slicker than shit design how stable does it maintain the temp?


Well-known member
Not everyone takes cash around here. It’s like a thing of the past…

Well, if Warren Buffett can still pay cash for everything (which he says he does) then there is hope for us mere mortals. By using cash we exercise one of our constitutional freedoms. Using currency to pay for something, rather than having to trade goods for goods, or goods for services, or maybe lug gold around (when it was $35 per ounce). Never used or traded in crypto. Never. I do use my credit cards when needed. For the very obvious protections they provide for larger purposes. As I have stated before, we need to resist and fight the Borg whenever it is possible! :ninja:


Cash is freedom digital is slavery seems pretty simple to me.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Wasn't it claimed to be some US government project down in Mississippi that created the G13 in the first place? - I guess that if I was looking to attain that particular variety after all these years - I'd start with Ben or Ravi Dronkers from Sensi Seeds - they are said to have aquired it ages ago and then crossed it with the Hashplant to make the 'Mr Nice' G13xHashplant - named after Howard Marks's nic name -
Not only dedicated scientists, the folks in this crowd are historians. Jeebus.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Hi Unca,

Can you not beat the ding out of the helmet and get it polished up?
Seems crazy a legal state won't let folks have it legally?
@BumSplodgeBrownPants -- It ain't the state of Florida. YOU could walk in a ganja store here in Floriduh and buy whatever you'd like. It is legal here "medically". <-- That is a "wink-wink" thing: They have doctors that advertise they see patients with pain and they prescribe weed.

TINS. The problem is the US Gummint. IF you are veteran collecting a stipend for what they term "service connected disability", you can ONLY legally smoke weed if you claim to the Gubmint that you now have PTSD.

It gets deeper. If you trustingly claim you have bang-itis (which I do not) then you can keep your stipend for service injury. BUT! <-- One minor detail: You also agree that agents of the Gummint can come in to your home and confiscate all your firearms and other weapons. And for the hell of it, they can return and search at any time.

Such is the price of volunteering for military service.

The funny part is that this ole sojer is the pantywaist in this crowd. My worst ever lawbreaking on record was doing 65mph in a 55mph zone. Married to the same woman for 65 years (only woman I ever knew in the Biblical sense, BTW). Salutes the fargin flag lit at night hanging out over the road.

Oh. And in the past, the cops would come out to my house on the Fourth of July. So they could fire my cannon.

I am a real scary lawbreaker.

Unca Walt

Well-known member

Unca Walt

Well-known member
The best laid plans...

Murphys' law applies :(

My brother has been here on vakay.
Today we head to Detroit for his daughters wedding pix.
He got a call from his bank late yesterday to notify him
that his card was shut down due to 'suspicious' activity.
YAY they were on it but...
How is he now to check out of the hotel?

Luckily, I did not close out my personal line of cred. acct.
at my bank and it is just across the street from his hotel.
Gonna go yank some cash out so I can spring him
from his lodgings.

He was kind freaking out and now, all is well :)

Ever onward.
That is a great comedy sketch for a sitcom.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
The Georgia cops where I lived were pulling everyone on the street past 11:00. I worked 2nd shift a lot and routinely got pulled over for stupid things like my licence tag bulb not being brite enough. I drove a Chevy conversion van at the time which I also felt was a target. They would shine their bright ass light all around inside my vehicle asking me what’s in the empty xerox paper boxes I brought home from work. I would be shaking nervous you would have thought I was carrying a pound of cocaine but the brite blue lights and flashlights and harassment was scary to me.
That's just fargin wrong. Little dicks need help.


Well-known member
Good morning all. 🌞 My mom had gout. She took tart cherry extract when it acted up. Worked everytime. 😁 I dont take my blood pressure or visit a doctor. I do not take any medication. However, I have always been very self-aware of how I feel so I dont have any medical surprises. I live on a farm, do heavy physical labor all day long and eat once a day. I eat anything that is on hand so that I can get back to work. I weigh the same as I did in high school and have not changed physicaly since high school. I guess I have good genetics. 😁 Otherwise, I have nothing to report. My life is still boring……🫣

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Happy Satyrday brothers and sister! Let the good times roll!

Another gorgeous day starting at 44F and predicted to reach 61F.

An empty calendar open to intemperate behavior. Trying to decide between lascivious and licentious, or debauchery and depravity, which ever seems to fit best.



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ICMag Donor
Up here in Canuckistan, it is the first long weekend of the summer. Known colloquially as May 2-4, it was originally a celebration of Queen Victoria’s birthday. Many people stream north to enjoy our cottage country - to be greeted by very cold fresh lake water and the start of bug season. As they say, I have been there and done that so we are staying home and gardening. :rolleyes: