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The Gypsy Nirvana - Simple/Stupid Way - to grow good Cannabis - for £1/$1.20 -


White Window
I think that it's best to just leave the plants alone - other than watering them for these last 2 weeks of what looks like very sunny days - there is already plenty of very succulent resinous buddage on them - enough to satisfy my desire for good toking material
(y) And there is enough green in the plant left to use for herself... will be a smooth smoke. 🍂:kos:🌻

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
For the last few days I've been taking the dead/brown fan leaves off the plants - it's easy to tell if they are ready to go - all I do is put my index finger where the leaf joins the stem - and push down slightly - and if the leaf comes away from the plant easily - then it gets thrown away - more light is then available to the flowering areas under that leaf - and the drained looking dead leaf is binned - since they are of no more use to the plant = surplus to requirements -

There is plenty of flowering growth still - which has been taking full advantage of the very warm and sunny weather over the past week - so the plants are getting heavier with sticky flowers - which is nice -

My kids went back to school last Wednesday - and I was planning to harvest the Amnesia Kush Auto's around about now - but since we have some record September sunshine here - I've decided to let the trio of plants go on flowering under this unusually sunny and warm autumn weather - for at least another week -

If the weather was wet and damp at this time of year - which often it is - then the plants would have been chopped/taken down to be dried and manicured to avoid moulding - in the usual wet/damp foggy-cold atmosphere of an English autumn -

- The sun will be up soon - then I'll add some photos -
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Well-known member
1:10 would be very strong. I was talking 1:1000
Search results suggest it's between 10 and 18% N. I have not seen a bottle of cannabis feed with that much N in it. Though some feeds are higher, like miracle grow, which iirc is 24.
With many bloom feeds around 3%, carrying directions of 5ml per liter (1:200) I thought 1:1000 seemed fair. Most isn't going to become available, so it's little more than a token gesture.
Actually pissing in the pot is a salt nightmare. While a 1:10 is perhaps a single correction, that should last for some time. It's probably the better option, but I just don't fancy it.

Sounds like it might glow in the dark, with Gypsy's offering. We need another plan, if anything is to work. That last pic makes the situation look better than I first thought though. It might not even be N that's yellowing that one.
1:10 is what I have heard too from many many sources. (for veg). There must be something off with your math. And how I have done it is the flower power way, just have a leak, BUT then followed up with water to dilute it down, but trust me I haven't carried 1000x my bladder volume to the spots, I think not at least.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
All 3 plants are looking quite formidable now as they advance towards harvest time - the scent they give off is divine - and hard to describe - in all its sweetness - I have chopped off one bud to dry and test - so eager after waiting 3 and a half months of growing - to find out how they toke -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Championing great British produce!
Yeah - but you cant buy this at the supermarket - you just can't buy these particular plants - because they will all be used by myself - for personal use -

- I'm just trying to show how easy and cheap it is to grow a few plants for yourself - if you happen to have a safe and secure balcony - or a private outdoor area to grow in - auto/fems seem to be the way to go -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I bet you have a good source of seeds
Usually we have plenty of opportunities for members to get hold of some freebie seeds on site - competitions by vendors - giveaways by breeders - for grow and show - or just generous members - the plants I have grown here are from freebie seeds given to me by the owner of Urban Legends Seeds -
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Well-known member
1:10 is what I have heard too from many many sources. (for veg). There must be something off with your math. And how I have done it is the flower power way, just have a leak, BUT then followed up with water to dilute it down, but trust me I haven't carried 1000x my bladder volume to the spots, I think not at least.
1:1000 is 180ppm if it's 18%
If that was no3 it would be high, but as it's nh4 you would be lucky to convert half of it over two weeks. Giving just 10ppm a day. So the plant would still be using it's leaves, but being aided by the pee. Leaves alone won't satisfy a plants full needs, so while they are dying back, the plant slows in response to reduced N availability.
As the idea of peeing on your plants is pretty gross, and problematic, I didn't want to suggest any more.
A PK boost was never on my mind, as repressing the N has the same effect of making it look lacking, slowing the plant. The later plant looked more like Mg than N, so I'm happy with my playing safe approach. Though practice makes perfect, not just a calculator. The conversion rate is related to carbon levels, and bio activity. Which is outside of what I'm learning

I have a bit of a pee around my outdoors, but not where the roots are going. It's just marking my ground.


Well-known member
Nettle tea is "the other" often suggested free nitrogen source.

Seems more like a springtime thing to me but just got stung yesterday so they are still around, maybe it's a viable option even this time of year.

Gypsy's plants I think will be just fine without any assuming they only have a couple weeks left, though.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Nettle tea is "the other" often suggested free nitrogen source.

Seems more like a springtime thing to me but just got stung yesterday so they are still around, maybe it's a viable option even this time of year.

Gypsy's plants I think will be just fine without any assuming they only have a couple weeks left, though.


Speaking of Nettles - over in the 2 spare pots - where 2 Amnesis Kush seedlings got battered by the weather - and eaten by slugs - we have 3 Stinging Nettle plants growing - because I just let the weeds grow - to see what would grow out of the soil from under the apple tree -


Well-known member
Autos are a real blessing for English weather.
Nettle tea is great for N, though plentiful in the countryside, not sure how common it is in London.
Hope the aromas aren't alerting the neighbors!
Looking forward to the final product.
Yes, while I'm peeing around my plants to keep the wildlife away, Gypsy is probably nipping out his condo to pee on the stairs :)

The nettle idea kind of aligns for my idea of blending green leaves. I was thinking cabbage/cauliflower waste. N is very soluble.

Edit: Damn, nettles already on site. I didn't see that coming :)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes, while I'm peeing around my plants to keep the wildlife away, Gypsy is probably nipping out his condo to pee on the stairs :)

The nettle idea kind of aligns for my idea of blending green leaves. I was thinking cabbage/cauliflower waste. N is very soluble.

Edit: Damn, nettles already on site. I didn't see that coming :)
I wouldn't try and pee on the Nettles - in my youth a mistake was made doing such a thing - whilst inebriated - and wobbly - leading to a very stung and sore todger -

Since we have an operational latrine on the premises currently - that shouldn't be happening - perhaps I should be considering making 'Nettle Pee Tea' - from them? - Hmmm - now that's a thought! - lol

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Autos are a real blessing for English weather.
Nettle tea is great for N, though plentiful in the countryside, not sure how common it is in London.
Hope the aromas aren't alerting the neighbors!
Looking forward to the final product.
Thanks for the positivity Maria - the hot 🔥 air rises - and we are on the 3rd floor - with no one above us - so with the hot air goes any smell from the plants - usually - but at night - when the temperature drops - and we have a good breeze/wind - the scent can get around - but mostly when people are sleeping - its dark out - and balcony life is at its least populated -

I have heard of Nettle tea - but never have tried it - perhaps it's time to make my own?

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Thanks for the positivity Maria - the hot 🔥 air rises - and we are on the 3rd floor - with no one above us - so with the hot air goes any smell from the plants - usually - but at night - when the temperature drops - and we have a good breeze/wind - the scent can get around - but mostly when people are sleeping - its dark out - and balcony life is at its least populated -

- View attachment 18887587 I have heard of Nettle tea - but never have tried it - perhaps it's time to make my own?
It's quite easy to make.
Use a bucket or something like that, throw in a lot of nettles, cover it, and let it sit for a few days at least. It'll turn dark green -- the more nettles and longer you leave it the darker it'll get.
Then again, that's my recipe for an allotment.
For just a couple of pots, maybe stuff that small amount of nettles into a big cola or milk bottle, and add water.
If you are worried about the sting, hot water will totally remove it. That's why you can boil nettles and eat them like any green leafy veges.
I used to have a lot of nettles around my allotment as you can guess. Kept people away from my, um, er, special medicinal herbs, that grew about 5 yards away. ;-)


Well-known member
It's quite easy to make.
Use a bucket or something like that, throw in a lot of nettles, cover it, and let it sit for a few days at least. It'll turn dark green -- the more nettles and longer you leave it the darker it'll get.
Then again, that's my recipe for an allotment.
For just a couple of pots, maybe stuff that small amount of nettles into a big cola or milk bottle, and add water.
If you are worried about the sting, hot water will totally remove it. That's why you can boil nettles and eat them like any green leafy veges.
I used to have a lot of nettles around my allotment as you can guess. Kept people away from my, um, er, special medicinal herbs, that grew about 5 yards away. ;-)
this so-called nettle tea is illegal in France. Which means that it´s really good.
It´s said to keep bugs away - hope I remember this correctly. Anyway, it´s meant to be great for plants all round.
You can use the entire plants, even the roots (I think). Just chuck it into a large container, cover with water and let it sit for a long time.
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Well-known member
Wow, never would have guessed.
Why the f**k would they prohibit nettle tea?
no idea! I´m guessing because it´s good stuff and...it´s free.
People are then forced to buy chemicals/artificial stuff from manufacturers who of course pay taxes....
I don´t know the actual reasoning behind it but it´s stupid imo.

I found out about nettle tea watching a TV program some years ago. I was really surprised and shocked when they mentioned this law.

People still do it, but it´s a bit like growing weed - they have to do it in secret. This one guy was doing it it and giving it to his neighbours for their gardens.

You know, some EU twit in Brussels will be proposing that composting apples should be against the law one day too, sigh.

Politicians and paper pushers really should not interfere with stuff they know nothing about...such as agriculture for instance.
Just my 2 cents :)